All my friends have tier, and I don't. Feels bad

The problem is most likely me. Thing is, the only thing I enjoy in WoW currently is doing my M+ runs with my friends. Playing with pugs isn’t something I want to do, playing solo is downright boring. To me.

When the only content I’m in for revolves around pushing keys, trying to squeeze as much out of our characters as we can, having no tier set bonuses feels much worse. We did a +20 last week (did not time it.)

And I’m certain the limiting factor isn’t our gear, but it does matter somewhat. Some people have the skill to beat content in subpar gear, most of us need the gear to “carry us” over certain mechanics/harder keys.

It is just a bit annoying when I spent my week filling the vault with at least 18s, and none of the 3 rewards make any sense to me.

Yes it’s RNG, yes I don’t really need it, but it sure as hell feels bad and makes me want to not play.

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easier to get 1.6 in pvp and free token :slight_smile:

rng is rng. i got tier pieces in GV today for my monk and warror :slight_smile: next week maybe someone else wil lget it.

in 3 weeks we will get catalyst and all this wont matter because everyone will be runing in 4 sets.

thas because"average " players dont clear full hc in first week of season .

and average dont really need tier sets for content they do.

welfare system is coming in few weeks just chill out till then .

This element of RNG is sad. Everyone should get 1 piece of tier every week, impossible to get more or less. 1 piece. So everyone is on the same page

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People are always dramatic when tier takes time to get nowadays. You think we’re not playing an mmo anymore

Outcry or whining?

well some certainly dont anymore . mainly mythic raiders and m+ pushers.

they only care about fast seasonal instanced content.

i kinda blame tiers which are now to short because blizzard is artificialy rushing them . for me perfect lenght of tier was 9-10 months. not shorter not longer.

impossible anymore with unfinieshed expansions being rushed because of stupid presales .

5-6 months tiers are way to short for my liking you feel way to rushed if you want to do anythung more in game.

this is also why people rush so much with gearing - they know they dont have skills to complete it fast and they have only 2-3 months realisticaly before really good players quit till next season and higher raids / keys are borderline unplayable.

Yeah. And season 1 was even shorter than 5 months. It encourages rushing.

Makes no sense whatsoever to delay the Catalyst after Race for World First is done.

Anyone defending the system in which you have to rely on RNG for weeks and then you have one charge per piece each week waiting at least four resets to get your four pieces if you’re really unlucky is straight up dumb.

You could try pugging raids. It wouldn’t guarantee tier, but it’s something you could do that might save you from feeling that you’re falling behind and don’t want to play.

well… you paying for time and they need u to waste it as much, as they can make u without u leaving the game.
it wouldnt hurt that much though, if they woldnt force this dumb loot system on PUGs, where u see how exactly every additional player on class from ur token is broking ur chances.

You can say whatever you want but having your 2 - set or 4 - set WONT give u 10k dps or even wont do 5 k more dpS.

It is annoying, but on the bright side these tier sets arent really powerfull most of them are boring tbh.

I doubt anyone enjoyed waiting ~5 months to unlock all gear on a single character. If the only reason people stick around in your game is because you artificially gate their progression, then the game is bad.

Quite frankly, for a PvE game wow has done an amazing job retaining players throughout the years. I mean, in PvP games you create a single map in CSGO, or LoL and it occupies people for 10 years. Compared to that most PvE games either need tremendous amount of content or constant new updates to keep players around.

If you tell your friend, hey I do not want to be a friend of you any more, can make a new friend that does not make you feel bad for the lack, and have more fun with them because they are also a good person.

Same. On 2 characters in 2 weeks (3 choices each) - in total I got 1 tier pc. Great I guess. And then it comes the tricky part - in order to join higher level keys I will need to have 4set, which I won’t have for at least another 4-5 weeks.

Day one catalyst with infinite charges and buyable max ilevel gear sound good?

Oh don’t you realise having four set will quadruple my damage and make me a pro player /s

How do you get that exactly? I want it too!