I was enjoying Blitz until my Warlock went 24-3 and still found itself queueing into 1300-1500 MMR lobbies.
Maybe they’ve fixed it now but it was enough to put me off the mode pretty irreparably. If a game mode is going to subject me to the whims of 7 other random gamers then the very least it can do is match me with better players when I win.
U are overcomplicating this. Using an example was just a means to get my point across. I know i could carry my friends, but again my point is different. I’m trying to make a generalized argument using a specific example. A solution, however, to this specific example doesn’t solve the general problem. I’m just expressing how this situation has affected me and my friends. Yes i know i could help them get higher rating.
Also, no, I play whatever spec I prefer. I don’t enjoy healing and I won’t force myself to “carry” my friends for the sake of it. Your solution (even to my problem) is problematic.
You can’t ever blame the general masses and that’s a rule of thumb. When large groups of people have certain behaviors, it’s the developers who are in control of the design of the systems who are at fault (in this situation being blizzard). They are the only ones that can somewhat control how players act and react to certain systems and rewards.
You can’t always give what masses are asking for either.
Players will always ask for everything to be easier when they find something inconvenient and hard to get.
When you get something “more easy” and don’t have to work for it your achievements mean less and you will go … meeh, it doesn’t mean that much, let’s move on on to the next thing and forget about what I just did".
For example in classic I got more happy about greens than I get for epics in today’s WoW.
A newbie most likely can get above 1600 with some time and effort within a season.
All that is required really is to hang in there, not blame others and looking for ways to improve without giving up.
It’s not easy or convenient but it will mean more once you get to 1800 for transmog for example.
If everyone could have 1800 easy it will mean nothing.
The system is old and tested, so that’s not the issue. The problem with blitz is that 8 players make the team. So for low impact specs, rng is a huge factor, what teammates and what classes u gonna roll on ur team. That can make it relatively tricky, making players win games they don’t deserve and lose games they would deserve to win.
Also it seems majority of players like to press their dps rotation in death match. I many times saw on this forum made up info that there are more players in bgs and it’s most popular bracket in wow than arena. Now we see even in extremely hardcapped shuffle there are many times more players than in free rating blitz. On top of that in blitz u getting High Warlord and possibly u r able to tmog classic pvp sets. If it still requires rgb titles.
This is was exactly what had been said about shuffle when it was introduced in s1 (not mentioning df prepatch, not worth it). But somehow there are lots of players with 70%+ winrate in top of the ladder. Doubt they are extremely lucky
You are probably talking about Avidance and Mira? They are extremely good, they are duo queing as sub MW and literally carrying almost every game even at 3k mmr, nothing sketch going on.
I do. But only after I’ve obtained my rewards, then I can grief in lower brackets and put myself in the situation I’d been put to while I myself was pushing, thst is facing people 600+ exp higher than me. Now, THAT’s fun.
I don’t “brick” it, because at that point I’d already gotten what I wanted. I can climb back anytime I want but I don’t enjoy the games. Been doing it every single season, I play till 2.4, then I drop back to around 2.1 cuz of chill games, carries, helping friend alts etc.