All my friends quit cause blizzard sucks and they don't fix pvp

I spent hours convincing 5 irl friends to try the new expansion. They are all moba enjoyers, and have had average xp in previous expansions of wow (1.8-2.2k) varying.

Let me tell you what, they wanted to grind 1.6 for token and 1.8 for elite set, and they got stuck at 1.5 shuffle. All players that have achieved at least rival rank in previous expansions.

All of them quit. Except for one that’s actually enjoying blitz and made it to 2.4 there even.

It’s horrible that it’s been 6 weeks with KNOWN issues on the mmr system on most pvp brackets.

Really dissapointed by the pvp treatment of this expansion. It’s a shame because i was really looking forward to it. Now all my irl friends stopped playing and i don’t think i can convince them again

If my arguments haven’t been enough: YOU ARE LOSING SUBS ON PVP BLIZZARD. pay someone who understands and plays the game at a high level to stay ontop of issues like this. 1 salary can’t be worse than all the subs you lost.

I am currently 2.9 in blitz on 2 chars and couldn’t care less about rewards personally, but seeing my friends and the general playerbase quit the game because of pure neglection angers me to say the least.


Maybe they need to practice a bit more? in time they will hit what they want to achieve if they fully want it.

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Yes im sure anyone can practice and eventually achieve almost anything depending on the hours put.

However, casual players that have families, jobs and other irl activities that impact the time and effort they can invest in the game, don’t have the ability to perfect their gameplay.

Casual players are currently getting hard griefed in pvp and can earn nothing from the time they invest. I am not a casual player and it infuriates me seeing people struggle like this.

edit: and my friends aren’t by any means “bad”. They are all 1.8-2.2 in last expansion as i mentioned. Anyone can improve, but the fact they they are not stuck at 1.5 or below says alot.


just avoid Solo shuff for this season

stick to blitz

you can Duo queue with your friends and beat 90% of the games
a single voice comm can beat any blitz match

As i also mentioned, one of my friend IS playing blitz and enjoying, the rest didn’t. You can’t force players into what they like and don’t like.

Holding players hostage to a specific game-mode is the worst thing that could ever happen, and is happening. And I’m saying this as a blitz enthusiast myself.

Are you implying there is no problem in pvp atm because blitz mmr is fine?

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we was held to arena for 15 years …
we have more choice now than normal

the only reason SS is bad is because of MMR is slow

you are a monk, tell your friends you can get them 2.4 rating they just need to help you carry the flag
im sure they will perk up when you say 2.4

I don’t play mistweaver, and I won’t carry my friends, that’s not the point and you are missing it.

MY EXAMPLE works as a metaphor that represents the entire arena playerbase (all of the people who love arena and shuffle) that are currently unsubbing.

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Why woulnd’t you play with your friends tho? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ofc i play with my friends. I have alts and we played before they quit. But my point wasnt to “carry” them

players play for rewards in rated

ive never met a player that plays rated pvp in wow because its " Fun "


I woulnd’t call it carry, why would you say that? if you two worked together, I’m pretty sure you guys can achieve your goals.

Hello, I play for fun

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I have earned every reward in PVP in the past and I just play for fun at the moment and know alot of others that do so too. I do push r1 some seasons, but on others i play just for fun

you could carry your mates as MW monk get instant queues and get 2.4 rewards EASILY
maybe you need to adjust to play with your friends and keep them online ?

i play 2 healers, and if i had IRL friends to play, YOU BET i would bench my hunter and play healer 100% of the time

Even if i do that, my friends like arena, not bgs, and EVEN if they liked bgs, that just solves my problem and not the one related to the general playerbase, and the people quitting that actually just play solo.

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the general playerbase. get the rewards and then dip

regardless of the gamemode

That’s totally fine and it’s always been like that. A season has never been unhealthier than this one.

I would rather people play and dip than people just give up and not play at all (which is happening now).

Again, what are u arguing for? are you trying to say that shuffle mmr shouldn’t be fixed? Seems like you are trying to justify blizzards neglect towards arena this season when its blatantly obvious its bad for the game.

quite the opposite, ive been advocating for them to fix MMR in every pvp post

but using your IRL friends as an example when you could easily carry them or help them aquire the rewards they want until blizzard fix the MMR

it isnt a far fetched solution to your issue and to keep your friends playing
which i believe is what you base your post on

the greater issue with SS and MMR theres 1000s of posts about it, im sure blizz are aware. all we can do now is Cope with it and find ways around it

like playing mistweaver and getting 2.4 instantly in blitz

  • TLDR: if you cannot accept change but expect others to jump at your whim. you will not benefit from it, its pretty bad with mmr i agree, but while its bad, tell your friends you can still get them the 2.4 rating by carrying flags in blitz and Blizzard should be fixing MMR and SS later on in the season

problem solved

That’s not an mmr issue though. Wow is just giga unfriendly for new or even returning players. I played shuffle just to test stuff and kinda “accidentally” hit 1.8 at some point at 2k mmr (and that was in the second week or so, my next lobby at 2k mmr had r1 players in it and it was giga sweaty).

I totally understand that people want rewards but when it comes to pvp we’ve reached a point where you need experienced players to introduce and explain everything to you. It’s why coaching is such a big business these days.

Yeah its always been the case unfortunately and they’ll likely never change it. Blizzard intentionally designs their games to have front-loaded difficulty that means most people won’t try or will quit early on.

Blitz is the anomaly right now in that it is in its late season state right away and so everyone is flocking to it because turns out its really fun earning rewards and seeing your numbers go up in an MMO that is largely about the accumulation of stuff on your account.

If I was a 3s/Shuffle gamer i’d have quit weeks ago.