All of my mouse over macros stopping to work at seamingly random

I’ve recently experienced an issue where suddenly all of my mouse-over macros stopped working and I’m trying to understand why it happened and what can I do to prevent it in the future. Please let me know if based of what I’ve described you can determine what happened and why.

All of the abilities were being cast on my character instead of mouse-over target, no matter if i was targeting player model or party frame. I was also not getting the menu that pops up after you right click someone’s party frame.

To fix it i tried:
disable all add-ons and then reload

Both did not fix the issue. Once i did manage to fix it by turning on and off the game but then i had another instance where that did not solve it either.

Overall, I’ve encountered this issue 4 times, two of which were during a dungeon (the Dawnbreaker), one before Mists and one which was right after (Grim Batol) .

I did notice that at least twice when this happened i did have some internet/small game freeze before the issue occurred. During mists (the latest time this happened) it also caused the login screen to the dungeon to be different that usual, it had some kind of frame on both sides, which only changed after i completely turned off and on the game.

I am using a keyboard keys for all this macros, here is an example of a macro that i use:
#showtooltip Renewing Mist
/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] [@player] Renewing Mist

Here’s the list of add-ons that i use, although after disabling all add-ons the issue persisted so I’m not sure if they are to blame:

  • Accountant

  • Astral Keys

  • Auctionator

  • Baganator

  • Battle Pet Battle UI Tweaks

  • Battle Pet BreedID

  • BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative (+all modules for different expansions )

  • BlizzMove

  • Cell

  • CraftSim

  • Details! Damage Meter

  • Dialogue UI

  • Dominos

  • ElWigo

  • Extended Transmog Sets

  • GTFO

  • HandyNotes

  • Leatrix Plus

  • LittleWigs

  • MinimapButtonButton

  • Mount Journal Enhanced

  • Narcissus

  • O Item Level (OiLvL)

  • OPie​

  • PetTracker

  • Plater Nameplates

  • Plumber

  • Prat 3.0

  • Simulationcraft

  • TomTom

  • WeakAuras

  • and a custom addon which is basically this:

hooksecurefunc("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor", function(s,p)s:SetOwner(p,"ANCHOR_CURSOR") end)

I have experienced this issue since the start of the expansion.
As a disci priest, I have all my spells on mouseover macros. Literally my pain suppression, power infusion, and in holy, my sanctify, guardian, and so forth.

Since the start of this exp, I noticed that sometimes I logged in the game and some mouseover macros were not working as intended. They gave the spell to me (Ex: PI, guardian/pain supp) instead of going to the mouseover target.
There was no way for me to know this unless in a dungeon/raid where I could see the spell not going to the intended target.

The only fix for me was to copy-paste the macro, delete the old one, and create a new one.

This is incredibly frustrating because since the majority of my spells is mouseover, in order for this not to happen I would have to redo all my macros everytime I log in. Which isn’t, of course, sustainable.

Yesterday I was at Ky’veza mythic and only today we discovered that my power infusion was going nowhere because of this bug.
This is inadmissible in mythic raiding.

I don’t know why I don’t see more people complaining about this, but this needs to be fixed.

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