All specs feel boring

Anybody else feeling just tired playing this class?

I’ve been playing a warlock since wotlk, played in classic and tbc.

It’s been bad since legion but in SL it just feels horrible.

It’s not about the damage or the utility or whatever.

Every spec feels boring and dull and slow.

Idk we need a revamp or something so badly next expansion, I hope I’m not the only one feeling like this.


Well the answer to the question of why specs feel boring lies in how they are designed, and if you’ll look at numbers of spec based abilities, you would be shocked to see how little we actually have.

Affliction - only 13 spec abilities (active and passive)

Demonology - only 14 spec abilities (active and passive)

Destruction - only 15 spec abilities (active and passive)

With such limited toolkit there was no possible way to construct an engaging gameplay for warlocks.

And just to compare us to other classes look at mages.
Arcane - 26 spec abilities (active and passive)

Fire - 27 spec abilities (active and passive)

Frost - 27 spec abilities (active and passive)

Just by the numbers, Fire or Frost mages have equal amount of abilities with combined Demonology and Affliction. Just think about it, blizz spend all this time on Mages, creating all those abilities, passives, ranks, etc, and they made crappy job with locks.


This guys gets it.

Roll Mage. Be happy.

@Faz its like an old marriage with lock , she doesnt look that great anymore but u still love her XD


hope next expansion will be better , all covenant ability are in a range from 40 sec-1 min cd , all have 2 sec cast time and 3 of them are dots ^^ , seems like they did not had enough time for more/better ideas

Perhaps it wouldn’t feel boring if we never played previous expansions.

How can any Warlock, objectively, love today’s design after experiencing Cata and MoP?


I’m getting to the point where I like the Tyrant, it still feels kinda weak compared to other classes. The Tyrant is cc’able and you can LoS him but only deals 6-7k dmg per hit.

I absolutely hate Tyrant.

Demo’s biggest burst is literally a switchable DoT. BM feels way better compared to Demo because you press the pet’s important abilities constantly, where in Demo your strongest pet/cooldown is a freakin’ switchable, gimmicky DoT. And Felguard’s damage is a joke compared to what a BM’s pet can do.

Its just awful.

I am looking forward to WOTLK so I can abandone (unsubbed but you know what i mean) this garbage of a spec and play my Demo with Meta.


People love visuals and overall ideas, they don’t think much about gameplay or implementation of ideas while they can do big and flashy dps numbers.

I know what you mean, I’m wating for mop classic. I would always pick meta style before apprentice summoner style.

It’s not about the number of spells. It’s about the spells themselves. Taking Destruction for example, it more or less has had the same exact playstyle since wotlk, and since wod the it feels like it’s regressed even more? It’s so dull, it’s got literally nothing exciting for it, even the visuals are somehow so much worse lmao.

Affliction is just throw a couple of dots that do no damage, get shards to spam a spender which barely does any damage either.

Demo’s like here you can have a bunch of useless AI that’s gonna do the stuff for you while you’re casting the longest casts known to man.

I’m sorry it’s just so sad, the talents were mostly stuff we used to have baseline, and more or less we’ve played the same talents since legion lmao. Imagine a world where you wouldn’t play DS for destro/aff or DCon for demo (in pve).

Like idek, it’s just stale.

Oh and also, all SL borrowed power is so boring, wow dots for warlocks? Groundbreaking.


I like the necrolord one, if they would add drain life to it then even Affliction could use it. This would be nice for the next xpac

It’s about number of passive talents.
2 seconds extended dot duration from tier set should be a passive talent long time ago.

I agree that classes shouldn’t feel so dull and slow, from what you wrote I can say you play destruction or demonology which really need more baselines to make it any interesting

The patch mid-Ulduar which turned Destruction into S-Tier overnight was insane.

Demo should be reverted to its mop design. This was a much better design and would fit better in the actual pvp meta.

Our five is a 4th spec for meta warlock.

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They should have just renamed meta into Demonic Tyranny and have us turn into a non-demon hunter demonic form instead of producing absolute garbage which was the Legion rework


Even tho current demo lock is thematically good, gameplay wise it is pure garbage. You can say it is DOT class that can be line of sighted… really good design I will have to say

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That’s what I also think of the apprentice summoner style. If demo warlock would be a master of summons, we wouldn’t have a talent that is called master summoner. The summons should all be instant only shadowbolt, Demonbolt, fear and so should be casts.

Demo should return to the roots in some aspects - like prime/main demon should be a major part of your gameplay, and not just being a source of damage.
Any prime/main demons should be viable for demonology, not only felguard. Felguard is an exclusive choice - not a mandatory pet.