I have a Blood Death Knight on ilvl 637 who completely owns. Nothing can kill him. He will never need any healing in his unlife. Enemies will be positioned perfectly at all times. You know what my healer said to me when we were going to do our weekly +11s?
Healer: “Don’t you have that 615 ilvl Protection Paladin alt?”
Me: “You want my alt with 22 ilvl less instead of my unkillable main?”
Healer: “I just would like someone to reliably interrupt the Web Bolts.”
This is what we have come to. Tanks are now nothing but interrupt machines thanks to Blizzard’s one-shotting caster dungeon design. If this continues for the entire expansion, all tanks except Protection Paladin will remain an undesired second choice and EVERYONE will suffer because of it.
Just take a look at m+ tank population for +15 and up:
Brewmaster Monks: 1.1%
Guardian Druids: 1.7%
Blood Death Knights: 1.7%
Vengeance Demon Hunters: 3.3%
Protection Warriors: 6.6%
Protection Paladins: 85,6%
You think there is a tank shortage now? Enjoy the upcoming TRUE tank shortage of HORROR if we get the same dungeon design in the future. You poor damage dealers will have to wait until Easter for your run to start.
You’re talking rubbish.
Just because your friend is an eejit doesn’t mean “all tanks except prot pala are useless in M+”
Weird how the first few weeks Prot pala was the bottom of the list and nobody really wanted them. Their damage and survivability improved, not their kicks. Now suddenly you think people are only after their kicks?
As usual, your “proof” is waving your arms and showing participation several levels above keys you’ll ever enter. The “any statistic is a good statistic” approach.
There are many things wrong with dungeons and balance atm.
Listening to your generic unfocussed whine that misses the point completely will solve none of them.
Well, how many keys are there being run at +15 and up? And with every single cast being literally deadly and Priests, who do not have an interrupt of their own, being in meta, it’s kinda expected that you wish to maximise your group’s ability to prevent sudden spontaneous explosions. Meta tends to trickle down onto key levels where it’s no longer relevant, and you get what you get. Wasn’t it always the case, just with different classes occupying meta slots in different seasons?
It is about dungeon design, though. Blizzard should probably reconsider their decision on stops not resetting inner CDs for trash casters.
Anything from +11 and above is irrelevant. The game officially ends at +10.
The trick is to do +11s to avoid all the delvers and baddies. Just like you, they will never do anything higher than +10, which makes me very happy.
Your friend has no idea what he is talking about.
The main reason paladins are played more than anything in higher keys, is because they are dealing almost the same damage as a dps. Back when survivability was the issue for tanks pushing, warriors were the pick. After the paladin buffs, they became the meta because of their damage.
Why would we care about those levels?
Oh, he also enjoys the extra damage. No doubt. Thanks for making the argument of me and my friend even stronger.
Problem with Prot Paladin is damages, they need to nerf it.
except this issue, you can be competitive with prot war, teddy bear, etc
So you look at stats for 0.3% +15 keys and up for +11’s. Ok… ?
And your friend is an idiot.
It’s more about the direct interrupts, especially since other ccs don’t do much to stop casters from casting anymore, but the fact that they deal the highest damage doesn’t hurt either of course.
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Oh no, don’t misunderstand.
I did not say that pala tanks are not the clear choice for pushing keys right now.
Just that it is not because of some design choice (like utility or defensiveness). It is just because they deal the most damage from the available tanks.
Next season another tank is gonna do more damage than the rest, and they will be picked by 70-80% of the top players. This is kind of the “meta” for tanks. Each season players will start playing almost all tanks, until the high end “figure out” which of the tanks is abit farther ahead than the rest. After that it slowly drifts towards that (unless we have a clear op spec and all the top players change to that).
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It’s not just about the damage, especially with this irregular dungeon design, but I still respect your almost correct opinion.
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This is probably more relevant
yeah you can play all tanks.
I do not think he is complaining about a viability standpoint. The things that top key pushers do have 0 impact on the vast majority of the player base except one area:
Community perception.
If the top team only play 1 tank, then the whole community perceives that tank top be the only viable choice.
You could play any tank you want with friends and be perfectly fine at most levels, but the people that are complaining are the people that are pugging all the dungeons and see how this community perception impacts them.
People should not complain about lack of tanks when a tank signs up.
And this topic has a quite clear title.
Pugs want the tank that stops them from dying to Web Bolts. Very simple.
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Doubt… however that means nothing as it comes from me and i play prot paladin as main.

Pugs need to interrupt the web bolts that do not kill them on their +11.
This is not on the tank.
The only pug 11’s i have done are with a guardian druid. Didn’t seem to be a problem at all.
You don’t get it. It’s much easier when the tank can do it alone reliably. Pugs want reliable things that work every time. Protection Paladins can interrupt everything important completely on their own. Easy life. Pugs COULD interrupt most things that would kill them, but they won’t.