All tanks except Protection Paladin useless in Mythic+

A brain fart. A lack of activity in the brain. It doesn’t matter which class you’re on as it can happen on every. Get a dictionary.

It doesn’t matter if another player has a lack of activity in the brain, the Protection Paladin can still save him.

damn you’re either really bad at reading or doing it on purpose at this point

Bubble auto-taunts everything around the pala.

no fun allowed anymore by Blizzard I see…

It explains his rating on his main however.

Does that apply if I, in all my genius, BoP the tank myself as a ret as well tho?

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let’s find out :3
for science

I had to suppress this dark urge of mine quite frequently. Although I wanted to know if what I assume would happen is still going to happen all these years later.

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All worthy tanks have cancelauras for that in their standard rotation macros. Even unworthy tanks can simply press Divine Shield when they notice aggro loss because of your dark urges. Protection Paladins are immune to griefing even. They are truly the best at everything.

Thats a nice excuse for you to justify your low rating despite being a M+ main. Also nothing I can take serious if you don’t even know the term brainfart.

So “immune” that they now sacrificed a major cooldown. Yeah, you really need a dictionary.

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I know the term. Also, a major cooldown that just saved my group from a griefer is hardly a sacrifice, but a gift to my fellow human beings who now live instead of being dead.

Still a sacrifice. Ergo not immune.

I can cast Divine Shield more often than you can cast Blessing of Protection, so what can you do to “successfully” grief? Exactly. Nothing. The Protection Paladin wins. Again. You just can’t bring these guys down!

Still waiting for you to link your main that does 15’s btw …

So when are you going to explain those “+15s” you said you were doing? Where is that character?
Link it please, i am very interested!

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iTs On AnOtHeR aCcOuNt


It doesn’t exist. Hes stuck on 10/11 because hes either afraid or incapapable. As a m+ main no less.

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We all know that, we just wanna see him admit to it.


Im already inclined to just flame him in german (due to his realm) but alas there are forum rules.


Lol i speak some German but theres no need to do that, calling him out on his lies and seeing him trying to dance around it is entertaining enough.