All the trust is now gone

I think one point that people miss when they say ‘who cares if other people want to buy this, its their money’, its simply that it gives Blizzard the wrong signal (imo). I agree that people are free to do what they want with their money. But that’s not the point.

Blizzard just sees it can pull off stunts like that and people will lap it up, making millions. Why would they spend time and effort making good content when they can remodel an existing mount, and make millions with one day of work ?

In the limit, the game just becomes like one of these whale-trap mobile games. Awful gameplay (what’s the point of good gameplay, if the revenue from the subscriptions is marginal? keeping people subscribed is no longer an incentive, making new mounts for people to buy is), and a store filled to the brim.


He learned it on reddit from capitalism fighters

For buisness practice like this to work people need to play game


Some people have no self control but blame other things and factors .


Not really.

BfA bronto was a gold sink.
This one is a € mount or “gold for €, which means € for gold and 7€ profit per token for shareholders”.

If this mount would literaly erase gold from the economy, it would be great. I think inflation in WoW is so huge and this kind of mounts or items must be there for the rich ones to invest and show off.

However, when you can just buy the mount and not erase any gold from the economy in the best case scenario, it becomes another story.

We are having a buggy patch (I am enjoying it tho), not the best quality of the game period, and of course, we, as customers, are paying what costs even more than the regular expansion (can you imagine) for a mount. The joke explains itself; if a company gets more profit by re-skinning a mount than developing an expansion for 3 years, can you imagine the future ahead? People buying the bronto carelessly is the reason (or the consequence) of us, as customers, saying to Blizzard that we want a P2W and we do not care about quality.

Personally, I don’t mind if people mind their own bussiness and spend cash on whatever they want, but it makes me worry about the future of the game in therms of quality and developers decision making.


Have you seen these mobile games with zero gameplay like fate/grand order? Almost literally just the store. So yeah, gameplay can reduce A LOT if blizzard sees that most money comes from store, and not subscription.

Im just saying that people should take this into account, and thats why I dont use the store. Given this info, people are of course free to do whatever.


Play the game >> farm gold >> buy the store mount with it. Already 100% possible. :sparkles:


I mean, you could buy gold in BFA as well if you cba. It is really not that different.

The WoW token existing is in itself a problem, cause every gold sink is now a money sink.

My god, what the hell.
Okay okay, i’ll give you a hint: look what kind of rewards fate go has, realise (which isn’t hard) how exactly it hooks up people to spend money on it.
Last time i checked wow doesn’t have jpegs of anime girls to form parasocial relationship, you can’t date alexstasza (sadge).
Or do you want to imply that people are buying 90$ ah mount just for fancies? Not because it benefits your MAIN gameplay in some way?

Pretty much this.

And it’s not something abstract either.
We’ve seen it happen again and again in other games.

It should be kept to a minimum, but all these store purchases just seems to be happening more and more.

What’s to stop the next CEO to smell the green and go “you know what? Just keep doing it, they don’t seem to mind”


Hmm. DIdnt knew that the gilded bruto boy also came with some nice forum whining/entertainment. I consider that an added bonus!
Worth the price indeed.

Wrong at some extent.

With a gold sink you erase gold (currency) from WoW’s economy, lowering inflation, you could buy gold with €, but then that gold would disapear, not loop endlessly through the community.

Remember than WoW token is sustained by players selling gold and others buying it. Quick math:

I sell the token for 100k for 13€. Another guy buys 100k for 20€. Blizzard gets 7€ profit for free transaction.

Now; I want to buy the bruto, which are 78€ → 6 tokens.

I farm 600k (in that scenario where token is 100k lol) → I sell those 600k for a Brutosaur.
Somebody has bought my 600k for 120€. Blizzard has profited 42€ for this exchange.

The other person will use those 600k to play their game, which is now having alot of intented money sinks (low raw gold ratio, high repair/tmog costs, crafting system ruled by economy which will be again returned into gold per eur, returning into a profit for blizz, yada yada yada); and eventualy that gold will dissapear, and the customer who is used to spend money as a whale, will buy again more tokens.

On a side note, the game difficulty, which is great imo, goes paired with high repair costs and the above said. People are dying more and farming less, and they want everything now, so the only alternative is to buy WoW tokens for alot of players, which is sad, but makes this strategy functional and viable, but not ethical lol.

In therms of reality; Blizzard is giving one Brutosaur “for free” to the gold farmer, and is cashing 42€ from the transaction, plus the extra 78€ that is “losing” by giving you a NFT that costs nothing but a click.

Basicaly, Blizzard is farming us now.

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Yeah those extra resources really did a number on this anniversary event


It’s not a gold sink and since when do we need “cash sinks”? Do you have too much money? :stuck_out_tongue: More importantly though is that the pocket belongs to Blizzard!
If anything Blizzard should start giving a bit back to the community that has supported them for decades., but I know that’s just pure utopia.

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Have fun farming gold for the upcoming 500$ mount. Doesn’t seem too bad now but your allowance of it will make everything worse.

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And why should i do that? I have tmog and ah mount now.

Telling u a secret. If it were cost 500$$ i didnt buy it either.

Why do you intentionally misunderstand my argument? Of course the brutosaur is not only cosmetic (some might argue that that makes it even worse). I’m not talking about the brutosaur in particular, I’m talking about the store as a whole.

I’m explaining why I don’t (and many other people) like the fact that the store is so successful. I gave an extreme example (Fate), but you have gazillions of other mobile games, with extremeley successful microtransaction system (be it pay2win, cosmetics, or waifus).

In the past, WoW’s profits were reasonably aligned with the player’s interest : they make a good game which is nice to play, people stay subscribed, they make profit. Make garbage/no content, people unsubscribe, lose profit.

In the past several years, these seem to not be aligned anymore. Since most (not sure if its true, but looks like it) profits come from the store, WoW’s profits are starting to get aligned with the amount of store purchases, rather than gameplay.

Now you might argue that without good gameplay people who spend on the store would leave, and so that Blizzard still should make nice content. To an extent it is true, I agree. But when I read these forums I also get the impression that some people would be fine buying a mount per month, doing solo content like delves, and they would be very happy. So I think it is not unreasonable to say that over-rewarding the store mounts is a dangerous game for the game (hehe) in the long run.

Time will tell, I guess. I’m just saying that people should take this into account.


But that is not my point, what i am saying is that with the presence of the token, every gold sink is game can be bypassed.

If i have 5 Milion gold that i use to play the game nothing stop me from going to the shop and buy X amount of tokens to buy the gold sink mount and i still have my 5 Mil.

With the difference that a gold sink is a gold sink; which has the purpose of erasing gold from the economy. What you describe is an exchange of gold for an item. You receive the item, and somebody will receive the gold (or money, you get the point). No gold is destroyed in the way, and the money will be injected again to the economy through transactions; so the inflation will not be any different and Blizzard will have cashed its commision.

Why do you think that your argument is valid in the first place?

I said nought about that, i compared brutosaur to chars in fatego, to show you how ridiculous your example of fate go is, fate go has it’s own buisness practices, other mobile game it’s own, it doesn’t works like “add store = free money” they all hook their players in different ways that aren’t applicable to wow

You don’t like that wow’s store is succesful because gacha games and mobile market.
Okay can i have an actual logical connections and not strawman and fearmongering?

I see it purely as purchasing a portable mailbox and auction house but considering how easy I can already get a mailbox from toys and other means mobile (ohuna perch first I can think of by the top of my head) and can reach an auction house from anywhere in the world in under a minute due to a lot of teleports items I have collected over the years: I do not see the value reflected in the price asked.

If anyones going to buy it my advice is do it cause you like the mount, 80€ for a portable ah and mailbox is considering how easy both are too reach from anywhere feels a bit much