All the trust is now gone

Sorry bro you need to touch grass if you care so much about blizzard. i suggest you quit the game. “lost all trust” :rofl:


If you have to cry so hard over a game,

You need to take a good look at your life, and reevaluate your decisions.

Maybe go for a coffee and talk to some real people, or a sandwich and write some poetry

Typical ad hominem from a degen who has nothing better going on his life.
Pointless to even acknowledge your existence you pathetic worm.

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there is pretty clear definition of what free 2 play is, you can learn it on wikipedia, you can’t say that game is f2p when ability to play game is paywalled under subscription

What is free to play for you is irrelevant because again - we have clear definition, if wow was monetized like f2p game we would have many things like slots in inventory, class set pieces, amounts of time you can go to mythic+, yadda yadda under pay wall.
The only things (besides expansions and sub of course) that are under pay wall is store cosmetics, like it was 14 years ago, and how it is now. Try to play atleast one f2p mmo and you’ll realise what i’m talking about.

WoW recieves varied amount of contents and never more or less, though we recieve content much much quicker, and that’s what matters, because no matter how many content there are in the patch - if gaps are too large you get tired of it, nvm that new dungeons and raid bosses are much more intricate than what we had before.

If its making money, theyre going to do it. But they need to put that money back into the game. Which to be fair, I think theyre doing a good job. Yeah theres bugs, and some classes out of wack, but when has that not been the case with wow? At least now you can easily level that class if you really want to take advantage of the broken stuff. As for the mount, I cant believe people buy it. But its good for me, because wow token proce is going up, so I get more gold… quite clever really… all the rich in game players buy the mount with gold because they want AH for their gold grinding. All the normies buy the wow token or the mount with real money…

The WoW token IS NOT A GOLD SINK. It just exchanges gold to someone else while giving blizzard a portion of the IRL money.

You sell it to blizz for €13,
Someone else buys it for €20,

Blizz gets €7 transferring gold…

I have not said that WoW is a free-to-play game, and you’re deliberately cutting my post into pieces so you can quote out of context and omit the point I’m making.
That’s a disrespectful form of replying, and I care not for that kind of discussion.

I said that WoW’s monetization comes off as being akin to a free-to-play game with all the aggressive microtransactions and tiered price points. I didn’t say that WoW is free-to-play.

Where money is involved there is no trust relationship, only buyer-consumer.
And we pay from begining, game and sub.

No i’m not, i addressed exactly this point

Which wow’s microtransaction is aggresive by the way? Do you know what is “aggressive microtransaction”? Do they force upon you mounts?

That’s false. Trust is part of business. It’s especially important in a mmorpg about long-term progression to have trust in the future of the game. If it looks like the company is going into milking mode and adds a quality of life in the store on top of sub/expansion fee, the trust is gonna decrease and players will be negative about the game.

The trashy quality is another issue. It’s maybe even unfair comparing this with other companies, as I’ve never seen something as bad and boring as codex of chromie. Whoever designed the Bronze Token acquisition is clueless and completely out of touch from the playerbase. Then there are all these bugs, tuning issues, and scaling-problems, where holy priests do 1000% of the damages from mages at level 10. Feels like they only have visual designers to make cosmetics at this point, and almost noone can do Math.

Im sorry you look in one direction as horse even if i think horse is noble animal.

People made milions gold at start expansion which leads to fact that token was price same as Legion mid game 260k gold.

So puting this mount in shop made many players to convert gold into tokens to buy so later will need to buy more tokens to recover gold back… Not to mention mythic boe farm oh boy! xD

Oh look token is now 350k what a shock! :joy:

I can see past u saying that as many 15+ more years ago and every year someone again says that and year pass and we r here yet.
If Blizzard dont do what they do would shut down door after wotlk. Better say if they did not merge with Activision and now Mircosoft.

Not for me. But you do you.

As far I am aware, the cheapest mount on the shop is $20, or 2/3rd of the price of the basic game, these aren’t microtransactions, you are just being sold content that should of been in the game.

For a transaction to be “micro” it needs to be under $1, or perhaps $5

if it isn’t micro then it’s paid content, how it’s called doesn’t matter, though yeah technically better term is paid content not mtx

I’m sorry, but the part you quote is completely unrelated to whatever you’re trying to address.
I find it very confusing to discuss with you Dralkharn, because you don’t seek conversation, you seek to find fault with what I’ve said. But because I feel you misquote and misinterpret what I’m saying, then your replies make no sense to me.
But I’ll answer your following:

Those are 3 separate questions, but I assume they go back to what I said earlier, which also seems to be what you take offense with:

So I’ll elaborate this. And I’ll elaborate it with the same introduction by saying…


And I say this because I’m not trying to force my opinion on you, and in order to underline that it is a subjective and personal opinion.
I say this so you better understand the context of what I’m saying and the perspective from which I’m saying it. Okay? Good!

So, for me personally, the sentiment toward WoW is that it has a form of monetization that does not fit the product as it presents itself, but rather feels more appropriate for a different type of games (f2p).
There’s a discrepancy between having a box product with a premium cost and a running subscription on the one hand, and then having a premium online store with regular new additions as well as various forms of paid account services on the other hand.
And over time my sentiment is that the business side of the product grows whilst the game side of the product remains stagnant - if it doesn’t outright shrink. This leads to a feeling of a worse value proposition.
I also feel a sense of business aggression from Blizzard, as many of their offers come with an expiration date or come packaged with another (often external) product that heightens the price point.
And finally I would say that my feeling is that Blizzard increasingly develops the game content to strategically serve as a platform to market the business side of the product, as in launching a patch and promoting the spectacle of the new content, only to use that momentum to bring more sales offers to market before the audience inevitably concludes that the patch was not all the spectacle it was promoted as (oversell, underdeliver).

And all of that feels akin to a f2p game that skimps on its actual game content in favor of aggressive marketing, and then capitalizing on the initial rush of activity to release and promote its new sales offers in the form of various mtx.

The fact that multiple sites say this not AI generated is worrying

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Unfortunately Blizzard has changed now, it is like not industry game anymore. Why do you Blizzard think money is more important than to make good game? Because it is happening so please tell us, Blizzard!

haha you need to check into a mental hospital. holy you are not well

I wrote it while my son was getting a hair cut

Some of the stuff that was in the shop is now in the game through the Trading Post tho.