All the trust is now gone

Honestly , people keep complaining on these posts about ‘bugs’. Which one specifically, report it as a bug … because in my game play I’ve not found any

Pleasure seeing mongoloids like you who will happily get exploited and affirm this predatory scheme.
Acting like a smartass when you’re the part of the problem. Shameless just like the company.
Million other ways to earn money than a mount that isn’t even a luxury but exploitative monetization.


Are you drunk ? either you dont have the money or you have the money to buy it. Stop crying about it quit the game. blizzard does not care about you or any other cry baby. Its not smartass. its just ignore it or uninstall make, you are old enough to make the decision no ?

I really did not expect to feel so disappointed 2 months since launch…

After releasing this patch in the state it is, with that many bugs, lack of good content (chores are back, guys!), horrible lag and bad optimisation, a few moments later they put a mount that costs 78€ in the shop? Disrespectful to the community. I am not shocked that people would give that kind of money, we are monkeys and we love looking awesome, being special and looked with envy at. Some people don’t mind spending that money, and I am sure many have WoW as their main or only hobby. What shocks me is that Blizzard is selling it.

We pay for the expansion (which is literally cheaper than the mount), we pay monthly sub to play, and now they charge 78€ for a mount? A new level of greedy. The greediest thing they’ve done in a long time. Ridiculous. Shameful. Disgraceful. I really had hopes that they changed. I might have been right, only it might just be the wrong type of change. Only time will tell.

I am very disappointed.

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The game is in a terrible state, and even that they want more money. Blizzard is following the steps of Ubisoft I see. I would be proud working in Blizzard 15 years ago, but now I would be totally ashamed.

That’s insane that you really think the money from that mount is going to the employees :rofl:
If it would, the game won’t be in that horrible state like it is rn. Bugs are everywhere, literally everywhere, balance is trash, they are nerfing, and after some days buffing the same specs. That’s the worst patch I have ever played since WotLK. New content is bad and always timegated. Do you enjoyed pointless running and killing mobs in Codex of Chromie, because many of us didn’t? You did it once, you even don’t know why, and what it is for, and forgot about it.
People are funding another yacht, and that’s a fact. Again.

I just wonder how far WoW has to go in the bad direction to finally open the eyes of the leaders, because they are STILL ruining their game by pushing for annual income to please investors.

I got you girl.

So many helmets crying their eyes out for literally no reason, and trying to justify with a wall of text.


Yet, despite the claims of like 5 people on the forums, around 5 million play the game. Funny how it still has a huge player-base. People don’t like to talk about that in here.


the more people buy the mount the more bs like that we get and stuff remain broken because the money talks more than real concerns

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I trust in Blizz/Microsoft !!!
I like their way.
I work IR, I make money, I want to buy cool stuff in this game.

The kids dont work and spent all of their time in this game and they want to get all the rewards? No!

Im working 8 hours a day to make electricity for ppl to be able to run their potato computers and run WoW. I need a reward!

Every mount should be in the shop.

Clearly you’re too low IQ to realize this isn’t just a now problem and that it’s been snowballing over the years.
You’ve no clue what you’re talking about and your ignorance is just as pathetic as this mount.
Please keep yapping and badmouthing as this is what you seem to be good at.
Typical boiling frog syndrome.


Paranoid much?

Just reading through the comments and seeing how toxic players have become is really disappointing! You who are defending this money grab and say its ok or worth it but forget that very basic thing that Wow is a SUBSCRIPTION base game! With that model nothing like this is acceptable!!! Thats the whole point of this model, you pay month by month and everything that the game has to offer you should be able to get ingame! Thats what you pay for! Server transfers/Character rename etc. convenience services are okay in shop but not unobtainable items.
You can explain it like a good whale you are that its cheaper than the BFA mount, its only 78 Euros but thats 78 Euros too much! If the game would be FTP that whould be a different thing.

Silly me crafting a weapon for elemental :rofl:

Lets be real. The same people who buy these overpriced pixels are the same people who fall for MLM/Time Share scams.


Let’s be real, the same people who cry on these forums about a mount that can be bought with gold instead of real money are the same people who cry in real life about equality and equity.

The time when i exchanged my gold for store credit i got up to max store credit and this mount only cost me approximately 1.8M gold, way cheaper than the 5M BFA version, i consider this a steal.

That you are unable to grasp how to work around this is your problem and people are just being ridiculous here now.

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The nouveau riche have always loved to flaunt the amount of money they spend on stupid stuff.


Exactly this, if people paid no attention whatsoever and just went on with the daily business then it would be meaningless in the end, but instead we get this.

yea have to protect the oinkers feelings since they throw their paychecks at blizzard


One mount, I don’t know why,
It doesn’t even matter how many you buy,
Keep that in mind,
blizz designed this mount,
To remind myself of a time when,
I grind so hard,
In spite of the way you were blockin’ me,
Actin’ like I was part of your Guildies,
Remembering all the times you fought with me,
I’m surprised it got so far,
Auctions aren’t the way they were before,
You wouldn’t even recognize longboi anymore,
Not that you knew him back then,
But it all comes back to the auction house,
You gave everyone glide,
And even though I tried, it all fell apart,
What it meant to me will eventually,
Be a memory of a time when,
I spent five mill and got longboi,
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter,
Blizz had the store to sell it all,
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.