That would have been cool but honestly I think that the DK set has potential. Not as a full set but mixed with other sets; someone might come up with something nice.
Edit: I like Evoker and Priest sets.
Monk set is kinda cool but only the green-ish, red and gold PvP coloration.
And DH helmet is interesting.
Oh yeah I will give it a go blending some items into my current mog. The lfr tint tends to go quite well with the unholy vibe I’m usually building. It’s just the shoulder and helmet that are real disappointing. Not quite sure what inspiration was, Aztec death god?
The main difficulty with hunter is that it represents too many different fantasies, all of which are contradictory to each other. How do you design a set that satisfies:
Elite Archer, the kind that stands on top of a wall and shoots down at enemies before they get anywhere near, likely wears some light armour with maybe some mail (think the elves from the 2nd LotR film). In wow think the ranger general aesthetic
Ranger, who’s meant to be light and agile but still has this elite soldier background (think Aragorn or Faramir). In wow think Nathanos.
Stalker and who’s a literal hunter, but has more of tribal vibe and uses a spear or other melee weapon (likely wears minimal or no armour in order to make no noise), in wow think Rexxar.
Quite honestly, I don’t think it’s the worst tier set they’ve ever made for hunter, some of those pieces will be very good tmog items, and quite honestly look more like leather than mail.
Like DK is easy, give it skulls, spikes, make it a bit edgy, some dark knight vibes, change the colour around and boom you got it.
How are people liking the priest set? Does it not look as bad on other models? I mean yes the naaru thing is cool but the rest of it is horrible! And the stupid big belt that makes you look pregnant, ugh.
Worst of all, of course the shadow version is mythic. It always is. I guess at least our shadowform hides that.
Well what can I tell ya, I don’t like blood elf models, but they’re the most played race in the game, I guess sometimes you’re in the minority. It’s just a very thematically strong set which appeals to a fantasy that has been there since TBC. It gives a strong mystical vibe, it’s edgy but it’s still a priest. No holy light vibes, no church vibes, no pope cosplay or angel simp. Just mystical Na’aru vibes.
The worst part is that in the appearance UI they’re flopping about when you turn the model around:
I’m guessing they’re gonna flop around when you’re running and so on considering their behaviour there. I could live with them if they didn’t do that but the flopping around… Holy…
Yes it’s vastly superior! To me it’s because it blends more classic fantasy with the original Paladin vibes. The judgement set had a mysterious vibe to it, it was kind of edgy but down to earth somehow. Like a mysterious crusader how’s vowed to never show their face again because of some sort of code.
That’s what I think of when I’m thinking wow Paladin, well that in classic silver hand hammer wielding fellas. These bizarre, angelic power ranger vibe never sat right with me.