Quick note: I’m not convinced that wowhead has the right tint for each game mode, some likely need swapping around (IE pvp sets tend to be the most faction coloured ones)
Open link above for all tints.
My winners
- Priest, and Rogue absolute top tier.
Honorable mentions (basically I liked everything but the helmet)
- All plate sets… Really not a fan of any of them. At least paladins get the open world set fitting them. Especially sad for DK, considering it’s my main and that we’re going to be in a Nerubian raid and not have a Nerubian themed armour.

- Shamans, sorry team, even with the head plume likely pointing down with in game physics, it’s just weak, feels like something from Cataclysm era.
- Monk, this looks more like it should be a warrior set from MoP era, looks too bulky and not agile whatsoever.
Tried including image links but looks I don’t have the trust level yet.
Edit: typos
Ugh, ugly green for LFR again.
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Priests are always winners. Pally are… meh. And why fel wings?
Really? You like that priest set? I think it’s awful, baggy and has a stupid pregnancy belt.
Priests, warlocks and rogues are solid this tier.
Paladins… I mean, you have my sympathies?
Yes. Expecially heroic. Shoulder has a naaru vibe
It has a bit of the naaru stuff yes but underneath it all… just ugly to me.
Mage is meh.
Warlock is nice except those arms creep me out.
Shaman looks like a rehash of an old tier and boring.
Evoker is gorgeous and will never be seen.
Hunter is awful as usual.
Paladin set is like they tried to give us that gorgeous S2 priest set but …not very well.
DK set is like being some kind of iron maiden chandelier.
Warrior is meh.
Druid is actually nice for once, yay paws!
Monk is ok
Rogue is ok
DH is ok
It’s time to make hunter’s leather wearers, many leather sets look like the sort of thing a hunter might wear, and I don’t think hunters would ever wear mail outside of the weirdness of this game.
Everything on a human male looks disgusting…
Evoker set looks great!
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They looks way too bulky for my taste.
Evoker set is fire, love it. But on top of that I have to add Druid set, like the non simetric shoulders. Priest and Mage are nice as well.
You’d think the DK one would be perfect on zandalari, but for some reason the helmet gets stretched.
Also the eye glow sticks outward which looks awkward from the sides. Probably better to have them stick inwards.
DH sets fit quite well for worgen/tauren.
Druid looks like shaman, and have a cute top ruined by another stupid collar.
Evoker one forces you to use belt since legs and chest don’t connect.
Also forced butt-capes galore…
Hunter is fine after hiding helmet/shoulders.
Meanwhile shaman looks like leveling cloth.
The paladin one is honestly still the worst to me
Actual carebear (the cartoon not the insult) aesthetic
Paladin doesn’t look too bad on a Belf female. The wings are diddy.
the worst ever is hunter. lame as usual.
I’m not a huge fan of most of these. I only really like priest and warlock.
I agree with Rogue and Priest. Absolutely top tier. I’ll be levelling up my Rogue this evening in preparation 
I really don’t understand the hate people have for the Paladin set, I think it looks great!
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Shame with some of the better colors being locked to pvp.
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True but the Elite recolors look worse than the normal set.
except dk they all are nice
shaman sets will suffer for generations because its near impossible to top the current DF set. kinda like the t6/s3 from tbc who was so insanely good they couldnt top it until general graphics improved so much that it just felt too pixelated
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