All warlock pets need an interrupt

Here me out. I know I post on with delusion that someone might read it, but here we go!

All our main demons should have an interrupt and their second ability is useful in certain dungeons (i.e. singe magic from our imps). That way we can pick a demon that would best help in the instances instead of just having the felhunter or felguard. The imp, voidwalker, and succubus/incubus get left out in most content.

Anyway…just writing my thoughts down.


All classses should just have an interrupt baseline.


I don’t pve so I cant take a view on how much its needed, but in PvP it feels like everyone already has a kick baseline.

Its too reliable, I’m starting to think that kicks and maybe all cc need a failure rate. I think it needs to be a risk in a kick for the kicker.

maybe not have that risk in PvE


As long as all classes also get a disarm.

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Fine with me. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s been mentioned before the choice node of the caster having the interrupt or putting it on your pet.

But actually on any of our demons not just the felhunter. This gives us options and variety.

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not really. its need to be baseline and NOT atached to a pet.

the problem with another pet having interupt will result in pvp duble interupts… u use 1 interupt with felhunter and then use a macro to dismis the pet. and fast sumon the other pet with interupt and interupt a cast again. i know its not the most easy thing to do but we will do it


I think pet warlocks should be for each spec different and base on spec grimoir of sacrefice should also give different effect , lets say affliction could summon those dog with many faces any type of plauge or sickness(or even decay + drust magic style)

  • style monster a bit of mix of fell and death demon, destro perma abbysal or overfiend all related to destruction, flames - meteors or some type of evil glyphs / trap spells that revert some positive effects and give them to you maybe add a bit of void spells too for both of those specs .

for demonology have a few types of fell and few type of voud pets maybe even either drust or death/voodoo ghasts/scarecrow style things / old gods like abberations.

one this is sure, it would be great to also alter those pets for all specs like morph skills like in eso - so change for example you succubus into either Shivarra or Aranasi, or
Void walker into other types of void hound or void warrior, the doom guard to doom lord or demon lord


I like the idea of each spec having it’s own pet. Similar to how demo has felguard, but apply that logic to aff and destro so we’re not funnelled into felhunter for our interrupts.

Does anyone use imp other than it’s a ranged bit of extra dps with the off chance you need a purge? Same for voidwalker, does anyone use it apart from levelling?

The suggest of a choice node between the interrupt on the caster or putting on the pet is a great idea. You would have to look at grim of sac and maybe remove it.

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destro should defo have also own special pet and its the burning golem, should be perma and have choices of aoe or single attacks in talents.

and Afliction should have some type of Sickness , Death and disease pet

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Yeah but make it a small golem and either keep the cd for the big one as is or make it like the unholy dk and let the small golem get big on cd

There is already a risk in pvp.
If you opponent baits you to use your kick you will fail with the spell lock.
There is nothing to be added, other than making evey pet have a interrupt.

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this it was skill in DF beta for short time that warlock get extra interrupt. i like it back then so we can use all pets types in M+and not onlye felhunter.

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Yes, but the very vocal small group of people that didn’t like it made it known. Now we’re having the same conversation and questioning why it was removed.

Contrary to my original post, I prefer a caster based interrupt. It allows us to use our other pets abilities.

Just give the warlock a base line silence it’s required for m+ call it curse of silence or something, done. Replace felhuards silence with an aoe incap or something I don’t know


Warlock need interrupt, not demons


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