Alleria's new model in the new cinematic is horrible

What is a cyberpunk haircut?

I just googled it, I’m guessing that’s it if you google it too

Dunno. It’s a tiny bit different and I’m quite sure that kind of hairstyle existed long before I was born. Just a certain elf’s projecting their views onto that.

Like look at things known about the time of the vikings, for example.(No, I’m not talking that she’s wearing such a style. They’re very heavy on braids. The idea is similar to some haircuts though. They have sometimes shaved sides, etc. Styles of old were quite different to today’s “normal”)

I think that’s a false comparison.

Blizzard have often updated the looks of iconic NPCs in the past, but the reason has usually been for one of two reasons:

  1. It’s an old 2004 model and the character is in the spotlight years later. Sylvanas is a good example of that. She initially got her old Night Elf model changed for a Blood Elf one, which made sense, and then finally received a custom-made one when she became a main character.
  2. There is a story explanation for it. Anduin is a good example. We’ve always followed his story as he’s grown up. So as he’s gone from boy to teenager to young prince and tormented king, he’s received an update to his appearance to reflect the story being told. Makes sense.

The issue here is that the story of The War Within just takes off with Khadgar summoning Alleria - we were there - and in she walks looking nothing like she used to, and no explanation or reason is given.

That’s confusing. And its fair to point that out regardless of whether you also want overhauls to gameplay systems or class designs. Different matters are different.

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Just a normal undercut, pretty much what all normal people have on their heads in the last decades.

I guess it’s referring to V’s default hairstyle, which is a medium to long sidepart bob with an undercut.

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Every model, every character, every story, every class they touch they make it worse then what it was. I mean look at her at image they put in launcher, world of valorant. What the hell is her mouth open like that? what do you want to show with that? maybe i got it but dont want to say it whatever…

Looked good to me.

I don’t know what the people are raving about the hair. It’s not even an undercut, its a braid. She didn’t go for shave.

The look is fine, the animation of the face was a bit odd and I am curious where her tattoos magically went. I think the end of the harbinger questline hinted at her “becoming who she truly is” and we will get a little bit of dialogue at some point where she has finally, fully embraced her voidy self. I don’t think that is hair dye at the end of her hair, just void but who knows. Either way good grief at people crying about hair dye.

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Really? You think so?
He’s unrecognizable compared to his older models.
Sure, he looks more like his ‘fancy cinematic’ version now - unlike his prior models where his ‘fancy’ and ‘ingame’ cinematic versions were completely different.

Anyway… I thought Alleria looked fine.

Case in point:

How are these two supposed to be the same person?

At least these are fairly similar:

Brad Pitt outgrew his eyebrows later on.

I just assume its the status quo

BFA Cinematic anduin: young bradd pitt
Ingame anduin: crimson chin
War within anduin: jacksepticeye

but yes alleria’s new model just looks off, personally not a fan of the design both ingame and in cinematic

He went from

Brad Pitt


Stephen Amell


omg so true lol


Well, in the questline they released just recently she looked like her normal self. After the events she left us (due to lore reasons to not spoil) and then you see her new look apparently at some point. Clearly something happened and maybe they’ll explain in the story

He’s giving off Star Wars vibes now

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