Alleria's new model in the new cinematic is horrible

Alleria’s new model is one of the worst changes I’ve ever seen in a warcraft in ages. What is the reason for this change? There was absolutly nothing wrong with the way she looked. Also, will she actually look anything like this in game? Or will it be another Tess Greymane style “looks completely different in the cinematic than in the game” blunder. The shape of her face looks very odd and and her eyes are too big. I presume there will be no story behind this change either. Ok so Anduin has changed but at least he still resembles something similar to what he originally looked like. Why do blizz like to mess with things that are not already broken? /rantover


for Modern Audience.


Blizzard did see how famous those hair styles and looks are in Valorant/Fortnite and decided “yeah, imma want a piece of that cake too”.

Don’t smacktalk Hurricanes work. He and his studio made that trailer for Blizzard. (Idk if they made the models tho).


I don’t know. To me, she looks so much better than her hooded look.

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I think she looks good.

I’ll admit I was confused when Blizzard announced the expansion and we saw Alleria for the first time. Because that didn’t look like her, but it apparently was. No explanation was given.
Old character has looked the same way for years, then suddenly shows up with a whole new appearance and you’re expected to just roll with it immidiately.
I mean…


Its like some 3d artist wanted to flex their new rigging and modeling skills and that was the sole purpose for the change.
Things like authenticity , neccesity, character, audience familiarity or better said visual reference point are completely missing.
Rendering this masterfully done model as an amateour job.
I am not very shaken by this but they need to chill and just be natural and authentic otherwise it feels off.
Her design is completely different visual aesthetic or “language” than the wow we know.
Its like having a Minecraft character as the final boss of a raid.
So yes , she does look good, but its not as simple as putting a “rule of cool” on everything.
She looks like a AIs interpretation of a void elf.

And Zovaal/Jailer with his bare chest and nips was “WoWcrafty” or what? :rofl:

We didnt knew Zoval for a decade like we knew Alleria.
So what are you saying exactly?
are we just gonna type for the sake of typing now ?

Like Jaina in Remix vs Jaina from BFA a la disney pwincess :rofl:

Oh don’t remind me. MoP Jaina made me almost vomit.

And here I thought this post was actually to praise the new style. I love it instead!

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

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In my opinion female elfs are the best no matter what kind of hair model or what kind of style they have. they were and will be the most hot and attractive in all kind of media or games

Yeah, she didn’t need to be changed at all. But in 2024, this company has a urge to change everything in their own established IP. Did you see the goblins short story ?

Now she s looking as they want. Modern woman, with cyberpunk haircut, blue dye, anti patriarchy lookalike and mindset.

We ll probably discover her divorce with turalyon and her romance with Xalathath or something else in TWW


I don’t mind them updating the models.
Though I do wish they did not look like teenagers in the cinematic.
Both Alleria and Xal’atath looks like they are in their teens, despite Alleria being speculated to be a few thousand years old & spent 500 years fighting the legion and Xal’atath speculated to be older than the old gods according to new sources.

Edit: I have been reminded that Xal’atath took over a cultists body when she escaped the blade, as kids are known to join cults I’ll let it slide but I’m still not happy about it.

I haven’t noticed anything like that at all, and I hate everything “woke” xD

She look really good.

btw she is 2800+ years old how it was only Turalyon? something didnt add up in this story. i will make a great topic about this soon

People be calling for game revamps and big choices then complain about literally an outfit swap and a haircut.

I do not envy the position some of the employees have.

So 2 things I just wanna have put out there:

  1. That hairstyle is good, just a shame it’s associated with people that can’t pull it off idk, obviously subjective so take it with a bit of salt.

  2. See the mindset thing of “I’m independant and I can do what I want” is obnoxious when normal people do it cause in reality it’s cope and they can’t. But Alleria is a “strong independant woman”, not because of feminism, but more because she could nuke you from the planet on a whim. But hey subjective again cause I guess you could argue that depending on how they choose to have her talk she might be annoying and fall under it as well, thats a fair argument.