Alliance bonus

Everywhere i travel i see alliance only 5-30ppl so i want ask how impossible more horde players than alliance? And they why get bonus rewards? Servers lagging from alliance groups everywhere so WTF?

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Well the smart guys from blizztard figured that if horde is outnumbered on RP realms they should give bonus to aliance!

rp’ers begged for separate rp/normal wm shards… now you have the consequence.

There is no problem with separate WM shards on RP servers. The problem is the dominant faction get the greatest bonus, instead the underdogs. What is so hard to understand?

If there was one shard type this ‘issue’ would not exist. WM shoulda been left as per original concept. Rp’ers whined, blizz did a band aid fix with 2 shard types, to be expected.

Hope you are joking. That bonus should be +125% minimum because there are constantly 10 Horde players per 1 Alliance player in warmode zones. Its is almost unplayable.

Man can I get into your shard, cause it sure ain’t fun to get denied from any rare/objective by 15+ horde players scouring. shard btw and most of those people there are just being phased in to the shard, the alliance bonus is fine cause this is the ratio of horde to alliance. No matter what you say

Just one easy day on horde side
https:// ibb. co/WppM1xk (picture)


Its the same on my POV. I went to make coffee yesterday since the horde were taking their sweet time zerging the mines for the incubators :partying_face: :crazy_face:

Thats just how it is when sharding exists, I’m afraid.

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