Alliance Epic BG Wins?

Maybe I’m super unlucky as of late but it’s been taking 5+ bgs to even get the daily win.

Half the players in the bg are trying to lose as fast as possible, feels like it’s snowballed out of control. I can’t even blame them, I’ve lost any will to tryhard too.

Don’t want this to come off as a complaint thread, if half the raid wants to semi afk or troll for honour, I’ll join them, just wondering if this is the case for everyone else.

Edit: Wintergrasp is actually both the Horde and Alliance fishing in one of the pools… can’t say it’s not eventful.

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I feel like for some reason people give up if we lose the first fight, first base or whatever is important in the bg. Then if maybe 5-10 people are not motivated anymore and just afk there will be a 30v40 scenario. I don’t know what made people motivated in the past but maybe they should implement a stricter afk punishment and maybe even a reward for winning? Bigger than just getting more honor.

I am not sure but I believe one of the biggest issues might be that BGs are like a chore for people instead of something they want to do. I talk about it a bit in my post: How To Improve The WoW PvP Experience about how much honor you need for gearing. Maybe if they removed that people would play bgs more for fun instead of the endless chore it feels like sometimes.

One of the rewards was a mark of honour, but you can buy them now so there really isn’t an incentive to win. You would actually get honour faster if everyone gave up instantly.

alliance has basically 100% loss rate in epics. Only AV is like a 50/50.

thing is that alliance has tons of undergeared people, partly from alliance and partly form horde mercs.
If you look at the horde teams they usually are full with 40k Hp players.

I also have a toon on horde side and it absolutely reflects the same results, I got basically 100% win rate in epics on horde (naturally since pools are mixed anyways)

more like between 80/20 and 70/30

In Ashran the horde win rate is like 4 out of 5
In Windergrasp the defensive team wins like 90% of the time
Av is like 60-40 for the hordes
I guess you have to queue as horde in order to have a good win chance

Your answer is above, the cause, the root of the problem. Mercenaries que as Alliance and afk in epic battlegrounds or small battlegrounds. Especially epic battlegrounds are in a terrible state and I don’t recommend participating, at all.

I recommend you avoid epic BG as alliance. Every time horde get x3 more healers than us, so good players rarely queue to epic and you will find alot of low gears.

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