Remove Mercenary Mode

Yes, this system is crap. If the horde gets advantages of playing the most populated faction for PVE, then those same players should acknowledge they don’t care aboot factions whatsoever and should support the removal of faction barrier. Else, that’s just plain hipocrisy.


If we get PvE mercenary system as Alliance it can equalize things of course. Currently 1 sided mercenary system serves only faction imbalance. It has more cons than pros to our faction.


Blizzard said during blizzcon that the original cause of faction imbalance was better racial abilities for the horde during very long time. In warlords of draenor everybody moved to alliance because improved alliance racials, but they fixed it in legion.

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It was purely because of racials. Are you so naive to believe migration occurred because of horde race appearences, lol.

Horde population is 50℅ Blood Elf already.


Most of horde races are ugly as hell.


Agree with this, let’s allow Horde fight Horde and Alliance fight Alliance. Or even make all bg groups cross-faction. I am all for it.

letting horde fight horde in random bgs would solve all the queue time problems already. they also introduced this from the start of rbg/arena so i dont understand why its too hard for them in random bgs. would atleast make more sense than the stupid merc mode.

I think horde mercenaries help us win tbh.

Ppl who roll horde usually focus more on pvp and them coming for alliance side for quick games in bgs def helps.

They want to win too, they are not aiming for quick defeats.

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lul wut…


I didn’t know staying afk or queing with 145 ilvl = aiming to win. It is just sabotaging fun of Alliance players, it has a long term demoralizing impact not on me or not on people like me but on casuals with 200 iLvL and casuals matters since all they do is random BG spam. We have to play battlegrounds premade nowadays to have a good winrate.

Yeah, exactly lul wut.

Mercenary problem still persists, bring a solution to it by either removing completely or bringing an iLvL requirement (Max Honor Level minimum). For example it was brought now, it should be 197 iLvL minimum to que as a mercenary. Alliance don’t have to carry trash enemy faction players with low iLvL we have enough of our own and it is okay because they are from our faction, there is no need to double the numbers of low ilvl players in an Alliance team.

Mercenary system is faulty and needs a fix.

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2021, by now i guess we should have cross factions bgs as an option with very low qtime for eveyrone where we can just play our class/race but not in a 20 minutes q time

That could be nice, mixing both factions completely will prevent unfair treatment one side get.

I don’t know who is your target with this but I just avoid random battlegrounds personally and if I play random bgs I faceroll enemy teams with my high iLvL mostly. That doesn’t mean I will ignore how mercenaries negatively impact Alliance and overall quality of games for both sides but “especially” Alliance.

Epic battlegrounds are the worst. Alliance’s winrates in epics extremely low and this is mostly a problem caused by mercenaries again.

There are multiple solutions at our disposal, they must change something to fix broken battleground system.


The worst case of mercenary I just saw today, a monk with only 15k health with Heirlooms and not at the max rank :rage:
That’s why, now I often only do premade.


yea merc mode is pretty stupid, but honestly I really don’t understand why horde would ever use merc mode in the first place?

I rather have 10min queue with a guaranteed win than 5min queue with a guaranteed loss.

The queue time of 10-15mins is not even that bad because you can still do other things while queuing.
As horde you stay desktop in queue, as alliance you stay desktop in BGs.

This is at least true for epic bgs, less so for normal bgs as whoever has more garbanzo gear loses by default.

Definitely not.
The only mercs I see are those with 21k HP that afk somewhere. This happens mostly in epic bgs. They think epics with merc mode (quick queue, quick loss) nets them more honor than wins with the horde without the bonus


I think this thread is pure trolling. Absolutely hilarious.

I’m ilvl 221 and mostly played mercenary due to the shorter queues. Most games I’d carry the Ally team and produce a win for everyone. Win rate was so good I ended up faction changing to Human. Whenever I see other mercs they tend to be 38K HP.

Nobody joins a BG to loose, it’s not just about honor, it’s about daily wins for conquest. We have plenty afkers and 20k HP folks on horde side too. Mercs don’t even get the honor bonus.

Stop whining and play for the win. If anything it’s a mentality issue, people asking the team to just give up and give the other team all orbs or flags to speed up the loss when it’s still far from over. People crying about ilvl difference or healer imbalance and calling it a loss before gates even open demoralizing the whole team. If the BGs you guys play are “guaranteed losses” then the problem might be YOU, because I’m winning most on Ally side too.

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That “but mercs don’t get honor bonus!!!” argument got really boring. Everything you get as a useless-afk mercenary counts as bonus honor. My experience is terrible with mercenaries, they rarely help ratio is like 8 trash 2 good ones. This has a long term demoralizing impact on Alliance side and winrates will go down even more in the future unless they remove mercenary.

Nope, this has been really obvious and important matter after blizzard has given an importance-value to honor this expansion. During BfA no one cared because honor was useless but now it matters and helps the more crowded faction whether they afk or que with 145 ilvl quest blues, even if they lose they get value.

I’ve been playing this game since I was a little kid and in 15 years I witnessed exact opposite of what you say, I think you are trolling. Using the word “nobody” already reduce what you say to absurdity, you can’t say “nobody” when there is over a million battleground participants.

Also I will trust to my reliable own experiences as someone who has been Alliance for 15 years and my 650-700 honor LvL random battleground spammer Alliance friends’ experiences, not to a mercenary’s.

I am satisfied by the outcome of this thread, I’m glad I could open some eyes and draw attention to this joy killer problem. I don’t expect a quick solution from lazy blizzard of course, they will remove that Mercenary NPC 5 years later after recognizing this problem, this is how they do. Recognize a problem in 2021, bring a solution in 2026.

it really sucks. Most mercenaries in BG are afk leechers.


Idealy, blizz should create an system that will overwatch actions of mercenary.
If player doesn’t do anything in BG, don’t show any activity - outside of situations where merc is defending spot - farm or stables on Arathi as an example, then that merc should be marked and be forbidden to use merc mode untill merc will win for 10 BG for home faction.

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Devs play horde imma leave it at that


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