Hi was there a Alliance filter in Dungeon finder tool than got removed? Could Blizz bring it back? Lets not forget Horde and Alliance are enemys, Alliance towards Horde more so. Why cant we filter opposite factions out? I feel it limits my progress if i cannot filter alliance out of groups. Also the feeling of doing a dungeon with multiple alliance members as a horde is not a pleasureable experience, Wtf Blizz? Sort it out.
Don’t think the ingame filter had the option to filter the opposite faction out.
Since I dont really care if I play with hord or alliance players I’m not completely sure if my filter addon allows it either, but don’t think so tbh.
In which way does it limit your progress?
As long as you and everyone in your group knows their class, aswell as the dungeons you play, you will progress.
Which faction or races any1 plays should not give you a disadvantage, except maybe you want to push the highest of the highest key level, in this case you need a fix grp anyway.
Again the question, why?
Do you have bad experience with alliance players being rude, or is it just a rp thing?
If you really don’t want to play with alliance players and you cant filter groups out (which will be really many), then your only options are playing your own key, inviting only hord players, or leaving every group again after joining if they contain alliance players.
I think Blizz have forgot what the game is about. in pvp for instance alliance are always fighting horse and in pve pvp. Having ally and horde hook ups in dungeons doesnt gel well. i think its a fair ask for blizz to introduce or put back in something like this. a faction filter as to wether or not you want to play with both factions or just your own. im sure there was a option to only search for horde groups but it dissapeared. if it was never there, blizz should introduce it because some people are horde through and through and dont want to play with ally players.
No, they moved on. Perhaps you should too.
Another thing i noticed is that i can filter out countrys like france and spain but not Alliance. This doesnt even make sence, i like playing with france and spain etc but not Alliance, blizz should switch the filter to Ally or Horde or Both. Not if you want to play with france or not etc.
You can fliter out french people because not everyone can speak french. It’s called a language filter for a reason.
Im really not bothered about language just wether someone is alliance or horde.
It is very difficult to communicate when you don’t understand each other. Thats why the language-filter is there.