Recruiting more players for our raid team. We are reincarnation of vanilla WoW casual guild. Friendly and laid back, yet raiding capable group of nerds. We are Trysoft guild (not tryhards, but we seem to progress faster than other casuals), raid attendance is not required. We got jobs and families too
We raid Sunday and Wednesday from 19:00 to 23:00 (server time) Loot is DKP with sprinkles.
Discord and Forum presence mandatory
Currently looking for DPS. Priest, Warrior and Mage recruitment closed
Officer Discord tags:
- Rage: Rage#4196
- Mithradir: mfilos#4880
- Shaipie: Shai#9640
- Xartan: Xarthan#6792
- Mons: Mons#0885
- Noddy: Noddy#4378