As I said, the problem isn’t the premade per se, but that only one faction can effectively do it.
Also, the same logic applies to Horde pugs as well. Yet people don’t seem to have an issue playing in those.
As I said, the problem isn’t the premade per se, but that only one faction can effectively do it.
Also, the same logic applies to Horde pugs as well. Yet people don’t seem to have an issue playing in those.
i played 2 days none premade it was totally stupid .
50% of the people afk , fishing , leveling in the harpie cave… then the few guys who are on give up cause they are getting farmed at the grave yards .
so no thanks i will keep playing premade
those 2 days of farming with pugs was feeling like a waste of time to kill stuff with 5 people and giving afk and botters honor .
So maybe fix the problems that pushes people to play premade
I agree, but they should make premade vs premade and pug vs pug
That is the biggest load of crap i’ve heard yet. You just don’t want to put the effort in, if your rankers would join regular non premades and actually work for it you can win, there’s plenty of evidence where that happens. You just cannot be that naive, you HAVE to realize that the reason as to why Horde outranks your Pugs is because YOUR RANKERS ARE NOT IN THEM ! Instead they are always in premades, go on using your bots to join the same game since you can’t even click fast enough to do it manually (wich is an exploit and should be a bannable offense imo) just to breeze trough , not caring about objectives other than a fast game. Instant gratification is what you want, it’s lazy millennial bs.
First of all only a fraction of high rank premades can run 7 minute rush games.
The rest have about 70% win rate in a 20-50min turtle game.
Second: nobody is using bots, it’s not needed the standard interface with some coordination is enough. So it is not an exploit no matter how many times you say it.
Third: the percentage of players who want to win is way higher in horde in general than in alliance.
So if you divide all players who care into the same number of groups then alliance will always be in a disadvantage. Add disadvantages coming from the map plus horde racials and the winning chance is close to 0%.
From an individual point of view an alliance player have two options:
Most high rank premades I’ve seen personally finish the match long before the 7th minute.
So basically the Alliance needs help because they’re too lazy to want to win?
Why, as a Horde, should I put in the extra effort just because the game is stacked in favor of my lazy opponent?
Alliance should certainly not have help because they are “too lazy” to win.
But there needs to be an option to deal with people afking in battlegrounds. Right now, there is none and until that’s implemented, people will still continue doing so sadly.
It’s hilarious this is still on going. Firstly there is no way to stop an Alliance pre made if Blizzard patches in a solution then guess what will happen… Yes that’s right some Alliance player is going to find a way around this solution.
Secondly I keep hearing the word exploit being thrown around, it’s not, it’s clever use of game mechanics. If Blizzard considered it an exploit then these players who are pre maders would be receiving a ban.
Thirdly, stop coming to the forum and ranting towards Alliance players your beef is with Blizzard who designed this system, its a 15 year old game you should have known it was never going to be perfect. These players are doing what every Horde player would do if they had the right conditions to do so.
I keep seeing the word fair being thrown around, it’s not fair that Alliance can pre made! You know what wasn’t fair? Camping FPs, BRM and every single zone 45+ all the way through P2 making the game unplayable for Alliance players who were simply trying to level. This was defended with “Well we didn’t want to do it but this is the most efficient way of gaining honor” Well guess what pre made AV is the most efficient way to gain honor. Its funny how this is unacceptable when it’s Alliance doing it. What’s that Blizzard never intended for players to pre made AV and its an exploit? Well I’m pretty sure Blizzard never intended players to camp important FPs for 18 hours a day either. Now you expect Alliance players to stop doing pre mades because its effecting your enjoyment of the game, did you care about that Alliance players enjoyment of the game as you ganked him for hours 10 v 1? Did you fook. Its just sour grapes isn’t it.
Here’s the reality of what would happen if they fixed it: You would have even longer queues and eventually when the majority of Alliance puggers have exalted rep they would stop playing and you will very rarely get into an AV at this point. Then you’ll have to go to WSG and get crushed by pre mades there and you’ll come to the forums to moan about that too at which point the player base will tell you to join a WSG pre made too and you’ll do it then you’ll keep getting crushed even in your pre mades and come to the forum to complain that Alliance have a major advantage in WSG due to paladins.
The whinging will just continue. I suggest you just accept it for what it is because Classic is never going to be the game that YOU want it to be.
No bots eh ? Quoting Nipsy : we have amazing bots that do amazing work and will always result in efficient queuing and afk-clearing bots to mention but a few improvements on “VIP” X-realm.
Either you didn’t understand my post or you’re being dishonest.
The argument I’m making is that alliance PUGs have very low win rates now because of premades. The premades attract all the “serious” players leaving only trash to fill the PUGs.
If you make premades impossible the “serious” players will join the PUGs once again and win rates will go back up to around 50%, like it was early in the BG patch before premades broke everything.
If all the best Alliance PvPers weren’t in premades, like in Horde’s case, the problem would be a lot less severe.
If it was seen by Blizzard as “clever use of game mechanics” they wouldn’t be trying to patch the game to make it impossible.
Then ask for PvP-only and PvE-only battlegroups. I don’t see why as a PvE player I’m supposed to care about this P2 crap. You chose to roll PvP like I chose to roll PvE.
Is this another “Let us have an advantage or else” threat?
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Blizz kept fighting AV premades with more fixes, in fact.
No but at the very least it should be the game Blizzard wanted it to be and regarding AV that means no premades.
I understand that some alliance here feel it’s only just that we get easy premade wins after the horrible experience we got in phase 2 and still get in the open world for those of us still playing on PvP servers. I would even agree but the problem here is that alliance premades completely destroy the BG for other alliance like myself who prefer to play the BG like it was intended, PUG vs PUG.
Either they’ll do as you predict them to do, or high rankers will just flock to Warsong Gulch premades which in turn will make the battleground horrible for puggers as they’ll only face Horde premades in turn.
Perhaps the best thing is to allow AV to be queueable as raids. Then Horde can premade to if they wish.
That’s exactly the point if Blizzard fixed this then you would have all rankers playing WSG in pre mades which would leave Alliance puggers who are generally only in AV for exalted rep and then they would never play it again, there’s only so many players in the pool and once they’ve achieved what they want then your left with people who actually want to PvP and rank who will be in WSG. It would be a short term fix that over the months would eventually kill AV altogether. Do you think that Alliance players who play AV for honor would actually play AV if they couldn’t pre made? They wouldn’t, they would WSG and AB when it’s released.
While you may be on a PvE server my point wasn’t just about the ganking on PvP servers its more about horde players and the pot calling the kettle black. They care because it affects them but in general do not care about balance and fairness its only a problem when it’s causing them problems and not vice versa. Otherwise we wouldn’t be seeing horde back dooring in AV would we?
Also it’s not a threat that’s just what would happen. I hope they do change AV and somehow make it impossible for Alliance to pre made just so you can see the result a few months down the line.
Also Blizzard fix things that wasn’t intended and they ban people who exploit so it may not have been intended but it’s not an exploit. It’s clever use of game mechanics as I said.
This is where you are wrong.
The percentage of serious players in horde is way higher than in alliance. If you divide serious players evenly you just reduce the win ratio of serious players a lot and only slightly increase it for pugs.
So from 70% premade win and 0% pug win you’ll make 10% pug win at best. It’s never gonna be 50%.
That’s why serious players in alliance plays premade or not playing at all.
Also all serious rankers would go straight to WSG/AB(once it’s out).
I’d honestly rather see AV crash and burn for both factions than a playground for Allies to win 95% of their matches.
First of all, look at my server - I am a PvE server player, not “may be”. Second, I was replying to your point about P2 phase, since it’s a stupid argument that keeps being brought up as if the game was all about those PvP players. Honestly, I’d be happy to see most of those PvP servers die out, both Allies AND Hordes.
I’d honestly rather see AV crash and burn for both factions than a playground for horde to win 95% of their matches.
That was a figure of speech, no need to be so pedantic.
I’m sure most players would love to see AV removed… I know I would.
I’d love to see Xrealm removed as well, one of the reasons I was excited about Classic was that I would be able to strike up rivalries with Horde players on my server but with the game as it is I currently know about 2-3 decent Horde players on my server who are known server wide other than that I couldn’t tell you the name of any other active horde PvP players on my server. It will never happen though as it would double Hordes queues and then you’d have this forum flooded with Horde crying about even longer queue times.
I’ve accepted this, Horde should accept that they ain’t going to get their own way. Whatever Blizzard implements will have negative consequences to both factions and the good will not outweigh the bad.
But like I said I hope they do change it so you can’t pre made AV then everyone will start doing WSG and this forum will be flooded with threads crying about pre mades in WSG.
The never ending cycle of whines.
When I wait 45min queue I will fight until the bitter end. The end is usually pretty sweet though. Think I have lost 5 AV going to exalted on my alt.