Alliance have to premade or lose majority of their games

what do you even mean?

learn to read

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yeah you do.

do you really think horde can win to some nerds who keep play this game for 15 years?

do you rly think horde doesn’t have nerds that have been playing the game for just as long?

tbh nope .

well u’re wrong

but you are not from apes tho you are just a trash

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thing is top horde rankers are so trash they are ranking in av

see you are not from apes so gtfo and know your place pleb

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Did you not play the first week of the BG patch when premades weren’t a thing yet? I did, a lot. All AV PUGs and my win rate was way higher than 10%.

There was even this meme going around that at first alliance rushed drek, won a lot, then horde adapted, alliance didn’t and started losing a lot.

What happened wasn’t alliance failing to adapt, it was premades becoming popular and drawing all the dedicated players away from PUGs.

Remove premades and after a while I’m pretty sure we’ll go back to how it was that first week.

Obviously I can’t prove it so we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

At the first few weeks everybody and his neighbor’s wife were farming AV rep.
As soon as majority of the serious alliance players got exalted they left AV for good, because the 1.12 AV is a sh…tty game experience even if you win rush games.
After the first few weeks serious horde players were dominating horde pugs and afk-ers were dominating alliance pugs.
Only the alli ranker minority cared the game, so they started to make premades which indeed made things worse.
As a serious (or more likely semi-serious) alliance player you have no other choice than to group up with other serious players. This makes pugs worse indeed, but removing premades will not make pugs any better, because even semi-serious players will not carry 25 afk-ers in an already lost game just to make afk-ing more profitable.

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This is true, removing premades might not make pugs any better, but it will prevent clueless pve scrubs and casuals from attaining high ranks as this was never intended to be this easy.

What made Alliance so bad at AV?

The map is the same, it still favours Alliance.

When there is a clash in the Field of Strife, you see Horde routing Alliance and defending Galvangar but Alliance seem incapable of defending Balinda. They try to avoid any PvP contact.

Why so timid?

How can you fight enemy who is immune to your control, while can control you just fine. Kinda hard to think with rotten brain, but you can still try.
Balinda don’t do any damage or anything usefull at all, galvangar fears and cleaves alliance to death, so ez to defend him.
And regularly follow feared player outside, evade and regain all health

A wall of text that explains how super awesome special the Horde is never seen that one before… Blizzard did not set up anything the Horde is overpopulated in part because of the racial skills and PvP tryhards that join it. The real victims in this mess are the people who want to casually enjoy the game and the people that chose Horde for esthetic reason. And no Blizzard can’t fix this they can only make it worse as they are doing with pretty much every property they own at the moment.

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