Alliance - Help us get down to 10% bonus and improve wpvp

I’ve been lovin wpvp in bfa, but it can be even better.

Problem: There are more horde non wpvpers than alliance non wpvpers. No offence to them, but the horde ones need increased discouragement from wm on and free bonus. They are bad for wpvp, taking up the slot of a wpvper on that shard. Less of them means potentially more wpvpers in your shard.

Solution: Alliance, target those Horde non wpvpers, encourage wm off! The ones that stand by and watch their pals get killed, look too interested in resource collecting, ignore you at world quests, or jump around and emote when you attack em. Don’t feel bad, think of them as vermin. Better wpvp will be your reward at 10% wm bonus.

At 10% bonus, there should be less need for overflow shards, good for horde wpvp. WPvP in general should be more fun. Even at 10%, good thing for both factions to target non wpvpers. They add nothing to wm, and reducing them can only benefit wpvp.

Edit (for Alliance)

You might be thinking… what difference can little me make to faction balance eu? Answer is, a small number of players could potentially have a large impact. Say 10 Alliance decide to spend their wm sessions hammering Horde non wpvpers, and they are each in their own shard… each starts a raid group farming jumpers. That’s potentially a lot of Horde wm off’ers.

What if 20 Alliance start raid groups, 30, 40. This is not very many Alliance players we are talking about, but if each starts a raid on their shard targeting non wpvpers, it could affect eu wm faction balance. Naming your lfg group something like “Zone Honor Farm” should do the trick, but hopefully you can recruit from friends, guild, community, etc. too.

Only problem is, finding enough Aliance to join raids. But we can at least max what we have. Don’t feel bad, this is what blizz wants, and it will improve wm for all when we get to 10%. Ey, that can happen anyway, because the rebalancing system, but we can help it along :slight_smile:

Lol…your farting against thunder my friend. The majority of your faction only enabled wm for the welfare gear.

Wm is already void of alliance. Next week your buff will probably be up to 20%, with the free loot quest. The problem isn’t the horde non pvprs…it’s the fact that 90% of your faction consists of non pvprs.


Sadly Alliance were the ones turning off WM after they did the quest to conserve their advantage,I doubt you’ll manage to get anywhere with that :confused:


I second that. I also noticed that with the increase of alliance wpvp raids, that they rely on number and not skills. In fact, the moment one of 20 alliance player raid break free and chase the horde player (due to over confidence) attempting to flee, he get rekt easily on 1v1.


That’s why I always try to get even just a small group
If you attack smartly you can break a gank squad very easily,as they start to panic and scatter
Though I feel like it’s more something about gankers being terrible at the game more than it is about any faction


Well, ye, but gotta try :slight_smile:

Yes sir. Who wouldn’t enjoy an easy kill and 8-12 honor?
/begins to sharpen sword


That’s the spirit!

Alliance wpvp has not stopped as Horde predicted. They said we’d quit wm at 15% bonus and loss of gear quest. Yet, still seeing plenty Alliance (and Horde). Horde non wpvpers are reducing. Now more wpvpers are possible on a shard. Thanks to outnumbered system.

Will depend on shard ofc. Horde could still end up in an overflow shard - free them Alliance, reduce the Horde non wpvpers, get us down to 10% bonus and faction balance! This will remove/reduce overflow shards, free the overflow sharders, so you can kill em on your regular shard! :slight_smile:

Alliance, keep pounding those assaults, world quests, resource nodes, fps, and bases! Get us down to 10%.

And Horde did this to them selfs because of the endless crying about the human racial which after it was nerfed to oblivion all the pvp “heroes” went to horde like sheep and only people who were left on alliance side are pve people and people like me who likes alliance over mudhuts.

good for you, never liked people who left a faction or race or class just becouse other people felt it was more powerful, play what you want to play.


I don’t want no charity. Unlike you, I do wpvp cause I think it’s fun, and that’s my reward. And killing some weak Alliance player in 1v1, that is when they stop hiding in groups and raids like cowards with no skill.

more like the rated pvp people did, not the people that want world pvp(the two does not equal each other)

But you forget how much people are like sheep following the leader or actually more like lemmings.

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that is imporant, thats how you get raid sized groups without being in raids.

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