Alliance is losing Zandalar?

(insert generic faction is losing Zandalar post because I got killed that one time in Searing Gorge)


Whilst I think it’s fair to criticize people sometimes for making hyperbolic threads, which you appear to have done by making this thread, I would stab a guess that the Horde on Zandalar Tribe are indeed facing a material imbalance in numbers which became evident both once realm transfers became available and Phase 2 was launched.

Neither of us have official stats here and won’t for some time so I’ll need to refer to the imperfect set of experiences and ask whether the Alliance are also experiencing having severe difficulty in questing so that they have entire zones shut down to them (a frequent complaint in Felwood, Un’Goro and other areas at the moment), as well as having exit zones to starting areas locked down (Tirisfal to Western Plaguelands, for example), as well as having entire sections of a main capital city shut down (the Undercity lifts last night).

You appear to be a Horde player so I don’t know if you can answer. But if an Alliance player can say yes, then that’s fair enough, if that’s your genuine experience and I won’t doubt you.

Regardless, I think a lot of Horde players are going to worry more about the future of their faction’s future and thus their wish to play on this realm at all. Ultimately, if Horde players decide to give up because they feel playing is pointless, then I don’t think the Alliance will be happy either in the long-run.


I can attest, sometimes its impossible to quest as alliance.

Is this because of a perceived faction imbalance or some other reason you didn’t mention?

Hello, I currently play on zt as the horde. To be honest the game has now became unplayable be it all flight masters being camped to be ganked in my own capital every hour of the day. I do enjoy world pvp but have been unable to do anything for the past week. We can’t even fight back which is problem as the days have went on I have seen even from my own guild people just not logging on as they will spend hours corpse running and being camped. I know the standard response from the other side go to retail go to a pve server but we did have something special with the people I have met and helped and stories that have been made. But my group are giving it two weeks and if it hasn’t died down then a transfer is what we will have to do in order to play

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I rejoice in that. In the Alliance misery in the long run. I will not leave Zandalar Horde. I also rejoice in the fact that on other realms Alliance is suffering from too many Horde comrades slaughering them.

For the Horde!

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See, us allies are always suffering, no matter what! Too many hordies… too few… our pain is endless!

HashtagLeave allies alone :scream::sob:

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I know the standard response from the other side go to retail go to a pve server

Yes, but don’t make the mistake to think they speak for everyone. I can sympathize with your problems and I would certainly be disappointed if I found myself on a server with only one living faction.

I havent been able to level in world since honor system launch. Only place i can level right now is dungeons. And for example if u want to go to BRD, it takes 1 hour to get there from thorium because u are running like 10-15 times to your corpse. BRD camped by allies too

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Yes, it’s a mess right now, for both sides. SO WHAT? Grow a pair my man. You are not alone and it’s not just on Horde side.
I parked momentarily my paladin cause in the late 40’s range it became really hard to progress. So I’m working on an alt and on leveling professions. Comes Dec 10th things WILL cool off considerably with all the maniacs concentrating their blood lust in BGs, which it’s gonna be definitely healthy for the server.

Just be patient, that’s all. I don’t get all this whining.

lol did you read my original post? it’s a joke.

Oh, well. That was not aimed at you. Rather to the whiners that probably did not even get your joke =P

Oh, well. That was not aimed at you. Rather to the whiners that probably did not even get your joke =P

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