Alliance like really more RP than Horde?

Humans don’t have to be boring in fantasy, I just don’t think WoW’s humans offer anything original or interesting, particularly compared to some of the other races.

That said, if I log on in the morning for some chill RP where I don’t have to be too awake, I usually find a human character is good for that. And it’s worth noting that just because the source material isn’t very interesting, that obviously doesn’t mean you can’t make something unique out of it etc.

Thing is, RP is about character in the end and races which are more generic also offer far more versatility when it comes to stuff you can RP. And humans have the advantage that nobody can tell you “human can´t behave in that way”, because unlike other races, they do exist in real world. Instead of some set of rules (that often aren´t even followed by Blizzard themselves or were straight up made up by RPers) determining how that race behaves, you just go by what is not out of character for a human.


Also a very good point!

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We can actually, and irl has little to do with rp, só Just because humans exist in real life, doesnt mean anything in the wow setting (I Wouldnt be surprise a classic poster to know this thou) so this argument Just falls flat.

We rpers didnt made up any rules, Blizzard did, we Just try to make folk follow blizzard ToS.

I find rping an orc way more interesting than rping a boring generic human.

Not really, a very poor point.

How does it feel to be so angry you don´t even manage to read name of someone you are replying to?
But if you know how a way for me to be able to switch to my forum main or any AD characters (my Dirge night elf or AoU gnome preffered, if I have to give up Dorlas, I might as well switch to my main RP characters) after forums got messed up for me, I am willing to follow your tech advice.

I don´t seem to remember Blizzard stating in their ToS that draenei, night elves or blood elves behave entirely differently because of their long lives, yet you have people who claim these things as if they were given.
Or are you denying that RPers often claim that certain non-human races behave in certain way and people should RP them as such?

Good for you, don´t see how it´s in any way relevant towards discussion about why people mainly RP humans and other Alliance races.

If the lore states, then yes.

Just an example, said orc, but can be any Alliance race.

Well… I cant guess these things but I will ask thou

Who is the angry one here?

You, given how you replied.

Still don´t see how it´s relevant towards the discussion.

A discussion about Alliance rp, yet humans are the only races worth arguing about? Ok…

Not really but ok.

“I like this but not this” doesn´t contribute towards discussion.

I get it, your eyes are still red from homophobia thread where some people with Classic characters said bad things, but this really isn´t a hill worth dying on.

If that is what you saw then ok.

Never thought you were one to make assumptions, but Im Just derailling at this point só ill Just end it here.

What a great contribution.

ur both being goofballs my close CLOSE personal FRIENDS.

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Do you think opinion of a tauren holds any value here, my close, personal friend?

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If you want to keep this up… How is find something more interest ING than the other translate to “I like this but not that.”

An absolutely pogn’t take here Zagkush …


Because you literally added the statement ‘boring generic’.
No one has beef that you prefer orcs over humans, but that you said it as preferring orcs over (boring) humans implies people enjoying the latter are boring people who enjoy a boring race.


Sorry then, but It got further than that.

think this can also explain why a lot of Horde races don’t mingle too much. So many of the races in the Horde come from vastly different backgrounds, some of which are pretty grim. Warmachine orcs, cannibal trolls, megacapitalist goblins, undead humans born of unholy magics. Etc.

If you play very typical characters of these races, they would make going down to the pub for a drink or attending some elven dinner party feel pretty “off.”

Of course, people usually bend the strict tropes of their race, but when compared to the Alliance races who are much more easy to co-mingle as, it definitely makes sense for me why Horde races stick with their own kind. As a troll player who sticks heavily to tribal troll characteristics, I would rather attend a ceremony of sacrifice to the Loa rather than go to a ball.

Yes! Thank you for bringing this to the light. It is a brilliant way to hit the nail on its head. Cheers!


I don’t think it’s quite as simple as generalizing every human roleplayer as a facebook normie self inserting as a cope. For the most part I think initially it was a mix of aesthetics, lore and the RTS games that inspired people with the other main factor being people are obviously very picky about looks. Even back in earlier iterations of the game when the majority of the RP community was made up of roleplayers that fled Everquest (so it wasn’t just base level normies) the Horde in vanilla was like two troll tribes and the spirit wolves, it was really only in TBC when belves (a ‘pretty’ race) were given to the Horde to balance out the faction numbers that things started to kick off.

I would argue the Horde has really only grown as community pillars on Alliance have left the game with no one to really take up their mantle or moved over to Horde to create a better environment for roleplayers. Guilds like the SCW I think are very important to note, there was and still is a lot of guilds like that Alliance side - very basic concepts that are much easier to get in to, typically with an already established community, it is just easy, far easier to get involved in than a bubble which not so long ago was more often than not quite esoteric, scuffed storylines or an ultra specific concept. As well as other factors which I won’t prod at to avoid drama.

None of this even begins to touch on how terrible the old towns or cities like Orgrimmar were for RP, the Alliance had much more to interact, the old world was basically built around them. Their cities actually had Inns, pubs and so on. The best the Horde had to offer was initially the Inn in Brill but outside of that and eventually Silvermoon City you basically had no chairs, no proper bars or interactable objects.

TL;DR, Alliance is just easier to get in to, had a much larger pre-established community for the longest time, the races aren’t majority ugmos and it was only Cataclysm onwards that Horde had an equal share of love, basic objects, proper taverns etc outside of two areas to utilize.


This is true, and it’s partly why I have lost quite a lot of interest in the lore for the past years. I too was happy when Alliance showed cracks in their group, not because I despise them but it was refreshing to see an actual change, how the balance shifted and affected character’s, choices and the world.

That they too have conflicts of interest and differences.