is recruiting active players for progress through Naxx.
Raid days, times (CET) and loot system :
Tuesday : MC+BWL 20:30 - 23:30
Thursday : Naxx 20:30 - 23:30
Friday : AQ40 20:30 - 23:30
Saturday : AQ20+ZG 20:30 - 23:30
Sunday : Naxx 20:30 - 23:30
MS>OS always in effect for all our raids & +1 on non SR for MS -
Current progress :
MC : 10/10
BWL : 8/8
AQ40 : 9/9
Naxx : 12/15
What we are looking for in players :
Speak and understand English well
Mature chill types who enjoy raiding
Keen to progress as part of a guild that focuses on developing and improving as a group
Willingness to get the best out of their characters
Good knowledge of their class
What we offer :
Steady progress
Chill atmosphere and raid clears in a timely manner
Currently available spots for the main roster.
What we don’t offer :
Speed runs
Split runs
Classes and specs we look for sorted by demand :
Warrior Tank : High
Fury DPS : High
HPriest : Low
HPala : High
RDruid : High
Warlock : Medium
Hunter : Zero
Rogue : Low
Mage : Zero
Druid Bear : Low
Druid Cat : Low
Casual players and levelers are always welcome.
For any questions DM @ohno_returns , @daaz or @claudisia_sangoga.
Discord :