Alliance players can Free Transfer to Bloodfang to dodge forced wPvPPPP

Bloodfang is one of the 4 free to move in servers for now, I have transfered here from Flamelash with all my guildmates , and we feel very good now. (we renamed for better hiding)

the 2 factions here are almost 50:50. there are about 13k items on both Ah, same like Flamelash Alliance side.

on Alliance side here:
at 23:30 on friday, 8-10 messages/min in LFG channel, 50+ppl are still farming DM, and about 30+ppl on every lv50+ map like Eastpl, Burningstep, SearingG.

there are also campers at flightpoints here, some time Alli, some time Horde. i was camped 3 times in EPL, and fighted back 1 time. my guildmates in 5-10men raids killed a lot hordes in BurningStep, and they didn’t fight back. i went into LBRS last evening without dying.

so if you don’t like forced PvPPPPP, you can transfer a lv40+ alt to Bloodfang to try the outdoor world here. then make your decision.

but you don’t have much time. the population of Bloodfang is still Medium on Realm list, but still growing. i think BLZ will close the FreeTransferWindow once it reach High.

at the end i feel sorry for the Alliance players on Shazzrah, BLZ is gaining money from your suffering.

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Despite you only being on a server where you can steamrole alliance.
This comment goes against everything your thread said before. Instead of cheering the alliance to leave you were suggesting what else they could do if they don’t like getting ganked by you with your big raids.

“If you get ganked group up or logoff into an alt and come back. Go fishing, farm the stockades or dance the hell out on top of the mailboxes. Play the AH or go duelling players.” Your exact words.


“Forced WPvP.”
You mean a PvP server? Which people chose to roll a character on despite knowing full well that the only way to grind honour would be through WPvP until phase 3?
You aren’t seriously implying that people were forced into this are you?


Snowflakes don’t like world pvp it seems…


I agree, come to Bloodfang while you still have the chance to join a server with a good amount of Alliance.

Bloodfang is doing great atm. Lots of alliance have come and balance is good.

I know you cant completely trust these numbers, but what i can say is that these numbers were different a couple of weeks ago, in the sense that all are now are showing more alliance than horde on the server, while the opposite was true 3 weeks ago:

Ironforge .pro: 56% alliance 44% horde
wowclassicpopulation .com Last 7 days: 72% alliance 28% horde - This i certainly wrong in total, but as i said, these numbers were opposite a couple of weeks ago, so this probably shows a lot of new alliance players in the last week
Players registrered on Bloodfang EU Discord: 353 Alliance 331 Horde - Again not exact numbers, just signs, but 3-4 weeks ago there were more Horde than Alliance on Discord.

So from what i can tell alliance is really growing on Bloodfang, and while there are still more horde PVPing and alliance corpse runs to BRM still happening. The tendency is a really good alliance community building up on Bloodfang :slight_smile:

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