Alliance Premade Solution

Blizz ban Av Enabler and ppl who use that addon . I wonder why? and Oqueue simply disappear because they add Group finder in the Wow interface .
And no. I play a lot that time and there was no way so many premades like this days in SL. But ofc WoW have in that days somewhere between 12 -17 millions players .i don t remember

They did not ban the addon. I also highly doubt they banned people using the addon.

They did. They closed that part of the API that enabled it to work and even stated in a blue post that they don’t want people to premade random battlegrounds.
Just because you think ban equals a punishment doesn’t make it legit.
They most likely will ban if people workaround that and they find out. That’s how Blizzard worked always.

They did not ban the addon. I’m sure they closed to API, but they did not ban the API, and I still highly doubt they banned people :slight_smile:

Got a link?

They don’t ban people for using their Lua API, at best they block usage.

So, and why did they close this special part of the API that made, only, premade queues no longer possible?

I’m not searching for a blue post that is somewhere between 2 and 10 years old now, but you seem to have enough time to find it yourself. I mean it was on this forum some months ago too.

I don’t know what they closed and I don’t care. I only know that the claim of the addon being banned is false.

You’re the one that claims it exists, so prove it :person_shrugging:

u can t use that addon to queue multiple group to AV at the same time . that s all !I don t care if they bann it or if the guy who did the addon die . Capisci?
and maybe i m wrong about banning ppl for that addon but I’m very sure they bann a lot of ppl for use a macro or something called afk av . They bann for 3 days or so a lot of botters

If you’re willingly spreading misinformation to fuel arguments against people that don’t play how you want them to play, then I don’t care what you mean, I’ll call you out for spreading misinformation, capiche?

This has exactly 0 to do with the discussion at hand.

Again, has nothing to do with this discussion.

make a search on google: Preform Av Enabler . I’m not gonna lost my time with Delenis II

And then what am I supposed to look for?

First Google link:


It states:

This addon will NOT be revived for Classic WoW. (Blizzard made that impossible anyway or at least limited the functionality significantly)

So tell me something I hadn’t figured out yet. This addon is still not banned, it states that the addon won’t work because Blizzard limited the API. I don’t know how the addon was supposed to work, but I’m assuming that a combination of API calls have been made protected. This happens all the time and is in no way banning anything, just removing certain possibilities from addons.

So again, if you can’t prove to me that premade groups are explicitly disallowed, that these addons are banned, or that that users are banned, then why repeat this misinformation?

Your answer gave me further confirmation of the fact that you discuss just for the sake of winning the argument. It seems that’s all what you care about, at least according to my personal point of view.

The link I shared is quite clear. It gives you all the information you need to know.

The fact that when you try to push the button “Join as a group” with a group with more than 5 people you can’t queue, should suggest you something. It’s explicitly clear that Blizzard allows you to queue with a 5 man group only. We already discussed about this many times, but you are just trying to find a way to justify 20+ man premades. We all know that it’s not easy to solve this issue without compromising the social aspect of the game.

Personally I’ve never heard of banned users, but I’ve been told many times by players that were pvping back then and using it that Blizzard made it impossible to use. Banned, broke, impossible to use, the final result is the same: players can’t use the addon anymore or at least not with its initial purpose.

As for technical details, you might wanna contact directly the addon creator. He/she will probably give you a better insight about it.


Originally Posted by **Vaneras

This is not something that we are encouraging, but it is also something that we currently have no realistic way to prevent. That being said, this is something that may change soon, which is why we always advise people to not use any type of add-on designed to circumvent or bend our balancing safeguards… using such add-ons can lead to severe account penalties!

or in Classic WoW

And your solution to 40v40 is here:

http s://

It gives me all the information I already knew, which has nothing to do with an addon being banned, and thus not important to the discussion of bans.

Not trying to find a way to justify what’s already justified. Blizzard has had years to disallow it either mechanically or officially in a post. Neither has happened.

Be clear in what you mean. An addon being banned is something completely different from an addon being abandoned because its purpose can no longer be met.

Don’t need to, I can download the addon and look at it myself if I wanted to, it’s just not interesting to me to do so.

  1. That’s classic WoW
  2. No addons are used to circumvent or bend balancing safeguards.

No it’s not a solution. Doing this:

  • yields no honor
  • yields no kills
  • requires you to organize 80 people
  • requires the initiators to be on the same realms

It’s not an alternative to premade ebgs, it’s a tournament tool.

No, it’s not justified. You could have defined it justified if it would have been possible to queue as a 20+ man group, but it’s not possible. That’s why you are forced to form many 5 man groups to join an epic bg together. I repeat what I already wrote, this issue isn’t easy to solve without compromising the social aspect of the game.

I think I’ve been clear enough in what I mean, it’s just that you like to nitpick on words and play with semantics. The moment Blizzard limits or nullify the usage and consequently the main purpose of an addon, the addon is broken. That’s why the creator abandoned the project. If the addon can’t serve its purpose, it becomes useless. And if you read the purpose of that addon specifically, you will perfectly understand the reason why Blizzard broke it.

So in the end, even if you use the word “banned”, “broken” or whatever you prefer, the final outcome will always be the same: the addon can’t be used according to its original purpose, in this specific case allowing to queue with a group with more than 5 people at the same time to end in the same bg.


As long as premades follow the rules set by Blizzard, it’s justified. You may not agree with that, doesn’t change how it is.

Addons break like this every patch cycle.

I mean, by that argument the addon never had to exist, as you can do this 100% without any addons involved :woman_shrugging: The author most likely didn’t see value in spending time on it afterwards, which doesn’t mean it’s banned or broken, just not worth the alternative because it’s easy enough.

Exactly as I thought. You ignored the facts - again.

Going epic bg with a premade isn’t an alternative to premade epic bg either, still you do it.
You said you wanted to fight other premades and wargames is exactly for that. And no, you don’t need to organize 80 people. You need to organize 40 as before.
And the question? What do you need honor for. You should be capped at all the time. Kills mean nothing due the exploiting of honor kills with premades for years now.
So, Blizzard has given you the option to play an organized 40v40 and still this isn’t enough for you?

It’s excuses all over again with ignoring the facts given to you. Really pathetic to be honest.

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It’s not that I don’t agree with that. Here it’s not about my personal opinion, it’s about a fact. You are circumventing the queue system, that allows to queue with a 5 man group only, to join the same epic bg with a 20+ man group. So, you are bypassing a system that Blizzard put in place.

No, that addon got broken on purpose by Blizzard to not allow players to queue simoultaneously while being in a raid group with the purpose of joining the same bg. It didn’t break because of a patch cycle.

Futile argument. There are many addons that are not necessary, but that we use regularly simply because according to our personal taste they make our gameplay more pleasant.

Of course he didn’t see any value in spending more time on it, Blizzard literally killed the purpose why the addon was created. What would have been the sense in investing time in a project that Blizzard basically disallowed? Personally, I would defined it as broken. Here the main point was not to understand why the creator decided to stop this project, rather to let you understand the reason why Blizzard decided to broke it. But once again, you had to play around words in the attempt to win the argument.

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