I’ve been giving you facts, not my problem you don’t like them.
So the alternative I’m doing is not an alternative? Next time do a warmup before you stretch your brain this much.
You’ll need 2x40 people for this, so if I want to play, I need to somehow get 79 others. 2x40=80.
Something with high effort and low reward, vs low effort high reward. Not my fault you don’t understand how this works You’re expecting me to put in a lot of effort to get very little, while currently I put in very low effort and have hours of fun.
What “facts” are being ignored exactly? Because every time I correct your “facts”, you say I ignore them
Says the one that wants others to play exactly the way you want
Fact: no queue system is being circumvented.
Still queuing with only 5 people. These 20 people are still playing at the same time and would still end up in the same bg, and still work together, whether they intentionally queue together or not.
And like I said, you don’t need an addon for this, so it’s not worth maintaining the addon
Why is this a futile argument exactly? Using 100% of the tools provided by Blizzard. If they don’t want it, they have to make it impossible to do, or state that it’s not allowed
Not playing around words here. If you bring up “Blizzard banned an addon, that’s why premades are not allowed”, and then crawl back to “Blizzard broke part of the addon, that’s why premades are not allowed”, while still not giving any proof that Blizzard actually said premades aren’t allowed… That’s your words (or lack thereof)
The author said that their addon wasn’t worth maintaining anymore, never said why.
(Blizzard made that impossible anyway or at least limited the functionality significantly)
The function of that addon according to the curse page:
Preform AV Enabler allows the group/raid leader to solo queue everybody in the raid group simultaneously with a button press and to see the queue status of everyone with this addon installed for the purpose of increasing the chance of the raid getting into the same battleground.
This is something you can do 100% without addons
You’re the one that needs a reading lesson. As per your post:
New Feature: “It is now possible to queue up to 5 people simultaneously using the standard Blizzard AV UI”
I’m still investigating the best options to queue with more than that, but it doesn’t look like a “quick fix” is possible.
Most importantly though: “We’ve prepared a collection of improvements that we’re going to make to Alterac Valley in WoW Classic over the next few days”
Alterac Valley in WoW Classic
Now if the blue post you linked is not the one you wanted to link, correct yourself and learn to read what you link