[Alliance RP Guild Recruitment] Guardians of Nothing

In Character Information

Times are hard.

The King is missing, the Army is scattered around the continent, fighting on many fronts, while the nobles hide in their keeps, ignoring the problems the Stormwind lands face. Militias are forming, fighting for their own: undeads and defias thugs and even orc skirmishers, yet how long can they last without help? Tired of watching how the place you call home slowly succumbs to chaos and misery, yet unwilling to join the Army that will just send you far away on Light knows what front? Good news are here, citizen, you can help without being but another puppet for the noble class. Introducing to you:

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Guardians of Nothing :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Once a mercenary company on the brink of being forgotten, now officially affiliated with the Stormwind Military, receiving funds directly from the Royal Treasury, without the need to beg the nobles for permission everytime. Veterans and commoners alike are invited to join and do their part in slowly cleaning the capital and the surroundings lands of the filth that plagues it. With the headquarters at the famed tavern The Guardian, the company offers food, lodging and monthly payment to those that decide to take a stand today.

Out of Character Information

Guardians of Nothing, aka G.o.N, is a lawful/neutral heavy roleplay guild that focuses on making events around the Stormwind lands as a Stormwind Military affiliated company. What this means is that while we don’t have the same authority as the Agents of the Crown (aka regular guards), we still have some authority on more mundane tasks, like keeping the peace, escorting official caravans, bounty hunting, package delivery between towns and cities, posing as bodyguards - most of these being public events which anyone can interact with. On short, G.o.N. strives to add a little more life to the Stormwind City and the lands around while also creating and hosting fun events, both battle and social ones.

What G.o.N. offers is at least one main event per week and a tavern hub that will be open several evenings. The battle events will be DM’ed, similar to DnD campaigns. There is no real requirement to joining the guild, besides you character fitting the lawful/neutral alignment (sorry, chaotic evil characters!). Both new roleplayers and veteran ones are welcome, and several events will be open even for people that aren’t in the guild.

For more information feel free to whisper either Mílo or Dooggie in-game, or join our guild discord through Neptulon’s Palace in the guild section, or poke me on discord under the tag: Senza#1155.


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