Alliance RP

Greetings my dear ZT commuty. I can see a lot of post’s from Horde members about RT, what about Alliance side? How many RP-guilds do we have?

On elvish side it is geat we have 5 roleplaying elven guilds on our server. Interesting how is about RP guilds with different races on allince sides.

We have 5 guilds only for Elves? Wow, thats strong! But what about one lonely paladin without brotherhood. Where to go

Make your own guild!

We have The Dwarven Excavation Co, a Dwarf-only Rp guild that I happen to be involved with.


I’d suggest you go to Scarlet Crusade, they are very good in all the ways. Or if you are perhaps from alterac join one of the alteraci guilds (there are 3)

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There’re tons of RP guilds on Alliance Side.

You can join Scarlet Crusade or Inquisition if you’re into Light-themed RP

As comment above me mentioned, if you’re interested in Alterac/Hillsbrad theme and wpvp, there’re three equally cool Alterac guilds (i’m co-GM of one of them)

There’re Dwarven and Elven guilds too, sworn to protect Ashenvale or bomb spirit out of the horde; There’re Inn/Tavern Based guilds too; And gnome-only Gnomeregan aswell;

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Thank you very much! Now Ill think about the guild to join

Alliance players are currently very dedicated to leveling, so they have poor activity in PVP and RP right now.
Wait until a big chunk of the population reaches max level then you will see a more active RP community :+1:

Yeah but I barely see them rp, I dont know if its because of shet layering, or because they just lvl. I m used to heavy rp world, and so far im not seeing it.

People on general in ashenvale also stated that fact.

I dont understand the lvling before rp at all cost btw. Leveling being scrub and getting stronger is one of the most funny part of any rpg tabletop.

Jessar, I totally agree with you. The most fun RP events I took part in classic WoW happened before I reached 60 lvl.

When phase 2 hits with honor rewards but no battlegrounds, every flightmaster and every quest hub exit will have a squad of 10+ level 60s farming you for honor. It is absolutely essential to hit level 60 before that happens, or your levelling experience will become a living hell. I rp here and there, but 60 before phase 2 is absolutely my top priority.

When phase 2 hits with honor rewards but no battlegrounds, every flightmaster and every quest hub exit will have a squad of 10+ level 60s farming you for honor. It is absolutely essential to hit level 60 before that happens, or your levelling experience will become a living hell. I rp here and there, but 60 before phase 2 is absolutely my top priority.

This race roleplayers can never win. While they endlessly farm dungeons and battlegrounds, we roleplay. We are in greens, they are in blue. When we collect full blue, they will have full T1 gear. when we get several epics from Zul Gurab, they will be full T2.

So this is pointlees to take part in the race to 60, just need relax and enjoy game.

Once you hit 60 and get your preraid gear it takes you at most a few hours in two evenings per week to do the easier raids (MC, BWL, ZG etc) and get gear, and they don’t require that many consumables. Unless you are in a progression guild aiming for AQ40/Naxx you have the rest of your time to do whatever you want to do.

Once you hit 60 and get your preraid gear it takes you at most a few hours in two evenings per week to do the easier raids (MC, BWL, ZG etc) and get gear, and they don’t require that many consumables. Unless you are in a progression guild aiming for AQ40/Naxx you have the rest of your time to do whatever you want to do.

Yeah, that is for PVE/PVP guilds. What about roleplaying guilds, which usually do not have more than 10 members online? On Scarshield legion server alliance of 3 roleplaying guilds managed clear zulgurab/aq 20 when PVE guilds had cleared AQ 40. Visiting MC was impossible dream for us. Also for many roleplayers farming the same raid is not gameplay they came for. But that was our choice and we have a lot of fun during our RP events so I just want to say : “this is pointlees to take part in the race to 60, after will be race for T1, T2 and roleplayers always will be two steps behind that race”.

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No, you fundamentally misunderstand, due to how blizzard set things up, it is in fact a pseudo-race to 60. Else phase 2 hits and you find yourself lvl 51 in Un’Goro, WPL or Felwood being literally farmed for 20 honor your still warm corpse provides on somebody’s way to rank 11.
As McMourning said, once you are 60, it is entirely up to you how much time you put into gearing up. I’d argue even before pre-bis, MC, ZG, Ony are easily doable in just some random blues from any 60 dungeon+BRD. Pre raid BiS is highly overrated.
And running end game dungeons has less dangers than levelling inherently. You are 5 together, and if worst comes to worat, it’s like 3 pvp corpseruns to the instance portal. I got into WC like that, it costs you nothing but time.

Your old guild sound to have been quite fun for an RP guild.

I agree with Groalen. In my humble experienced opinion, You dont write a “book” by grinding pvp or pve, nor you will be remembered for it at all, nor “readers” will want to read your “story”. Rp is about rp.

I by no mean judge how rp should be done, but rp is just something aside from any non rp matters, but you can use it to your own flavor and taste. I think that, in a rp pvp, both should be mixed, rushing for 60 is not a rp spirit thing the way I see it, its 100 percent only pvp.

You can even duel with dices on allies side.

People who will give you a like on youtube for a pvp vid will be pvp players.