Alliance server with decent Horde activity

I’m thinking about starting a new char or transferring an existing one to a UK server, alliance. Which server has a decent amount of horde activity, so you can do some WPvP, without having a permanent imbalance of 1:10 a:h (or worse)?

Imbalance is ok, it’s just that my current realm has a rather low activity in general, and not too much horde.

And, joining UK alliance in rnd BG’s might be a good choice as well…

Well, for War Mode, the only difference is if you are on a normal realm or RP realm. Normal realm WM is better if you want to see plenty of Horde, and don’t mind being outnumbered at times. RP realm WM is not so active, generally easier, good if you prefer 1v1.

Being outnumbered or not is just the luck of the draw, the normal realm that you are on makes no difference. It could come down to if want a large Alliance population for non WM stuff. I chose Ravencrest normal, moved from Defias RP. I only WM though, so I can’t say much about the realm, seems ok.

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Thanks! Didn’t know that the realm rarely affects the warmode (only talking about non-rp-realms)… So for imbalanced realms, players from the same may be assigned to different shards?

I believe so.

On RP realms, only players from that realm are in Warmode shard(s).

Argent Dawn has a pretty good ratio in Warmode in my experience, but of course there are always going to be times when you get ganked or outnumbered.

I’m not sure how reliable realmpop-dot-com is, however, I’m currently thinking about switching to

  • Outland (A : H - 397.398 : 79.275) Alliance is dominating, but maybe the WPvP shards ensure somewhat balanced faction proportions, and high alliance activity might be good for Auction House - or how is Auction House working in terms of shards?
  • Ahn’Qiraj and related connected realms (A : H - 93.228 : 211.039), less Alliance than Horde, and lower total number of players. maybe a more familiar atmosphere?
  • Draenor (A : H - 47.475 : 448.129) high Horde activity, few Alliance. Maybe ok as long as we have WPvP in shards, but once this system is removed, it might be hard life for Alliance :wink:

I prefer not to choose an RP realm, at least for German servers this usually means shards with low activity…

Any further comments?

Outland horde is full sorry, take another realm.
More allys are welcome tho. :smiley:

I’m not going to be Horde, I want to transfer my Alliance char to another realm - as Alliance char.

According to realm pop, Outland Horde is rather empty compared to Alliance.

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