Alliance vs Horde (PvP) - Shamans and Paladins

I’ll start my point by posting this:

Sarthe testing Elemental Shaman (youtube short)

Another youtube video giving even more insight.

Alliance vs Horde (pvp) has historically favoured the Horde in classic WoW.
1) Racials:

1.1 What is Paladins main CC? Stun. What are almost inmune to? Stun. (also affects other classes with stuns on the alliance side.)

1.2 Unbalanced CC between the factions due to “will of the forsaken”.


2) Shamans vs Paladins:

2.1 Paladins have strong buffs and seals - Shamans counter by purging.

2.2 Paladins have a stun as CC - Shamans counter by being orc.

It is that simple.

Now, that’s fine, alliance had an advantage in PvE, but now that is gone with the implementation of weapon skills for everybody. On top of that, shaman has been insane all through SoD and it looks like they’re going for an even more crazy version of it in Phase 4.

This will create many problems, people will get frustrated, PvP will be NO FUN and it will ruin the experience for a lot of people. Even some shamans that actually care about the health of the game are raising their voice. There’s other ways of going around the class which won’t put the alliance in such a weak spot.

Yes there has been a good rework on the paladin side too, but it’s been a rework because of gameplay issues. Balancing wise AoW was in a good spot is gameplay that sucked. That is changing which is nice, but that doesn’t put paladins nowhere near being able to compete in BG’s/World PvP. Not vs those shaman powerhouses, and in those numbers… everybody wants to play a strong class.

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as much as i would hate to see it, maybe paladin should get some dispel protection since their entire class revolves around their buffs.

i’d be fine with like 15-20% dispel resistance across the board for them (as long as it doesn’t get out of hand) especially since mages can now dispel magic too, if they run the new rune. (although i am not sure mages can dispel offensively… maybe its only friendly magic dispelling)

that way they would at least be able to maybe, possibly, keep their buffs for a few seconds longer, especially if they know how to purge-protect their important buffs which is a thing good paladin players know how to do.

however, that would be a mandatory rune slot so it should be baked into a rune paladin will always run, so i don’t know which one it should be.