Alliance vs Horde: Which one is the worst according to you?

Oh boy, this again!

In context, the shadowmoon thing was Ner’zhul breaking the taboo because Grom came and told him to join him or die, and to make himself useful. Thus he adopted void magic to give his clan an edge and justification to be kept alive.

She justifies working for sylvanas paraphrasing the schutzstaffel motto at zellig’s execution. Yikes. Whoever let that slip under the radar?

It takes some metal gymnastics to both-sides it but the lightbound are authoritarian, even if not malevolent.

Yet their major sticking point against the lightbound is religious freedom to pursue their halfhearted, flawed shamanism and objectively incorrect beliefs about the genedar.

Such as healing it. Light is Life, causing wilted flowers to bloom.

The orc I vote most likely to make a principled stand and refuse whatever dramatic change the lightbound require, no matter how justified and necessary. Honour before reason trope.

We will never be slaves! But we will be slavers. Orcs and hypocritical slavery, name a more iconic duo.