PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Attempts to stop him doing what

When did this take place

Also, much as I love all the focus on Grom, I’d note that the Lightbound are also fighting Draka and the other Frostwolves. I guess they’re also suddenly evil now? Durotan too. Died in battle against the good guy Lightbound.

Oh so we need to add the Void Elves to the list along with the gnomes and dwarves then huh.

When did this take place, exactly? Is that mentioned in the scenario?

Weird you’d think the mag’har wouldn’t have shamans as playable.
You’d also think that if killing elements was such a big deal that our killing off the elemental lords over and over again would have a bigger impact, since that’s all it takes to kill the world.

You guys have nothing but headcanon going here, instead of believing that saturating a planet with Light might have an impact on its Life.