Thinking of the whole “burning World Tree” ordeal? If anything, history shows us that elves aren’t opposed to allying with former enemies if the need arises.
They’re Pragmatic™ that way.
Thinking of the whole “burning World Tree” ordeal? If anything, history shows us that elves aren’t opposed to allying with former enemies if the need arises.
They’re Pragmatic™ that way.
Indeed, they are.
Keeping your own skulls is normal.
Stealing other people’s skulls is whack.
Tfw people still didn’t learn from MoP that “Are we both just as bad as each other here…?” SMH
(The above is mostly tongue in cheek, I still mostly blame Blizz for not being any damn good at Grey Areas, see: Garrosh and all his shenanigans that kinda undermined the rest of the expacs message)
in general a unified empire of all elves make no sense
there’s no reason for nightbourne and void elves to play nice
there’s no reason for blood elves and night elves to play nice
if anything it will be about blood elf + void elf or night elf + nightbourne
considering the theme is gonna be near and around SMC its probably gonna be blood elf + void elf
light (sunwell/golden eyes) and dark (tellogrus rift/purple eyes) as many prophecies in wow keep referring too (fractal nature of the world, I know SL type lore but the fractal nature of the storytelling could be felt way before SL so I’ll give the fractal observation of lore a pass)
High elves only really exist in any meaningfull way as the silver covenant and those guys are dalaran, so technically neutral
Lol. Lmao. Silver Covenant is anything but neutral.
Its an Alliance organisation based within Dalaran, in the same manner that Sunreavers are a Horde organisation based within the neutral nation of Dalaran.
That they play nice and are stationed within Dalaran, does not mean that they are neutral!
True all my homies know its actually just point blank alliance hence the ‘technically’
Blizzard iirc states that they are not however every time they pull in the Kirin Tor for something
Or they make the Kirin Tor itself make the claim
Nope, more like how the vast majority of night elven people are forest dwelling nature/balance folks that want nature to just thrive, while the other elves are city dwelling, lets control nature through Arcane folks.
The night elves follow Elune, the nightborne haven’t got anything written about what religion they follow and the Thalassian elves follow the Light, heck now even got a void elf Light-user.
I beg to differ.
Also, that means the Jinyu would fit the Horde better…
Why not? Nightborne and void elves have barely interacted, if at all, but the void elves are still Thalassian elves (with which the nightborne are allied?? Unified kingdom with???).
This is true!
Also, you’re entirelly forgetting that the rulers of Silvermoon and Suramar are married, why wouldn’t the nightborne play a role in a Kingdom of Quel’thalas that is home to all three factions of Thalassian elves?
Hadn’t taken that into account yet admittedly, I didn’t pay it thought because I assumed there’s nothing to reunify between the nightborne and the blood elves as they have had no recent split to speak of and technically already exist under the same banner, but naybe blizzard means a more intimate unification that goes deeper then we’re both horde
Their presence and involvement is a possability I hadn’t considered tho, definately
Taking skulls they’ve just dropped on the ground is very different from stealing them, and even more different from killing and beheading hozen elders. By the standards of WoW races what the Jinyu do is very tame.
Dalaran and the Kirin Tor are neutral, the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers merely lived in Dalaran and obeyed Dalarani laws, but were ultimately part of their respective factions.
They will join the United Dorei Empire nonetheless.
It’s pretty clearly stealing them, actually? Like just 'cos something’s on the ground doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-all.
Its just Archeaology!
Its all speculation at this level really
for all we know they’re hinting at an azshara comeback because technically Naga’s are elves too
Obviously thats an exagerated example that’s not the case but in the end it means that we don’t know what blizzard means with the unification of elven tribes
because it doesn’t make sense for all the elf tribes to be unified, some have 0 in common or have lost shared history 10k years ago
Huh, this part is new to me. I knew he wished to add Alterac to his own domain but, I never knew about threatening to invade Kul Tiran colonies to the point Daelin had to threaten him. Where’s that written?
I don’t think you have to wait longer than Midnight for that
Day of the Dragon, but I do not find any examples of Genn wanting to invade Kul Tiran colonies or Daelin threatening to invade Gilneas. Closest is Daval Prestor / Deathwing promising Kul Tiran sovereignty over the seas would be defended to the point that forces would be sent to Gilneas if it were ever to be endangered by the Gilneans and him also promising Genn Gilnean colonies on the shores of Alterac.
Well, it would mean that those theoretical descendants of Clovis/Árpád are directly benefiting from the colonial conquest that their ancestor performed. Their wealth and their position and their authority will have come directly from warmongering. With every change of regime, that connection becomes more and more tenuous.
This is why House Waycrest is a colonialist institution. Their dominance of Drustvar is built on the fact that their direct ancestor waged war on another people, took their land from them and effectively wiped them out. If it wasn’t for those deeds, House Waycrest wouldn’t rule of all of the people of Drustvar, they wouldn’t have been born into the lap of luxury, they wouldn’t reign from a wonderful mansion and so on. They live in a position of great privilege primarily because of the violent actions of their ancestor.
But it’s justified by the fact that the Drust were absolutely evil and monstrous, which is why some of us have an issue with the writing of Drustvar and consider it white-washing and tone-deaf, as you’ve mentioned.
I’m of the opinion that celebrating conquest is in poor taste and isn’t something that should be done, but it’s not an opinion that I will try and force on others. When combined with a bunch of other factors, it can be considered an indicator of a colonialist culture. On its own though, you’re absolutely right, it’s nothing more than an indicator of patriotism, even if I find it a bit tasteless.
Ah yeah, I remember that quote now. But that’s indeed different than Genn actually having those dreams or Daelin actually making those threats.
Rhonin’s raptors nod sagely.
Isn’t Alterac a landlocked country?
It’s got Lordamere Lake to the north. Perhaps that’s what the book meant?
Gilneas had southern Silverpine at the time, also with access to Lordamere. So it’s feasible!