Alliance vs Horde: Which one is the worst according to you?

I always like to equate the Forsaken helping to liberate Gilneas by lobbing Blight-barrels at Gilneas to the US helping Japan liberate their homeland by dropping another tactical nuke on Japanese home-soil.

As I said in other places though, I will simply say that the Gilneas questline was rushed and tone-deaf for whatever reason, but, it is what it is now and there’s little use in fussing about it too hard, even as a Gilneas rp’er since my very first days on this server.

The only thing I wish they would do , since we’re apparently getting a harbor-connection to Bel’ameth, is fix the darn weather. Constant rain is just depressing af to rp in and in the Curse of the Worgen comic, there’s plenty of images of Gilneas being shown in a sunny day.


What I don’t understand is why they did not make Lordaeron neutral, akin to how Bel’ameth and Gilneas are now neutral(ingame that is).

It would be awesome to play my Darkfallen Kaldorei alongside Forsaken! Although they did give us a good alternative to it, with the Twilight Tower in Amirdrassil!

What I also do not understand is, why use the Forsaken for the Reclamation of Gilneas, aside from the fact that Voss is now somehow everybodies bff, it makes zero sense. Instead they should have focussed on the connection between the Gilneans and the Kaldorei and have the Kaldorei be more involved in the Reclamation, as a sort of payback for their help during the War of Thorns and the subsequent Fourth War/Battle for Darkshore!

Eitherway the bond between the Worgen/Gilneans and the Kaldorei is, was and always has been severely underutilized!

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So with Chronicles 4/5 out how did the baddie-o-meter change? Is the Horde more worst?

Always have been, and still are with the new Chronicles :smirk:

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What’s the tea? What new stuff has been shared?

They made the Horde directly responsible for releasing Xal’atath :skull:.

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I’m reading through the PTR thread currently, what a mess.

For once, void elves are blameless. :squid:

If you wanted to play in a morally right and correct faction, well - the Alliance is waiting for you!

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you can just say boring

it’s not boring to do morally correct war crimes :sunglasses:


Horde is a plot device for the Alliance so ofcourse it is easy to default to “human good, cooler looking dude bad”

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Chronicles 4’s…questionable adjustment to the the BfA timeline means that now the Horde attack Brennadam, and Brennadam alone, for seemingly no reason since at that point they had no other involvement in Kul Tiras or Zandalar.

Vengeance for Daelin’s craven assassination attempt under the banner of parley and the attempted genocide of the Echo Isles, I suppose.


If I was a Troll RPer… I could get behind this one.

Its still stupid, mind… But atleast it could give them some sort of justificiation no matter how superficial


I’ve always maintained hat Vol’jin could have spearheaded the faction war in BfA for his connections to both Zandalar and Kul Tiras.

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Not-so-conspiracy theory: Talanji was only invented because they uselessly killed off Vol’jin and that is why Rastakhan’s family is otherwise non-existent and not elaborated on.


Honestly anyone could or can. There’s enough beef between the factions that the story writers can pick one instance of faction violence out and then turn that into a reason why X lore character suddenly remembers they can hold a grudge.


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