Alliance vs Horde: Which one is the worst according to you?

Although a Dad Dadsplaining something to people who probably know a lot more than he does is very realistic I guess so credit where credit is due.

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It’s a bit weird that when Alliance characters brag about how many genocides their people had commit, how many peoples they had wiped out (Maiev), it’s later retconned.

It’s also pretty funky how the Alliance can commit colonialism, meet resistance in the form of natives and eradicate them completely and it’s not really depicted as a negative thing.

Almost like there’s been a long standing set of double standards in the narrative.


The British corrupting the Writer’s room.

Actually I guess its just a normalised, American staple these days more than it is a British thing.

Overall? The Alliance.

The Horde is very much a victim of spite writing, with its leaders often being hit with the villain bat and unceremoniously killed off after having their redeeming qualities utterly eroded away.

When it comes to the Alliance, however, even the most horrific of atrocities are excused and the characters responsible for them are given a free pass. Back when I played more actively I was very much in favour of Jaina and/or Vereesa being killed off for their part in the Purge of Dalaran.

I don’t particularly care for either faction at this point. Only specific playable races within them.


Which atrocities?

Defending themselves? Their allies? Their lands?

For a brief, interesting period of time the New Horde under Thrall’s leadership was unquestionably the good guys, merely trying to eke out a living in a barren, barely hospitable land away from past conflicts and sins but still hunted and persecuted by Alliance forces. This lasted roughly until Thrall decided to invite the Forsaken and after that it’s been a pretty steady spiral into a stream of “Why Do They Simply Not Remove The Horde” moments.


Could it that the Horde gets worse writing and treatment because their color is red (Red states) and the Alliance is sorta ok because their main color is blue (Blue states)?


The Alliance is the worst 'cause they annoy me.

Or more seriously, yes, the Horde constantly get the villain bat and have a narrative zigzaging. But it’s not helped that every bloody time the Alliance do something bad as well (and they do!) it’s swept under the rug, the narrative ignore it, it’s retconned, or it’s just made into a non-thing.
So the Alliance’s the worst. At least the Horde have to do the soul searching from time to time.

(And I also can’t stand the Alliance, or specifically the Wrynn, habit of just taking the cultural stuff of other races “but they’re the bestest at it so it’s okay :)”. I’m looking at you Varian with somehow the blessing of an orc/night elf god who ignore everyone else, and Anduin in Pandaria. Or the “explaining to Sentinels the concept of attacking the enemy in pincer maneuver and telling Tyrande to be patient”. Keep your grubby hands away from everyone else’s stuff, thanks.)


Yeah, Human Potentional is very anoying!

Atleast the Horde gets lore divided between orcs, Forsaken and blood elves, until recently the Alliance was just humans, humans and humans!

Remember Alliance HighComm in Kul Tiras?

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The Purge of Dalaran, for starters. Last I checked, the Alliance claimed to be firmly against torturing and murdering innocent civilians - and no, ‘they resisted’ isn’t a legitimate excuse as no reasonable individual is going to react positively when suddenly dragged from their homes and expected to give up their belongings and homes.

The neutrality excuse doesn’t hold much weight either, when Jaina allowed Alliance troops to move freely through both Theramore and Dalaran.


The genocide of the Stonehoof Clan, the mass murder of goblins with molten giants that risk a second Cataclysm, the use of Void necromancy to desecrate the dead, the invasion of Alterac Mountains by the dwarves, the slaughter of goblin workers at Gallywix’s resort for the crime of
being employed, the Purge of Dalaran, Varian’s attempted assassination of Moira, Genn’s attempted assassination of the Horde Warchief during the Legion’s war, the killing of goblin miners for Azerite, the aforementioned attempt to kill the goblins fleeing Kezan (wow there’s a lot of goblin killing here, weird that), the deliberate sabotage of the Arcane Sanctums that were providing necessary magic for the starving Blood Elves, the attempted kidnapping/assassination of Thrall by SI:7, the slaughter of civilians in Dazar’Alor, Turalyon’s torture and kidnapping of refugees

This isn’t a “he-said she-said”, they’re not listed “in defense of the Horde”, but you can’t deny that these are “bad things the Alliance has done that the narrative (and Alliance players in turn) ignores”.


Yeah but Elenthas really epic, heroic orchestral music plays when I do any of these things, explain that huh!!!


I had forgotten until you just reminded me.

I guess, personnally. I like the Horde as an entity, in its concept. I started in BC and I loved that idea of taking the tropes and turning them over (the orcs’ whole thing, the minotaurs who are a peaceful hunter gatherer people, the pretty blond elves who actually do the extreme things and are with the monstrous looking races, etc.)
Meanwhile I really dislike the Alliance as an entity, but I like some of the races in. I don’t even dislike most of the races in, I just don’t vibe with them, it’s when they’re together under the tag “Alliance” that it’s giving me hives.
Might be a rest from BfA writing.

That too. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves with the fantasy genre. Even the classics are guilty of doing it.

'When will they understand that the Horde exists because of the Alliance. Because of their bigotry and-" I forget the rest of Lor’themar’s dialogue post the Jaina meltdown in Dalaran.

(Pretty sure she actually doesnt even have any proof for what she accuses the Sunreavers of. Atleast I dont remember dialogue beyond her just jumping to the conclusion.)

The Silver Covenant did nothing wrong.


Having a youtube playlist going doesn’t mean anything. I would know best, 'cos I had Nightcore - Everytime We Touch blasting for Teldrassil.

Jaina’s hypocrisy is pretty powerful here.

Jaina (leader of the Kirin Tor) has been aiding Darnassus against Horde spies/attempts to take the Divine Bell. This she states explicitly to the Alliance player. During their investigation after the Bell is taken, they find a portal leading back to Dalaran, from which Jaina (correctly) concludes the Sunreavers were involved in its taking. She incorrectly blames Aethas for this. (Yes, in one draft Aethas was meant to know, but that never became canon, so it’s not canon).

The position she takes is the Dalaran (Sunreavers) aiding the Horde is unacceptable, but Dalaran (Jaina) aiding the Alliance is good+proper.

Now, Jaina making this hypocritical conclusion is acceptable as a character flaw, but that it goes unexamined
sucks. Real bad.


At this point I choose to believe the Tyrande in that scenario was a disguised Faceless agent while the real Tyrande was briefly kidnapped.

Alas, the Sentinel thing happened in the comic. I was maybe 16 or 17 years old when I read that, and it soured me on the Wrynns writing forever.

I want an ingame scene where the Silver Covenant will try to justify Garithos sending them on Suicide Missions followed by the first round of Kirin Tor assisted genocide.

Every ‘high elf’ in existence seems to have just forgotten that unfortunate little stain ;/

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