Alliance vs Horde: Which one is the worst according to you?

Which comic was that?

They did plenty wrong, actually.

At the time, it spawned some pretty great role-play but the lack of any accountability was rather unfortunate and no doubt played a big part as to why Blood Elf role-play fizzled out quite a bit over the years.

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Although I wouldn’t be able to tell you which issue exactly, I think the french edition did the cuts differently. I’ll find one that allow reading online and find the exact passage (but be prepared for Not Great Art and Melon Boobs.)

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No, Saint Vereesa the Merciful is a paragon.

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I do not think this had anything to do with it, speaking as someone who previously rped a Belf for 6 years. Silvermoon was on its last, dying legs in MoP and was thoroughly killed in WoD. What killed Silvermoon/The Horde was the server being 85% Alliance, it sucks but its as simple as that.

I think we need to stop perpetrating this weird mindset that a non-existent High Elven community with non-existent lore somehow mysteriously killed Horde RP.

As cool as a High Elf shadow government controlling all of AD would be.


Silvermoon was already on a nosedive long before the purge, yeah. Speaking as someone who played a blood elf on AD from Cataclysm → WoD/Legion.


Imagine if someone asked you: “Hey, what is hotter, the Sun or boiling water?”

And someone goes: “Well if you touch boiling water you get third-degrees burn. That is really awful!”

But it does not answer the question at all. (the Alliance is the boiling water here, for context)

Analogy aside, we then arrive to the next level. People going: “Well, of course it is the Alliance that are the worse guys, because the writers gave them preferential treatment, so that makes them morally worse in-lore.”

The leaps we are doing here are just
 something else.
Also. How can you ask for the Horde to improve morally when you don’t even acknowledge that it is in a worse place than the other faction? Surely your case is immediately made weaker.

I actually used to have that comic on one of my old pc’s but not anymore
 gues I have to hope I can find it once more

I was not suggesting that it was the sole reason but simply one of the contributing factors amongst many others, especially for the circle of role-players I was involved with at the time - all of whom have now quit, to my knowledge. It was pretty jarring to have the Purge of Dalaran occur, participate in numerous campaigns involving an attempt at securing vengeance and justice for the atrocity only for the game to deny it completely.

Midnight will probably salvage things somewhat but that’s a few years away.

I wouldn’t bet on it, but I appreciate the hopium.


Tbh the Belf RP community needs to do some serious introspection and look inwards as to why exactly Silvermoon/Belf RP actually died - because the answer is that it was largely brought about from their own doings with every guild backtalking one another in private discords, trying to poach each others members, everyone having beef with everybody else and if you chose one group over another others would outcast you for a thousand years etc.


Ngl most factions had some moment like that, in-game or before, that would give them a reason to enact vengeance upon some other faction. Humans wanting to retake the North back? Never happened, yet it still creates RP to this day.

It seems a weird problem to fixate on. Surely other factors were far more important in the decline of blood elf role-play?

I don’t disagree. That’s certainly a big part of it and exactly what drove both myself and my partner away from the game for years.

I experienced that treachery first hand.


The Sunwarders maintain a bright spot in my memory to this day.

I’ve seen some Eyes around too, though the concept has likely changed a bit from what you envisioned it a decade ago.

I sometimes lament that it is gone. But I also smile because it happened.

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Yeah I remember spending several years, having started with RP in WoW late WoD, trying to get ‘in’ on Blood Elf RP and never quite managing, and it wasn’t for a lack of trying ot lack of thought put into my efforts tbh

I don’t think that the Belf RP community will salvage itself no matter what happens come Midnight

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I personally enjoy how the Alliance aren’t entirely good. They do shady, sometimes terrible things. They’re an organization (an alliance, if you will) comprising a huge diversity of different races with different values, and individuals within those races. Of course there’ll be “badn’s” in their ranks. And even the “goodn’s” will sometimes fall to hypocrisy and make mistakes.

The one example that stands out for me is Alterac Valley. The Stormpikes themselves said their only purpose was archaeology and territorial expansion. The Frostwolves, meanwhile, were legitimately fighting to protect their homes.

That being said; the terrible actions committed by the Alliance and the terrible actions committed by the Horde can’t compare. Neither in quantity or in sheer scale: The Alliance may have unjustly killed hundreds, perhaps a few thousand. The Horde has likely killed millions.

I remember you well! I don’t regret it, really - there’s certainly things I’d have done differently with the benefit of hindsight now that I’m older and wiser but it’s definitely a period I look back at mostly with fondness.

Thae’rasan and I are both ‘around’ if you ever want to interact with us again, on that note.

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Found it! Including some of me peeving about the comic itself. And I did not include picture of “Tyrande” and “Jaina”.

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Valeera’s butt flash is
something. Also those elves look horrific. As does the harpies.

Okay, so Varian had to school night elves on strategy not once but twice 
 great going Blizz