Alliance vs Horde: Which one is the worst according to you?

reminder that she’s like 15 or something here

At least they correctly chose to drop the idea of a Varian x Valeera romance before it happened

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To be fair those night elves don’t look much older.

The Warcraft comics seem, in retrospective to be a trove of disappointments and terrible decisions. It would indeed be better to consider them all… Non canon and let them fade away from memory.

To be fair, it was likely intended for teenager between the age of 13 and 18, hence Valeera and the very basic plot elements like Varian’s high-level strategy.

edit (yes I am posting a lot because the game is downloading)

And several characters mention, at several points in the comic, “Oh she’s an elf child.” Truly some choices were made there.

Melon boobs. Melon boobs as far as the eye can see.

(Although to be fair, the artist can’t draw horses either. Mind, the 3D designers have trouble making horses too, true. Or ungulate, yes I hate the WoD talbuk too, this is my art pet peeve thread now.)

Basic strategy at that. The night elves, the forest wraiths guerilla fighters people, need to be schooled… On ambushes? Truly?

Alas, they are canon.


Groans I know :frowning:


This is rather disrespectful towards the intelligence of teenagers as a whole.

I wish cultures would start doing without this idea that because something is meant for children/teenagers means it’s allowed to get away with poor quality writing… Sure adapt it to the targeted age and range but please make it good so we can enjoy decades later.

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has anyone been punished for the purge of dalaran yet
(no aethas prostrating himself before jaina by buying her gifts does not count)

I was a teenager at the time I read those, and I was vaguely offended by both the art and the writing. To the point I may still bring it up ten years later to say how much it annoyed me at the time.

Blizzard why are you like this?

I agree. I think there are young adult novels that withstand the test of time - most of them usually being stories of growth and formation.

This Comic isn’t one of them but hmm, WoW fans still reviewed it positively back then.

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Portraying Valeera as they did sure served nothing. It’s only in the comics and this detail is never brought up ever again. I’m guessing they’re justifiably ashamed of writing this and would like to forget and same for us.

Look, for once I’ll be charitable and just say that this was written with the same misguided enthusiasm every RPer has when creating their Tumblr level OC or first character… We’ve all met that dude in the DnD group who makes an edge lord or the pure Mary sue who’s innocent and naive and yet somehow very sexual…

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But Malfurion stopped lllidan from destroying the Scourge so the Alliance are also responsible for the existence of the Scourge.

Also Arthas.

Also Varian causing Legion by sparing Garrosh.

Guys and gals, you all are reacting way to fast for me to keep up, so I’ll just say this:

While, objectively, the Alliance is the good faction and the Horde the evil one…

I don’t care about either. I play Alliance, because Night Elves, for some reason, fall under the Blue banner innthe character selection screen.

Thus my point is, in the eyes of a Night Elf fan, both factions are bad and Night Elves are the best!

Given that the elves that were being sent on those missions were Sunfury and later joined with the Legion, I doubt anyone within Kirin Tor or among high elves views them as victims of Garithos.
My headcanon on this is even that Garithos is viewed positively by high elves because of one big game of telephone caused by distance and subsequent developments resulted in real character of Garithos getting erased.

Speaking of Purge of Dalaran, the hill I will die on (unless Blizzard talks more about the topic) is that in their minds, it was always meant to be a story of good Alliance/Kirin Tor against evil Sunreavers. All the things that make it a compelling story where betrayal of some Sunreavers and inaction of their leader had dire consequences for all of them, all the while Covenant forces used it as an opportunity to let out their pent up rage against blood elves were either coincidence or a case of Stonetalon Garrosh. They´re not trying to whitewash Jaina and Silver Covenant, in their eyes there has never been the need for whitewashing.

And yes, if I´m right (which I hope I´m not), once Midnight releases, people will be very shocked by the approach Blizzard takes with elven reunification.

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Worse in what way? who is the most evil? who is the worst at doing war?

Well first off we need to stop putting the wc1 and 2 horde and Thrall’s horde in the same box. Blackhand’s horde, wasn’t Doomhammer’s horde. nor was Thrall’s horde Doomhammer’s horde.

Going by Thrall’s horde as that is the WoW Horde. that faction is less prone to agression than the WoW alliance. During the War on the lich king, Thrall and Saurfang didn’t want to start a fight. And when Sylvanas did her Wrathgate. it was the Alliance to declare all out War against the Horde, even when Putricide also betrayed the Horde.

Thrall then put the warmongering Orc Garrosh on the throne, because he had to be a big important shaman. At that time, the Horde wasn’t Garrosh’s horde yet. there was a lot of resistance, from both the Tauren and Trolls.

The Alliance then started to advance onto kalimdor, using Theramore as their military base of operation. something Jaina had little say in iirc.

Because Varian and Garrosh were both meatheaded Warmongers. Stuff went bad to worse. However, the Thing with most Horde races, they fight to win. Normally Honor stops them from fighting dirty. but Garrosh stopped caring about honor long ago. and so Theramore’s crater happened. as that was the quickest way to Remove one of the Alliance threats from Kalimdor. Will i condone this action? no. but lets not forget that almost all Horde leaders tried to warn Jaina about this bomb.

Then during Mists. Both Horde and Alliance were Blood thirsty. Alliance wanted vengeance for Theramore, and the Horde wanted to claim new land.

This is also when Thrall’s horde and Garrosh’s horde split. He even called it his “true horde” so everyone who was not part of his in group. was not HIS horde.

During Sylvanas’ rule of the Horde, Things didn’t go all bad right away. but Anduin can do no wrong so compared to his Alliance, the horde was doing worse. But we still had Genn being a wild card. While rightfully angered with the Horde, he ignored direct orders from his High king, to settle a vendetta. While during Legion the Horde was busy fighting the Actual enemy.

in the 4th war. Sylvanas went of the deep end. which yeah, Horde were the Villains again. but much like with Mists. the Core that represented Thrall’s horde rebelled against her. staying true to the New Horde’s morals. And Those morals are held onto today.

Currently. i would say both factions are pretty OK moral wise.

but if we need to tally. The Horde done more bad than the alliance. but the Alliance’s hands aren’t clean.

I don’t think it’d hugely matter. Putting aside that Kael’thas and his followers were done dirty with the bait and switch of being built up and then killed off after being hit by the villain bat, many High Elves and Blood Elves would realistically have relatives who perished as a consequence of the Alliance’s shady antics.

As for the Purge of Dalaran, they can spin it however they see fit - but the writers and developers present now are very different to those that existed at the time. I don’t expect a satisfying conclusion but that’s mostly because MMO writing is aimed at those who flock to social media as opposed to those who actually keep track of how the story and world-building all fits together as a whole.

Midnight will just give some hollow lip-service about needing to come together for the sake of the greater good and how bygones need to be bygones. They’ve already reduced Aethas to a pathetic, apologetic wretch anyway.

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Which can easily be explained as the high elves trusting Alliance officials over Sunfury.
“Oh, your cousin was killed during an attack on Scourge positions 5 years ago? That´s unfortunate, but you know how wars are, losses cannot be prevented. Don´t trust what the demon worshippers tell you, Lord Garithos did not send any blood elves on suicide missions. They want you to believe it because it will push wedge into the Alliance.”

I think they will spin it exactly the same way those Mop devs intended it all those years ago, that´s my point.
Alliance being villains, or at least morally gray in Purge is 100% player interpretation (and correct one, might I add) and not something Blizzard intended. And since Blizzard has always seemed to operate based on what they intended when writing a story rather than what was written, Midnight will be based on that intent rather than the text itself.

Lol. Lmao. The Broken Front in Icecrown is there for a reason. The Forsakens betrayel of both the Horde and the Alliance was the second time the Alliance got betrayed and lost an Army to their “allies” in the Horde.

Yea Thrall and Saurfang did not want to start a war against the Alliance, but they pulled races and characters into the Horde that had no problem doing that with or without their consent.

Forsaken and Garrosh were ticking timebombs waiting to happen and Thrall and Saurfang knew it.

Alao as High-King, Anduin might be in control of the Alliance military, but only along as the Alliance members supply him with troops to command.

If, say for example Tyrande, pulled all her troops from the Alliance forces to fight the warfront in Darkshore and then decide open another front in the smack middle of Zandalar, she is free to do so, and Anduin cannot do anything against it.

Hence, why Tyrande decided to pull her troops and fight for her own lands and people(finally) even if Anduin was against that.

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Yes, I’ll be making an “ALLIANCE BAD” version too.