KEK it doesn’t say anything like that, all it says it how little left it is of High Elfs, I ain’t even going to bother talking against another Anime fan they don’t give up anyhow, you will see keep wanting your non exsisting race, might give you some hope in the game I guess
The Unbound Undead (or whatever you can call them) aka Calia Menethil race.
Well at least they are better then the diper babaies
OMG i completly forgot that. thats sounds cool too.
Let it go, they don’t give up, they will find anything to say against it, which is why no one is taking them serious anymore =^_^= <3
Well not really, I wanted to play a cyborg so I Don’t want my robotic parts to be hidden. It would be like playing a Maghar with a mog completly covering his skin, what’s the point ? Also you can make quite a lot of combinations of limbs anyways, they are only three colors yes but you also have to decide between clamps and regular hands and covered or exposed limbs plus all the face mechanical parts. Mechagnomes probably have the most options and combinations in the character creation.
Hát izéé csóróság van, nincs pénz name change-re
Playing a mechagnome in pvp is so much fun. Not because of racials or anything. But you know that every player you kill is seething that they’ve just been killed by a tiny little robot person. It warms my heart.
Like in avatar where if you shoot the human you become the blue ones and if you shoot the blue one you are human. Ps dunno what their actual race’s called navi was it?
Sethraks, Sethraks, 10 000 times Sethraks!
They were presented long time ago.
They appeared in rumors as perfect counter to Vulpera long time ago.
They are ONLY reptile race which could easily be playable.
They are even more cute than Vulpera. I snakes.
Meg tudom érteni teljes mértékben :D. De amúgy nagyon nagy nevet találtál ki neki
Yep they called Navi.
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