[Alliance] Worgen and Naga Allied Races

u letterly kill night elfs and ressurect them as undead on horde side as a quest :stuck_out_tongue:

Problem is what you and most people see in allied races isn’t what blizzard saw in them.

You see an opportunity to add cool races that somewhat relate to the existing ones.
Blizzard saw it as a buzz word to promote BFA with reskinned models that require minimum investment. This is why allied races mostly failed.

And before someone says I’m wrong, think about it. The allied races that did succeed are either faction swaps or ones that by some miracle went a bit extra beyond just recoloring existing races.

Hell yeah, I asked for this mid bfa when I played WoD for first time.

Also, I just finished today the 4 first books of WoW, so I also know that one Arrakoa allied with the Alliance during the first expedition to Draenor.

id take the sea elves ONLY if QUEEN azshara joins with us

walks in I want Naga walks out


You seem to think I don’t already have a Druid, in fact three of them, one indeed who is a Kaldorei one (really need to level that boy up from BfA to Shadowlands turf.)

Yes, but you’re missing the point. That’s still essentially giving extra races. Just because they are default Night Elf, they can still permanently be X race if they choose. You want to play as an Arrakoa? You can, you want to play as a Saberon, you can, you want to play as a Furbolg, you can, you want to play as a Naga? You can, you want to play as a Worgen with a Night Elf form (Despite being able to already play a Worgen being a thing, so this isn’t any extra) you can. Now the one good point you do make there, is that they would have the option to fight in one form or the other, which currently Worgen do not, but should have.

Says who?

But nor do you, that’s the point. we have no idea if -anyone- is getting something, and seem to be under the impression that anyone is getting anything.

But sure, let’s play devil’s advocate then, and let’s talk about the races, because that is what you’re really talking about here, rather than a second Night Elf Iteration. (I hope.)

I can see Alliance getting Arrakoa. Personally, the wingless Arrakoa would make sense more for Alliance. the Flighted ones have more in common with the Horde, specifically with Shal’dorei and especially Sin’dorei. Saberon are weird for either. They don’t really fit either, but as such, that is no reason for Alliance not to get them, because there is no compelling reason for Horde to get them either.
Furbolg? Definitely Alliance, we have seen they can play nicely with both Kaldorei, in Ashenvale, and with the Draenei, who are freakin’ -Aliens- on Azuremyst Isle. They have never really built up a connection with the Horde in a similar way.
Naga? Alliance? For real? No. There is one playable race they have a connection with, which is Blood Elves. Even assuming we’re talking an anti-Ashzara group of them, they are still far more likely to go Horde because of the past connection with Blood Elves.

I think we called that period WoW up till Cata. Alliance had the edge then. Don’t blame the Horde playerbase for the Raid imbalance, that’s entirely down to those people who jumped ship from Alliance, even when their racials were (as they are now) better than Horde ones.

So basically a bigger Orc. I mean, that’s all Rexxar is. a bigger Orc.

So why complain about a counterargument? Did you just want posts saying “Oh yes, that’s awesome” “Oh yes, that’s awesome”

And? Are you implying that I should have an obligation to not criticise things I can see flaws in? Christ, God knows I’ve criticised enough Horde threads about Ogres and bloody San’layn, and red eyed Blood Elves because those things make no sense either. Stop trying to make this about me criticising Alliance suggestions, when the truth of the matter is that I criticise -any- suggestions that don’t make sense.

I would actually. Critique helps us to expand upon our ideas and gives us things to consider we had not just blindly expected to have people nod their heads at.

I’m probably not the best person to ask on that front, given that my Horde Main is a Blood Elf, and my Alliance Main is a Draenei.

So an echo chamber it is then? fair enough, you should have just said so. cool, I’d probably play a Naga.
Just be honest about it. There is nothing in that title that is truthful. There is no Worgen allied Race there. There are Night Elves who can turn into multiple other races. There is no Naga Allied race there. There are Night Elves who can turn into Naga.

You should have just not been so disingenuous and been honest about it. “I want two new versions of Night Elves, that can look like Four other Races” Then everyone would have known where they stood.

Here we go…I knew it wouldn’t take long. I don’t actually favour either side. I play both factions (Because who wouldn’t want the cool mount that comes from ‘Every story has two tales’ Achievement or whatever it was called). You’re making massive assumptions here, that I specifically favour Horde. I don’t, just that -some- Alliance posters are so bitterly opiniated that someone has to give the other side voice. I also don’t even favour Horde Elves. Don’t get me wrong, I like that Blizzard’s Blood Elves are more similar to Elves from our real life myth and legend than some Tolkein fluff that is part of the ‘Humans and pals’ club, but it doesn’t mean I specifically favour them.

Wouldn’t bother me. If something’s cool, I’ll play it. Faction is an utterly secondary and meaningless concern in that regard.

No, it really is, as I explained.

No it really isn’t, as I explained.

That was me pointing out the impracticalities of the implementation of the idea, that whilst the ideas of those things being playable, were indeed awesome (Not so much the Saberon and Furbolg, but Arrakoa and Naga heck yes), it was ultimately a fruitless discussion, because it is asking for Four Allied races to be shoehorned in, which we just know isn’t going to happen.

No. You are incorrect. Humans are obviously Human. Kul’tirans are inexplicably Human somehow, but we’ll let that slide. Worgen I’ll give you a half mark on. Gilnean Humans are Humans, not a separate race. Because they are just Humans. Forsaken are not a Human Race. Lightforged Undead, assuming Blizzard are utterly insane enough to try and implement such a thing, would also not class as Human.

So that’s actually 2 1/2 Human races playable. It is also not inevitable. This is starting to sound like the High Elf fans who predicted that High Elves would be coming and that it was definite for every year for the last three years…

Ah hah, there we go…

You want to put a band-aid over a gushing femoral artery wound, rather than actually addressing the wound. We don’t live in the times when you could only play one faction (Thank the Gods), so that isn’t going to fix the matter.
The other thing is, it has nothing to do with races looking more attractive. It -did- once, when you could only play one faction. It doesn’t anymore. It has to do with idiotic League tables and parasitic opportunists trying to min-max the game.

Shouldn’t exist in Lore. Blizzard said they were impossible, hence the Seventh Legion troops despatched to Pyrewood in Silverpine.

Nope, nope nope, hella nope!

So like, uhh…Farstriders then, and Sentinels? Yeah, Horde and Alliance both have those.

OK, I’ve done Tabletop RPG’s for about 35 years now. What the everliving heck is a Snow Elf?

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That was simply to tell you not every choice or development has to appeal to everyone. nor will it, that’s why you have more than one race and more than one class, more than one faction.

You are missing the point, this is not about playing all those races, it’s about playing one race. You choose which beastman you are going to be when you make your character, it’s not like the druid class where you can shift to 4 different types of animals at will.

You are either a Worgen, a bearman, an eagleman, or a cat man.

It is not within the scope of this topic to debate what the horde should or will get. There are other topics for that, and you’re free to make one.

how dare teh alliance get a race you like or want, simply how dare they. The alliance must never get something that appeals to horde players.

They must feel inferior to us and we should always be the best (as I perceive it), faction balance be screwed the horde must always have the features I like the most.

Yes, ofc it’s raid imbalance, it’s certainly not serenading the horde with the best versions of things alliance players really like, and surprised why they all switch horde.

Afterall, that’s exactly what drew you to the horde from the alliance you originally started playing :wink:

I think you should read what it says and contribute your thoughts there, I’m sure it will be happily discussed.

Did you not understand a word that was written? You are arguing this is unfair because the horde doesn’t get it… you don’t see how pointless such a statement is on a topic that is only topic about things for the alliance and not what the horde shoudl or shoudln’t get.

Stick to the context of the topic. What’s the point criticising someone’s idea for Blood elves because humans don’t get it or because orcs don’t get it? Or another’s idea for Rogues because Mages don’t get it?

Don’t see the problem there?

It’s not relevant critique. If the topic mentioned what the horde shoudl get and you weighed it in relation to how you felt their proposal for the horde was, then I might understand.

But the topic isn’t about what the horde should get it’s pointelss to criticise it for not mentioning it, or having a go at it because @the horde@ @the horde@ it’s nota bout the horde.

I’m not here to judge you, but are you really aware of what you are doing and syaying here. Comment within the scope of the topic. No point complaining about this because the Legion doesn’t get the same treatment, when no mention about theLegion or what the legion should have is been discussed here.

You can bring up what the horde can get if you want, but this isn’t about the horde shoudl or shouldn’t get. Are you understanding the point?

You may play both factions, it doesn’t mean you like them equally. You have a clear favourite. Playing a druid night elf or a draenei doesn’t necessarily mean you’d love to see them improve or even get better than your favourite blood elf.

nor does it mean you like the alliance to be better. Examine yourself, it’s not for me to judge you. I will point out my observations. Correct me if I’m wrong, prove it to others and yourself. Be honest.

That’s at least good to hear.

Then you didn’t explain it properly. All I heard is that the idea is problematic because of the horde doesn’t get anything

It apppears to me you are biased , very much so, you are unwilling t admit it, possibly even to yourself - it means something that you would think such a thing let alone write it.

Oh really, then why mention the horde?

@You can’t have four races in one, this is unfair tot he horde@ - is that not what you said? I had to point out to you, it is 1 race, not 4, and you can’t say something is unfair to the horde when what the horde should or should not get is not been discussed.

Is that hard to understand?

Undead forsaken are humans in a conditioned state of undeath, they are humans you are playing as another faction. Night elves and less elves because blood elves are on the horde and are a different race in character craation, they are still elves.

Worgen you play are also humans, tha thave a cursed state. You play this faction as a different race, but they are still humans or human based.

That’s 5 by my count.

It would be a good thing if the alliance races are attractive enough to get some horde players to s witch over wouldn’t it?

Unless you think the factions being more even isn’t a good thing as long as the horde remains clearly superior.

I’ll challenge you. You want me to make suggestions for the horde, but I know I wouldn’t do them justice… why don’t you give it a shot and write what you think would be good.

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So. A lot of people have wanted Ogres (Gods know why, but they have) Now these would be relatively easy to implement, we know sometimes Blizz want to re-use assets q.v Goblins/Vulpera. The model skeleton already exists for Ogres, but they’ll want to scale it up a little (Though not so much they can’t enter some buildings like the Original Tauren at times :smiley: ) They can just use the Kul Tiran model, In bulk and height it would be perfect. Ideally it would be Gorian Empire style Ogres, as frankly the idea of playing a creature too thick to not talk in the third person (especially as an RP character) is not appealing. It would need some workaround, as Ogre Mages have two heads. Reason for being in the Horde? Simples: They already -Are- in the Horde, at least three tribes of them, just not playable.

Now I’ll admit, this is my personal favourite, I have written pages detailing how their culture could work, their hierarchy, racials, mounts, starting zones, even putting a cultural taboo as to how they treat enemy dead and why, but I’ll spare you that. OK, so the model, again, it exists. If you downscale a Tauren model, that’s it, you have a Gnoll model. The changes would just need to be cosmetic, the skeleton is there. We know they are smart enough to have a hierarchy, we know they are able to cooperate with others (As we see from Venture Co mobs, and various Pirate gangs in game. We also know they can be incredibly erudite and are not thickoes (Sayge in Darkmoon Fayre is one example).

Reason for being in the Horde?: The Kingdom of Stormwind is built on Gnoll bones. They were driven from their natural habitat by humans a long time ago… (Areas like Elywnn, Redridge and Westfall were all Gnoll land.) Finally the Gnoll Bonespeakers (Shamans) have come up with a way they can redress this ancient wrong, they have heard that ‘Retribution against your Enemies is the right of all Horde’… Perhaps it is time to pick a side.

Mogu could be interesting, as we have seen from The Rajani that -some- Mogu can actually play well with others. Again, the Skeleton exists, as Mogu use the Draenei Model skeleton. I can see it causing problems with the Huojin Pandaren, but then again perhaps not. They do seem to be able to work with the Rajani Mogu after all.
Reason for Joining the Horde: Trickier. I would say that given the Mogu history of ‘might makes right’ and brutality when needed, they would fit the Horde ethos better than the more ‘refined’ ethos of the Alliance.

I want to say Klaxxi, as an insectile race could be fascinating, but they really just don’t like -anyone-. Also Hozen would be a bloody nightmare, despite a chunk of them already being in the Horde, can you imagine people playing them on an RP realm? Nope nope nope. Ethereals would be interesting, but problematic, not the least when it comes to armour. Possible though…

Quillboar are out, Tauren hate them, likewise Centaur (Even if they were possible)

No, those are the solid three contenders I can think of for the moment, Ogres, Gnolls and Mogu.

As you can see I’ve tried to stick to the more bestial/savage looking races, to offset all those Horde fans who complain about Elves in the Horde (They obviously never read much myth and legend from our world! :stuck_out_tongue: )


Why would Blizzard introduce 2 Worgen races, with hardly any difference…only one has knife ears and the other doesn’t?

Plus, their aren’t Night Elf Female Worgen since the Worgen (Pack Form) came in, when the order was exclusively, male.
Also - that art work of the Worgen - that’s just what we’ve got now. Their is no difference.

Night Elves can be the savage Elves and have a few “pristine” features. Hopefully, Maiev takes over leadership so we can have more “savage.” She’s the only proper night elf left.

Well no - you’d make suggestions and then say, “They can go and live IN THE SWAMP OF SORROWS! HOW EXCITING FOR THE HORDE!”

Now, in response - Quel’Thalas is given to the Alliance at last

Surely you can see how this race is different. And in more ways than most allied races are from their main

  1. The night elf form is different - it isn’t a normal night elf, but one that has animal and plant options - like you can have leaf hair instead of normal hair if you chose, wing like feathered arms, faun feet. You have antlers, options for thorned hands or claws etc

  2. the beast form has options. You may choose to be a worgen (wolf man), cat man (think Saberon or the cat form option), bird man (think Akil’zon or high Arrakoa type) or bear man (Think Naralokkk or druid guardian mage tower form).
    You can only choose one of them. Either at character creation or possibly a short quest where a new Fangfire can choose which wild god family.

There is a caveat, the beastman form you choose will force at least one type of customisation on the night elf form you have to have. If brid m an, you will have feathered arms in the night elf form (can’t opt out), if cat man you will have clawed hands, etc - or at least i’ll do something like that.

Look… it’s not a perfect idea, there are obviously certain things to figure out how best to do it, a developer can hone the concept into something feasible.

But this is aimed at being something mor than the usual run of the mill allied race, the aim is to do something special and really really cool. To attract more people to pay the game and to play the alliance.

I happen to like the horde too. but there are far more of you on these board a lot more passionate than your alliance counterparts. You’d probably criticise overly anything I suggest unless you come up with it. So i’d rather leave you to it.

No, the savage elf can be a part of the night elves, but certainly not the whole.

It is funny how this most often comes up from horde elf fans - like they really don’t want night elves to be magical or gain that portion. Rich, how opinionated they are about what a faction and race they don’t particular play or like and often consider “the enemy” should have. Suspicious. And it is never something flattering or nice looking.

But honey, for people who play elves, magic and beauty are the most attractive things they all want. You can make elves attractive to more than the staple crowd by adding other elements to them in addition to the above. E.g. So the elves can have other aspects, like a savage or wild side, a demon side, an undead side etc in additiong, but these 3 things are a staple to all.

  1. Magic - great useres of magic, arcane magic at the heart, and suually the best at all others, they can have more than one magical specialisation
  2. Nature love. This is common to all elves, also from the night elf origin, and blizzard’s elves at least like the arcane have variations and degrees of this within the elves
  3. Beauty. Aesthetically very pleasing and beautiful is a thing common to all elves too.

These are the 3 staples that characterise any people group having the racial tag “elf” to them, and this is what fans love most about them. It’s rich how you would want your enemy elf group to be void of 2 of the most desired aspects of elfes
I have noticed horde fans wnating night elves never to have arcane or civilization, but quite happyt hat their elves have both forest and cities, beauty and magic, aspects all elf fans love.

what on earth makes you think night elf fans don’t want magic and majesty to their race, when their lore has given them that in great detail? Their race is literally half dark elf, half forest elf, thier main thing is having a duality of those two. And the way they do it is a little bit more unique.

  1. Arcane Magic and civilization: they add star and moon magic, and a night civilization, a greco roman aesthetic to it.
  2. Nature: they add a druidic element of living walkingg plants/trees, with a talking to and brfriending animal twist

however like all other elves, they both have arcane magic users and forest archer/ranger experts. This is something common to all in warcraft. And believe it or not, many of us like both aspects and don’t think night elves should just be your idea of savage.

We want night elves to be badass, fierce and no nonsense like in warcraft 3, this is what most of us mean by savage, we don’t want them to be primitive near animals, feral in nature. That has never been the warcraft night elf.

The druid is based on an intellectual from high civilziation that chooses to leavee humbly in nature because of his admiration for nature. his choice to be humbly clad and live amongst the trees is not because he is savage or feral, but becuse he loves nature deeply and admires his beauty - feeling the fsascination to elf made things doesn’t interest him.

This is an aspect of the race, not the fullness of the race. This is warcraft not DnD, races have several things to them. It’squite fine to like only the druidic aspect, or the dark elf caster aspect or the amazonian female warrior aspects… like humans, and orcs, you have several options to choose from. It’s also okay if certain types are a lot more popular than others. But judging how many people loved the night elf civilization in Suramar, i would say the dark elf and forest elf side are both very popular. Judging also from how loved and cool the Night warrior Elune portrayal in tyrande is received, tehy also like the female priest /warrior side

I like all 3, and i’m sorry, I know or rather have noticed you only want your elves to have magic because that is what you like the most. But surely you see your faction and your favourite race, the blood elves do not have exclusive rights to arcane magic, elves or elven civilization. Night elves have always had this part to them and they have a version of it too.

So - a Night Elf Druid then?

Elune’s Magic.

Only Mage-Arcane study. Whilst the other Elves have done Mage-Arcane study, plus a lot more. Ren’dorei have done so much more than the Shen’dralar could ever dream of. It’s likely why one of their core leaders is a Mage.

Arcane + Void = deadly and powerful combination.

Darnassus also had what you wanted.
It embodied the core heart of the playable night elves.

Nobody cares about a few neutral ghosts or mages, whereby they’ve probably been forgotten by Blizzard anyway.

So what - you don’t like Maiev because she has traits that you don’t like. I do like Maiev - she’s always been my 3rd favorite character.
Many night elf fans also love Maiev with her no nonsense approach and were elated when she returned in BfA.

You need to get it into your head that your not the ultimate night elf fan, that dictates what night elf fans should like. Your just a little man who likes night elves…perhaps…a little overly zealous about night elves, to the point where your making things up.
Madeline Roux (I can’t stand her person), but she’s a night elf fan who doesn’t apparently view them the same as you. Why are you more important than her?

And if you make night elf just savage elves like you probably want, what happens to all those cool other aspects?

  • The epic feel they have with bastions like Black Rook hold
  • Cities like Zin’Azshari, eldre’thalas, Suramar
  • Magical wonders of the kaldorei the moon and the stars
  • The great night/dark elven magi - Highborne and the legendary Moonguard
  • The night civilization and culture side?
  • The temple priests and the stars and moon?

These are all aspects too of night elves that are also loved. And are a nice contrast to

  1. deep forest
  2. Hunters
  3. ruins and rurral living.

No for a race that size, it’s the whole package that counts.

No, a night elf druid is a night elf, and it can change completely into an animal. surely you don’t call a worgen a druid because he has beastman form and a human form… why would you call this a druid too? The transformative nature, emerald dream, wild god theme gives it a druidic connection lore wise , like it is with playable worgen.

But druids? No.

It’s okay to have more than one type of magics. Night elf lore establishes them as having a lot of arcane magic (Elune, highborne, civilization night elves) and nature magic (druids /ancients). It’s part of thier lore, it’s loved, and it’s fine to have this.

In warcraft, all elves have arcane magic, and forest rangers/archers love expertise. They have variations in the units and all have additional expertise in other types of magic, but those two are common in all elves.

it’s woven into the creation of the race. The night elves, from whom all elves come from. Therefore all elves have this. You can’t expect night elves to now lose one of these, because you want it only for your elven groups.

You are always going on about how blood elf arcnae expertise must be represented (even though it is) . You would not appreciate me coming on ad sinsiting blood elves should only be Light magic wielding elves because

  1. The light looks cool and fits their theme well
  2. The light usage is unique amongselves so makes them stand out well … it’s different therefore it should be what they major at
  3. Nightborne and void elves already do the arcane things so blood elves shouldn’t?

how should I respond when you start telling me that the arcane is a core part of the blood elves? And the blood elves had it first?

Darnassus is gone, and it is an old unupdated version of what night elves have. We see the upgraded version of a night elf city in Suramar for 7.0 then Zin’Azshari for Azswhara Warbringer cinematic.

Surely you can’t expect us to want a Darnassus replica after that… Seriously.

Who would see something for ther group that’s far better, and want the older crappier version?

You are a blood elf fan, ofc you don’t care, and I am certainly not “nobody” - how dare you.

I see, when did “this is not all there is to night elves”, “this shouldn’t be the only side or version of night elves” become - I don’t like Maieve because of the traits she has?

Or did yo miss the part when i said. All those things and also said.

You are diong what interrogators call “leading the witness” with taht statement, framing me as if to say something I didn’t. This is manipulative. I’m being honest with you, you’re trying to score points… great!

Many night elf fans also like Tyrande, Azshara, Farondis, Malfurion, and also hate them all as well, and some hate Maiev too.

Many horde fans hate Sylvanas, and many like her too… this is why you have mulitple charactres, they are not made for everyone to love them, , and yo have several so that if you don’t like one you may like another.

You need to stop making thins up about me. I repeatedly tell you, I’m writing about what I like.
I repeatedly mention that people like more than one aspect
It is okay to like the things you like and write about them.

Me expressing my likes doesn’t mean everyone likes them, and it is clear i know this when I mention that people like different aspects which is why it’s good to have multiple aspects to a group to appeal to different people. It’s also okay to like all of them.

Just because I like all of them doesn’t make what I like any less valid than a person who likes only one of them.

You don’t see me knocking any aspect of the night elves. I only criticise poor portrayal of the night elves. I don’t oppose having a forest side, a savage side a civilised side, a magical side, a female side - none of it. Funnily enough, I don’t go opposing any of your topics and suggestions on blood elves too.

I find it very rude and hypocritical how you and some of your friends tend to constantly gang up on alliance fans making suggestions for elves, especially when it relates to the arcane… as if they have no right to want these things or desire these things. Your logic is because the elves you like have them? Yet totally garnering, undermining their responses especially when they show you in this game and it’s lore, their elves also have these things.

As I told you, the reason people love elves is because of the wizard/mage magical fantasy, the forest nature and the beauty. This is why all elf groups have these things. And what warcraft developers did was give various flavours and degrees of these in the different elf groups.

  • They made Thalassians pale skinned, but night elves dark purple
  • Thalassians day focused but night elves nocturnal
  • Moon and stars, night cities to a sun based day one
  • one is pure elven related, the other is very much tied to humans and dwarves

One delves deeply into light magic, the other into forest magic
one is much older and therefore has larger scope - this is fine also, not every thing ahs to be in equal measure - if the story is the high elves come from night elves, then that is what it is, you would expect more in the origin group. This is okay. You shouldn’t feel insecure about that, the lore provides enough for both your race and its themes.

Maybe I suggest things that I like.
More Maiev please.

She’s part of the kaldorei leadership. More of her.

You can suggest anything you like.

But I find it had to trust suggestions from a person quite known for favouring blood elves and knocking night elves to be genuine or honest about what they suggest for a race they seldom play and don’t really care about…

You are exactly the type that call for tree jungle primitve settting type capital for night elves you don’t care about, would praise blizzard for delivering with lip service. You would not be drawn at all to taking kaldorei to heart, meanwhile glad that your rivals (because that is how you view them) didn’t get something nice enough to tempt you.

Meanwhile an unbiased developer would do the oppsosite, he would make the night elves so damn attractive, full of magical beauty and wonder of the best of the race in deed to draw you and attract you to investing it it, liking it and playing gmore. He’d want you to be tempted to switch and populate the alliance more as well as play more warcraft.

he won’t be playing these silly games of giving playable night elves rubbish stuff out of the treasure trove of their lore and racial assets. Quit the opposite.

A dev would always try to make races shine the best, and giving what night elves are supposed to be as the original elves with this nature and arcne duality, thier pre-sundering and long vigil extreme eras and the best of the dark elves and forest elves - they have a lot that can be very attractive and special to use.

As a developer you want to keep pulling out all the stops for the things you do, especially the things that would cause fans to be more interested and play more. IF you need the alliance to be played more seriously you need to make them a very attractive faction, enough for horde players to want to switch and make it their main character home - not the idle curious toons on the other side.

You would ofc do excellent stuff for both hfactions, but you would not be afraid of making the alliance really cool for a while, cool enough to make horde players want to switch.

I am fully aware you really don’t want this. It is why you oppose honest and simple suggestions, and balk at hte idea of night elves getting better in anything youlike. You would even accept improvements, as long as it is managed, not too much, because to you, it can’t be better than blood elves your favourite.

however this is exactly what they need to be, especially for shared races, to attract some of the excess players over.

You’d be foolish to think that changing racials is the problem and would solve the problem. The alliance was hugely popular in classic, and the horde had better racials. THe horde populaiton improved when the image was facelifted. It started by giving the horde things the laliance crowd found attractive, elves, cities, magic, beauty - the premium for elven and alliance fans. Giving hte horde cool stuff, and writing better for the faction, better than the alliance, always in front, more interesting, more focus.

The horde have always had better racials, racial changing might pull osme over, but horde guilds and pvpers have always been at the top, even when the alliance had the vast majority and the game was super competitive .

Anyway, I love to see night elve improve because I quite like the race and what is in game for the playable group could really be made more attractive, besides I like talking about a better tomorrow for the things I like…

It does concern me how behind the alliance are, and I really think cool stuff like a cool kaldorei city, cool developments in game in the lore through the questing etc, even cool new allied races would help make it more attractive.

Fortunately it is easy to see what will do, the things alliance fans like that would draw them back to warcraft, and the things that would tempt some of those horde fans who left the alliance to return and populate it.

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im sorry but i am literally inlove with that idea, the concept the story everything, ur giving me LIFE !

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“You favor Blood Elves!”
Me: Can we see more of Maiev?

What…are you going to tell us that Maiev isn’t a Night Elf.

Did you miss the part where I said she is my 3rd favorite character? Joint 1st in W3 with Kael’thas.

I’m just highlighting all the allied race threads lol, I want more races so badly. The game is so stale right now, please give new races!

So if elves are the real natives of azeroth there are alot yes? Outside of the war?
I’d say sea elves are powerfull. But do they have a reason to join one side?