Alliance/Horde ratio - does it matter?

A follow on from my server choice thread.

Does it matter with sharding, CRZ, phasing e.t.c what the ratio is on a normal server?

For example I’m thinking of joining Doomhammer (New Players tagged) but it apparently has more Alliance than Horde on it, not loads but more so if I choose Horde does it matter in the long run with other realms cross realmed or should I just find a realm with a high Horde percentage.

Thank you again.

The important question is: Does it matter TO YOU?

Doomhammer seems to be 60:40 A:H according to


I have a lonely Horde character out on a small (at least it was; was joined up recently) realm in a minority faction at the edge of nowhere. He’s like my 12th alt. He just does some WQ, some achievements, makes a little gold once or twice per expansion, occasionally looks for some rare mob or pet in his quiet zones. That one doesn’t bother me at all. It would bother me if that was my only character.

Realms that are unbalanced become more unbalanced with time. Nobody wants to join the minority faction on a server, and new players tend to go Alliance, so there is that bias as well.

If you’re just questing with War Mode OFF, it probably won’t matter to you which server you are on. If you want to join a guild to do dungeons and raids, you want as many of your own faction on your realm as possible.

If you want to avoid the big Horde realms, Stormscale used to be quite a decent realm. Heavily Horde, but not so big that it lagged out. I haven’t had any contact with it in years though.

Whatever realm you choose, MAKE A CHARACTER THERE, run to Orgrimmar. Watch Trade Chat in the evenings. Ask some people whether they like the realm. Get your own sense of what it’s like.

Thank you again Gráinne.

I’ve done that so many times over the last few days, done Exiles reach on them all about 20 times now and still haven’t a clue.

They all have pro’s and con’s.

Doomhammer as the “New Players” realm sounds great as I would like to meet new players and make some in game friends and I have none in real life that play BUT I’m concerned that the new players tag will go to a different realm at some point and Doomhammer will decline in numbers.

High to full pop sounds great BUT will it be a lag fest, especially at SL launch, will I have queue’s just to log in and will every rare be camped?

I always play with WM off and will stick to one server - hence why I’m spending way too much time deciding.

You mentioned having alts on Silvermoon and Draenor but not your main, is there any reason you chose not to have your main on a full pop realm?

Thank you again.

I was suckered into a New Players realm when I started.

To be fair, it wasn’t bad. It was a quiet realm, but I didn’t know about much, and I was Alliance, the majority faction. I liked it.

Then Blizzard opened Free Transfers to it from Draenor one time when they were having server problems, and the place went to hell overnight. They do things like that from time to time. Just the overflow from Draenor was enough to screw my friendly little realm up … well, that and CRZ. :cry:

I could transfer, and I would, but I can’t get the name Gráinne on any of the realms I would want to transfer to, and I have 12 characters and a guild to transfer, which is expensive, and then all the other character names as well …

It’s easier nowadays to make a new character wherever you want to be. Especially now they have almost removed levelling compared to what it used to be.

Just 'cos Doomhammer has the New Player tag right now doesn’t mean you’ll meet a lot of New Players there. You don’t really meet people in WoW anymore, apart from your guild or community, and the vast majority of people on Doomhammer are not New Players, and New Players aren’t New for very long anyhow.

I don’t understand your fixation on Rares. Yes, Rares in the world are a thing, but not a big enough thing to get determine your realm choice. There are only two or three notable mounts that drop from rare Rares. (And a lot of Rares are actually Commons :smiley: ) If you really want to go hardcore on Rares, just make a second character on the loneliest server you can find, something like a German RP realm, specifically for that - but I don’t see why you would think of Rares as that important.

Rares is just one of those things that make the game interesting to me.

I don’t camp them but I love coming accross them while out questing and despise seeing people camping them be it for mounts, hunter pets, toys, transmog e.t.c - it’s not make or break on deciding on a realm but it’s is important to me.

Am I right that reading between the lines your suggesting I should choose a high/full pop realm?

Thank you once more.

If you’re playing alone, and that’s the way you want it, no I’m not.

If you’re playing alone, without War Mode, almost single player, it in one sense doesn’t really matter much which you choose. It still makes sense to be in an overwhelming majority of your faction, though. Characters of the other faction do you exactly zero good … actually, they do you only harm: they take your resources, and tag your mobs, even though you can’t play with them.

I am suggesting you should never, never, never roll on a realm that is less than 70% - at a bare minimum - occupied by your faction, unless you have a compelling reason. I recall one returning player here who was looking for a high-pop Alliance PvP realm becaause he wanted to go Horde in a target-rich environment! :rofl:

I would never roll Doomhammer Horde with the realm ratio as it is today. Never. I just wouldn’t consider it for a second. I definitely wouldn’t go Burning Legion or Twisting Nether or Drak’thul, because I hear these have unofficial colonies for a lot of non-English speakers. If you don’t want the big realms, which is a sane choice, that kind of leaves Stormscale.

If you wanted a very middle-of-the road balanced server, with no competitive scene, and life for both Ally and Horde characters, Chamber of Aspects or Magtheridon are possible … but I would still never advise anyone to roll on a balanced-ish server.

I know I can’t be of any help in making up your mind. I can tell you only what I know.

That is pretty much exactly what I wanted to know. I don’t know realm reputations and was actually considering Twisting Nether. Currently I’m leaning towards Tarren Mill/Dentarg as it’s big but not ridiculous but I will look at Stormscale.

Somthing just occured to me, only 1 of the top 10 Horde realms was origianlly PvE, the other 9 were either PvP or RP-PvP (Including Stormscale), do you think that makes a difference with warmode being on, I don’t want to roll on a previous PvP realm to find most are in the WM On instance.

Thank you so much.

Tarren Mill is a famously tryhard/competitive realm. The previous World First guild, Method, were there, and the core has now re-formed there as Echo. Very heavy raiding and boosting scene. This doesn’t have to affect you, if you ignore it, but you should be aware.

For as long as I’ve been playing, and longer, people who wanted to PvP, especially world PvP, have gone majority Horde. I guess it’s someting about the “bad guy” vibe. So most PvP realms were Horde.

“I don’t want to roll on a previous PvP realm to find most are in the WM On instance.” Why not? Their guilds still exist whether WM is on or off. The AH gets the stock either way. If anything, I would expect this to be a benefit to you, in terms of availability of mobs and rares.

Looks like it’s Stormscale.

Thank you so much for all your help Gráinne.

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