Allied race suggestion: Man'ari Eredar

He is right tho, the current eredar are full fledged demons. Its you who tries to twist lore to get what you want.

Not that i expected much from someone named sword art tho

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Demons, Nagas, Elmentals, Etherials, Vrykuls, who cares.
The “they are evil” is not a valid argument to say no to a specific content.
New stories are constantly created in order to justify some content.

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Deceived? They willingly said yes…

Demons were before they have met Sargeras btw …
Hell i have in class hall as you all say demon working with me so s… with your nonsense.

But Man’ari Eredar only transformed into Demons after Sargeras :wink:

Hey but void elves too got transformed by bad guy soooo :stuck_out_tongue:
and now they are with alliance :stuck_out_tongue:

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