Allied Race : The Damned

The Damned : An Allied race made from humans that joined the cult of the damned, they are skinny maniac humans who followed the lich king’s promises of great power and immortality, traitors to their own kin and hunted across the land after the Fall of the Lich King, the cult went in hiding, and successfully resurrected their master Kel’Thuzad, they are neither alive nor undead, they are something inbetween, with his ever lasting love for knowledge KT and knowing that he cannot achieve his goal alone, KT decided to throw his lot with some one who shares his goals, Warchief Sylvannas Windrunner, to create a solution to death and grant immortality and ever lasting life to those they hold dear.

Looks :-

The Damned are very skinny, pale and usually bear dark runes and markings

The allied race name is derived from the famous, the damned stand ready from Warcraft 3 and Hearthstone.

Traits :

Hysterical Cultist : spells and attacks occur 2% faster

Sacrificial Ritual : Sacrifice 5-10% hp to create a 10-20% absorb shield.

Apothecary : Effect of potions and flasks increased by 5%

Crazed : movespeed increased by 3%

Damned : while dead, become a ghost that moves faster

Occultist : when you die, your corpse is risen as a mindless undead that will automatically attack anything nearby, can be turned off. ( should be really weak though )

Crazy Experiment : Every day, conduct an experiment at the lab with various resuls, experiment results can only be used in the outside world

Crazy experiment is a fun mini game where you choose a test subject and apply various potions and flasks to it, buffing and debuffing it for a 20 second window.

You can choose from various test subjects, and the results can be minions, a big minion, a poison taken from the subject blood, a potion, etc etc, all enhanced/diluted with how well you did in the mini-game.

Racial mount :-

Ofcourse cool undead horses!


Because bringing in the San’layn didn’t scream Scourge 2.0 enough?

Because if we can’t have emo elves we’ll settle with emo humans!

I don’t think the idea of scourge 2.0 applies here.

If you follow Kel’thuzads lore, he was just a guy who wanted to explore the dark arts to use them for the benefit of his loved ones, it’s quite an cliché story were the good guy delves in the dark to save the ones he loves and gets corrupted, but in KT’s case, he was basically forced after reaching the point of no return.

You could say he was EXACTLY like Kil’jaeden who firmly believed that if we don’t join them they will kill us and use us anyway, shown in his story where he teleports out of naxxramas only to be followed and threatened by the shades.

I don’t remember any of that from his short story. He was experimenting with dark magic in dalaran and got caught out and punished.

Nah, KT was loyal to arthas, unlike sylvanas and some others he single handedly served arthas/lich king, would be another butcher of lore to get him with sylvanas now, more chance to see him in alliance tbh.

San’layn it’s much better… :confused:

Erm… points at Void Elves

Ftfy friend :slight_smile:

Sorry, what? D:

Edit: Oh right. Slow bonks own noggin

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Look you guys love the boy king, being all nice and dandy, so let’s make a deal, We’ll give you the vulpera, sethrak, saberon and as an extra will throw in baine and the tauren that follow him, but we get to keep the emo humans.

Give Horde Vulpera and you can have whatever you want. :heart_eyes:

I would rather have them as a hero class. Let’s call it something original, like “necromancer”.


this is how i left horde back in the days

As much as I want necromancer to be a thing, in a game were necromancy was one of the extremely huge arcs in it, I think at this point it’s too late.

Blizzard needs to take a step back with all this spit fire injection of classes.

They need to pause, look at the current classes, look very very very deep at the current classes, then make a huge survey and talk the veterans of each class/spec, then build up their opinion on it, and then reinvent every class as something new, some may gain specs, some may lose specs, some may have specs changed into something entirely new but most importantly, they’ll get us out of this design hell and unfun sequence we’ve been put into.

Back into the topic, do you think " The Damned " race could be a neutral race? if you think about it, some may side with the horde because they don’t want the alliance and horde allows them more freedom that fits their agendas.

While others would " redeem " themselves to their brethren and change their ways.

It would be cool if an allied race was neutral!

Why cant we have San’layn, they make perfect sense after the war campaign, and in the recent q&a Blizzard did state that they are seeing fan feedback for what they like after the bfa launch, and thats when the whole San’layn, Vulpera, Sethrak thing started

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Sounds Grimly Fiendish to me…

I love San’layn idea, I also made a thread about it and linked a video from some very talented artists who showcased what San’layn could be which was VERY cool to see.

But, unfortunately the NO ELVS brigade spawned and were crying rivers, also it is true 4 elven races is a lot, so we might need to give some love to other races before thinking of more elves, and since I already did a topic about San’layn, making a new one is kind of a (repost?) lame? I dunno.

But thats just cries about more elves its fine if it makes sense San’layn are visually different Nightborne are amazing but so badly executed in the game, Void Elf is like a fart that came out of nowhere.

And about your Damned idea even tho things in HoTS isnt canon Sylvanas does say “The Queen of The Damned” which is a refrencing* to the movie, the same way her dance is a reference to Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice

Each allied race got a recolor/reskin of existing races except Kultirans.

2 orcs
2blood elf
2night elf

Come to think of it Dwarves and Gnomes are humans but different sizes , the current Undead are fallen humans raised. If each existing race which shows has a counterpart to the new Allied races ofc the Forsaken will bring in something like San’layn or anything else but the most requested are San’layn


Lo and behold the almightiness of weekend.