Allied races are getting ripped off with customisation

Already good customisation? have you seen nightborne? and draenei have 3 colours and like 5 hair styles, just give them the tail options at least

I find it fair enough. Allied races are basically race customisations in themselves, updating the originals is a much needed thing. I’d have preferred the allied race to actually have been customisations all along but alas. Much like how we had to wait several expansions for new Goblin and Worgen, likely we will have to wait for new AR customisations.

Cries in Highmountain Tauren/LF Draenei/Nightborne.

You may need to double check what you are pulling out of your behind first.


It went way beyond par though
The allied races now pail in comparison

Why would I roll a mechagnome with such limited options compared to a normal gnome which has so much to chose from?


Cries in Nightborne


Have faith, If I recall correctly Blizzard said they wanted to update the core races first, as said already they are the most outdated currently.
They will put more work in to the Allied races too, look at the extra options they added to the Void Elves- it means more is to come, I’m sure Blizzard is perfectly aware how lacking foremost the Nightborne, Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren are, it’s hard not to notice.

Also they already put some work in to some of the other AR already;
Mag’Har received the eye options and several options from the Orc race.
Vulpera received the eye options.
So did the Kul’Tiran I thought.
The Zandalari received some new eyecolors.

Those are just the start of it, I’m fairly sure - Remember ; Customization options are actually stated as one of the selling points for Shadowlands.

I honestly hope we’ll get some updates for AR at a later date

Me too, half my max levels are AR and I wanna make a Dark Iron and Kul Tiran but… they have so little stuff now!

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Allied races would look so cool with a little extra customizations

Mainly, I would love it if Vulpera got some Blue fur/skin color. Like the Blue foxes in wow.

Nightborne need work as well.

Dark Iron looks great though but with the new customization options for regular dwarves so you can look like any dwarf clan they make a bit less sense as an AR.

Really you call Nightbourne good with the amount of threads about them and lack of options ?

I do not think thats helpful to the OP at all .

NB could do with a complete rework in all fairness OP but as has been said AR will hopefully get some love sooner rather than later during SL .

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