Allied Races don't appear in character creation screen

Mine too, I have no idea how to fix it!

Me also, I just unlocked zandalari and cant create a character.

Any news on this?

Nothing, i tried many things but it seems the problem is in the server and not in the client. We need some dev to look into this

Then I hope you have reported it properly.

Hey everyone,

Thanks for the reports and apologies for any frustration this causes. The issue is currently under investigation.

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I believe I know the solution. You were a starters account and upon entering WoW - You were selected a server by default and thus you journey was “supposed” to begin.

You might have switched server, or otherwise forgotten a character on the first server you logged into, since it always chooses a new player server for you.

You exit newcomer status when you hit lvl 20, but according to the game… You never did.

I am level 50 and am still stuck in this whole bloody mess

Any update on this yet?

Me and my brother are quite furious at this point, because we spend a good 40 hours to get the allied race before the launch, just to find out we cannot use it, after that frustration, we went and used the boost a BE so we can just go play shadowlands.

Well the knife goes deeper, you know how to fix the sub races and make them appear?

YOU HAVE TO USE THE BOOST ON A NON ALLIED RACE! Yes your level 50 boost is what is blocking you from seeing the sub races, thanks a lot, not like we wanted that 50 boost on an allied race.

Yes, after you use a boost, on a random char you don’t want, you get the option to make a allied race. This is a joke, my brother just spend 70 bucks for what a char he could not boost, I would like for him to either receive another 50 boost or have a race change option. This is discounting the amount of broken content there was in legion (Example bridges rotated on it’s axis in the intro to legion, because the developers forgot to change them back after most likely developing the Jaina raid).

Sorry, but this is a pretty horrible experience to come back to after 3-5 years.

no the character boost isnt blocking allied races at all as i dont have a boost on my account and i have this problem the problem is with something else, DO NOT USE YOUR BOOST IF YOU HAVE ONE TO FIX THIS PROBLEM.

A lot of suggestions on the us forum that the issue is linked to newcomer mode.
They think that once you leave newcomer mode the allied races will appear. Thing is I don’t know how to leave newcomer mode. I don’t have any characters under level 20, my account was created in 2004, however it has been inactive through BFA.
I tried leaving newcomer chat manually but that is not allowed.

Edit. Also worth noting i don’t have a character boost.

Can we get an update on why we are not able to log on to Kazzak please.

When will Kazzak be working ? Cant play…

Check Kazzak server. We cant even choose the character

Still have this problem. Purchased Shadowlands and resubbed but I can’t even create the allied race I want. Truly awful and you’re not even keeping everyone updated on what and how you’re fixing this. Just some dismissive post on the forum with no ETA. Get your act together.

what the hell is going on with transfer aborts/ world server is down??? Haven’t complete a SINGLE quest

So after days of trying I popped on an old DK and got it to 50. As soon as I dinged I got the message that I had left newcomer chat. I logged out and I could create allied races.
Seems silly you can unlock thrm on a “new” account but can’t create thrm.

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Thanks for this. Others have said they have 50s and still have the problem but I’ll try and see if it helps me as well.

I levelled a character to 50 (and onwards) but was still stuck. However, as soon as I had a total of 30 hours played time on said character, I graduated from “Newcomer chat” and instantly could see the allied races in character creation.

So if all else fails, 30 hours /played time on a character seems to solve this issue.

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