Allied races-Easiest & Hardest to unlock

Soon with no need for reputation.
Which Allied race are the fastest quest-chain and easiest to unlock?
And which are the hardest and takes most time?

i cant recall any of the quests being particularly hard or lenghty.

you can look through the quests here yourself:

Imma say mechagnome is gonna be the hardest… like that’s gonna be horrible getting through

As in the quests and achievements you need to unlock em

Well im doing the one for Nightborne now and for me it is a neverending story!


Aren’t they removing the allied race unlock requirements in SL? Or do I recall it wrong?

the reputation requirements, yes, but not the story requirements.

I dropped it halfway trough awful character customisation options awful racials and never-ending storyline of old content to unlock.

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Highmountain Tauren you can do the quest line while leveling an alt in Highmountain, which is convenient and the zone is pretty good to level in and it doesn’t take long.

Similarly, Vulpera you can unlock by also doing the quest line in Voldun while leveling an alt for extra efficiency.

Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei have pretty much the same requirement and you can unlock both at the same time, and the quest line is very short in comparison to others. But, unlike Voldun and Highmountain, which are leveling zones, Argus i believe isn’t one, which means you need to go a little bit out of your way to unlock these Allied Races.

In a similar manner, Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs require you to do the Alliance and Horde War Campaigns respectively, they take more time to do and in my opinion are super boring to do and with terrible lore tied to them, at least the Argus story-line is cool.

Talking about lore, the Nightborne requires you to do quests for the Insurrection achievement, doing these back in Legion is one of the most memorable things i’ve did, i loved every second of it, i remember most characters from it. You even get a mount in the end of it. It takes some time tho, because i believe you have to get this achievement before starting insurrection

Kul’Tirans and Zandalari Trolls require you to complete achievements for the entire continents of Kul’Tiras and Zandalar,
and if you have noticed, the Vulpera achievement is just a part of the Zandalar Forever. Part of these are tied to leveling zones so i guess that makes it a little bit easier and more convenient.

Mechagnomes are actually pretty easy to unlock because the Mechagonian Treat achievement is just doing the introduction quest line to Mechagon.

For me, i would list this way, from easiest to hardest:

Highmountain Tauren and Vulpera. I’ve put those as the easiest because you don’t need to go out of your way to get them, whenever you need to level an alt you can grab these if you want.

Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei.


Nightborne, takes a while but it’s super fun to do, at least in my opinion.

Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs, i would say the war campaigns are shorter than the Nightborne questline, but the fact these are so boring and uninteresting makes it feels like an eternity.

Zandalari Trolls and Kul’Tiran Humans, three full zones of quests and more after. And i don’t think Fat Humans are worth the effort.


Better than nothing I guess, I’d suggest OP start unlocking the allied races when the SL launches. Tbh, if it was me I’d make it like this from the start, so no tedious rep grinds but there is a story for each race so it’s interesting, instead of races get unlocked instantly.

But they like those time gates obviously.

I think any requirement is silly once we have moved on. Should be once a new expansion is out the allied races of the previous expansion are automatically unlocked.

Never ending story but I think the best storyline, if you actually read the quests.


The last part of the Mechagonian Threat is to kill King Mechagon, which is easilly done in heroic.

Though yes, I agree that unlocking Nightborne is the most convoluted Allied Race. But its worth it for the story alone.

After prepatch it will most likely be the Zandalari and Kul Tirans, as you’ll still have to do all the Zandalar/KT storylines and several dungeons.

Id say not before SL launch, which removes the BFA dungeons from being queueable once hitting 51, as have been the case with the first higher level past the old cap in new expansions.

Yeah, but even if we exclude the dungeons we’re still talking three major storylines per continent. That takes a lot more time than the Nightborne questline.

Yes, that I wholly agree with. Quite a lot compared to the other sets.

Though Vulpera needs the Secrets in the Sands ach for completing Voldun. Whereas it will be lightning fast for Mechagnomes.

I can’t wait to play a Vulpera!

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