Allied Races should be Neutral 🤣

Personally I don’t like the whole concept of neutral factions. They are awful. I personally prefer clear cut factions and races. So far any variation of the other faction’s race have been different enough that you wouldn’t mistake them. Like there is a clear difference between a Void Elf and a Blood Elf, or a Nightborne and a Night Elf for example.

Thanks, I really must’ve been asleep if any of this was in game.

Not that I have a horse in this race but if the horde and alliance can bury the hatchet once an expansion to fight the greater evil I feel like burning some caravans wouldn’t really be the straw the broke the camels back as far as faction allegiance is concerned.

Though I suppose at the very least I can’t get teabagged by a vulpera if I stick to my horde 100% of the time from now on.

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Yeah one is French.


I would would kill to have the DID as a neutral! They’re so fricken badass and have great racials.

That being said, the Vulpera can’t join the Alliance.

Some should, other’s can’t be neutral because of lore…
Offcourse you can rewrite the lore… or add a reason…

But the reason you just offers goes for all races, why can’ they choose their own alliance (i know some Tauren) where they feel happy and at home? Or even choose to become neutral (3rd faction)

Luckilly the bickering will be over for 2 years during shadowlands where it seems horde/alliance might not be an issue

Typical human greed… Ashvane is dead but she was not the only one who is not found of people in power~ Ashvane House and Ashvane Trading Company is still hostile/neutral with Alliance. There are also pirates and when we will add normal humans to the list then we have Defias Brotherhood, Sindicate and whatever else.

As you said they can write whatever they want :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Using people for personnal gains =/= wanting to join these people.

There is far too much bad blood between Kul Tiras and the Horde for any Kul Tiran to join it, the sac of Kul Tiras in WC2, the death of Daelin, Brennadam.

Neutral races won’t be happening again though, Blizzard considers the concept a mistake but obviously aren’t going to change the pandaren. So at best we’ll be getting almost-but-not-quite races as far as “faction swap” races go (like void elves) and anything else will depend on the lore they write for the recruitment quest lines.

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YES YES YES! I dont care about the rest, but this one yes!!


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Allied races vs the world


Ragnaros is cool and all but i like more the path that Cho’Gall laid before us the plan where we watch the whole universe burn in fire and shadow.

I’d rather just dissolve the factions then. They’re pointless anyway.


Out of all of those listed, the only ones that I would say “could” be divided in to a split faction would be the Nightborne traitor elves and the Vulpera. All of the others would be non-nonsensical and ruin lore.

What lore. There’s nothing left.

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lol not wrong there mate

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Denied !!!

Why would any Vulpera want to join a faction that burns their homes and belongings on regular basis?

They get good money from the insurance? :thinking: