Allied Races should be Neutral 🤣

Imagine this…

  • Pandarens are moved to AR tab

  • Maghars are getting lightbound appearance quest and can join either faction.

  • Zandalari are getting Rezan back thanks to Alliance and can pick faction thanks to that.

  • Kultirans have Ashvane supporters that could pick Horde.

  • Void Elves are negotiating return to Belf society.

  • Dark Irons that dont support Moira could join Horde.

  • Vulpera are getting whatever quest to be neutral.

  • All other were neutral since start: Nightborne, Highmountain, Mechagnome, Lightforged Draenei.


sounds good xDDDDD

(i dont actually have an opinion on this, i just wanted to eeks dee as hard as possible)

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Zandalari can never join the Alliance for obvious reasons, Talanji being in the Stormwind Stockades when she was on her way to Orgrimmar, and Rastakhan . Also Rezan dying was because of Zul , the Alliance can not do anything about it.

But I agree Nightborne should have been neutral or even the first 4

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Vulpera should definitely be neutral or at the very least part of the alliance. Same with pandaren.

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Ya mon been talkin like de Rezan means somthink for de rest of de Zanadalari. He was important’ just for de Priests and for de Prelates. You be ressin him be for nothin’.

We be never’ forge’ what de alliance dogs’ did to de Zandalari. We be not fogettin’ Rastakhan! And I swear, ya undead alliance spy, we will be Revengin’ soon!

For de Zandala!

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Thats perfect :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They are supposed to be Neutral~ if few of them that were made out of Priests and Prelates would move to Alliance then it would be enough :ok_hand:

Rezan is not even necessary~ they could search for powers to get “light” back and join the church :rofl:

De REZAN died from de Zul and de Yazma. You be not knowin’ anything mon.

How do you kill that which has no life?

most would work, exept void elfs and zandalari, also dark iron is questionable, becuse they aint that fond of the horde, and those who do not like Moiras rule, are more intrested in getting Ragnaros back.

With blizzard’s storytelling everything is possible.

However yes, ARs could’ve been neutral without any damage to the story.

Most of them would work as neutral and would have helped prevent some of the cries of bias and unfairness if both factions had access to them. But the whole point of allied races was that we were going to war with each other and needed allies… Although the war lasted for barely more than half the expansion, so that argument seems a bit ridiculous!


I am sure any Kul Tiran would be thrilled to join the Horde after Brennadam.

Ashvane was plotting with Sylvanas after Brennadam.

Sylvanas who buckled out of the Horde mid expansion, Ashvane was just power hungry and didn’t care for the Horde. It’s like saying Zandalari Following Zul could have joined the Alliance.

The Alliance weren’t exactly kind to them.

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That was a real ‘f*** you!’ to the Zandalari. Anduin just stuck royalty in the regular dungeons along with Hogger!
Pretty sure the trolls would never join the Alliance.

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I kinda actually agree with this.

I must’ve been asleep, I played through the alliance campaign 3 days ago lol. I only remember alliance butchering snakebois and then did a 180 when some guy decided to help Vorrik.

Anyway, I was half joking, now that the horde is about to be 50% blood elf, 50% vulpera I need some way to cope.

This thread on AD is quite good:-

Howdy folks!

I figured I’d do a lil thread on Vulperan lore today, and a reason why the Vulpera will not be neutral, or Alliance.

Vulpera won’t go Alliance due to the fact the Alliance attacked them for transporting goods to the Horde - that’s an undeniable fact. Yeah, okay, they don’t ‘purge’ them, but they still attack them and attack their caravans, setting them on fire and such.

Nisha talking about how the Alliance are no better than the sethrak, who enslave them, and how the Alliance will pay:
Nisha saying that the Alliance are attacking the vulpera:
Nisha saying the Alliance will ‘die like the sethrak’:
Finally, the Vulpera thanking the Horde:

Not to mention the Horde have quested with them, freed many of them from Sethrak slavery, and have a reputation with them.

So, sadly, the Alliance and the Vulpera are not friends in the slightest. Therefore the Vulpera will be joining the Horde. Nisha is defacto their racial leader, alongside Kiro.

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The alliance burned the vulperz caravans in the assault on vol’dun. Too late to be neutral

Can’t see why they would. The thorium Brotherhood is neutral and would be a much better option

Why would these light fanatics join the horde tho ? It doesn’t really have any to offer for them and they would betray turralyon, which was their leader for thousands of years iirc.